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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Public Income and Expenditure on Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment


Public Expenditure on Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment 2000-2013€m

Capital expenditure on water supply and waste water treatment peaked in 2008

Figure 1:  Expenditure on Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment 2000-2013
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Capital expenditure on water supply and waste water treatment peaked in 2008 at €973 million. This was considerably above the 2013 figure of €411 million. In contrast, operational expenditure rose from €292 million in 2000 to €780 million in 2008 and €816 million in 2013 (see Headline table). In the period 2000-2013 the three lowest capital expenditure figures were recorded in 2011-2013. In contrast, operational expenditure on water supply and waste water treatment has increased in almost every year since 2000, resulting in operational expenditure exceeding capital expenditure in 2009 and all subsequent years.

Capital expenditure as a proportion of total expenditure decreased from 64% in 2000 to 56% in 2008 and to 34% in 2013 (see Table 1A). The decrease in capital expenditure occurred for both water supply and for waste water treatment (see Table 1C).

In comparison with expenditure, capital income varied from 78% of total income in 2000 to 50% in 2013 reflecting a decrease in income from State grants (see Tables 2A and 2C). Figure 2 compares total expenditure with total income over the period 2000-2013. Expenditure exceeded income in all years but particularly in 2007 and 2008 with the gap widening again in 2013.

Table 3A provides data on expenditure on water supply and waste water treatment by local authority. The greater Dublin area accounted for 29% of total expenditure in 2013: Dublin City accounted for 15%; Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown for 4%; Fingal for 7%; and South Dublin for 3%. Outside of the greater Dublin region, Cork County was next highest in 2013 at almost €100 million (8%) followed by Kildare at €66 million (5%). The lowest level of expenditure in 2013 was in Leitrim at almost €11 million (1%) followed by Galway City at €15 million and Carlow at €16 million. Tables 3B and 3C show the allocation of operational and capital expenditure by local authority for the period 2000-2013. For capital expenditure, most local authorities peaked during 2006-2009. However, Cork City (2001-2003), Dublin City (2001), Galway City (2001) and Limerick (2002) all peaked earlier.

Tables 7.1 to 7.31 provide data for 2000-2013 for each local authority. The tables show operational, capital, and total income and expenditure. Tables 8.1 to 8.88 show the same data but at a more detailed level of 88 local authorities. These tables show individual county, city, borough and town councils. This more detailed geographical information is more relevant for analysis of water quality in comparison with operational and capital expenditure.