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Population Totals

Population Totals

This section presents data on population estimates of children and young people in Ireland including data on children and young people with citizenship of countries other than Ireland.

For the purpose of this section the population concept of usual residence has been used, i.e. all people usually resident and present in the State on census night plus absent people who are usually resident in Ireland but are temporarily away from home and outside the State on census night. All people are classified according to their region of usual residence.

The reference period for the population estimates is the end of April of each year. The migration flows (those leaving the State combined with those entering the State) are in respect of the 12 months to the of end April, while the births and deaths are for the 12 months ending quarter one of the reference year.

Population estimates for Ireland of children and young people aged 24 and under
Population estimates for Ireland of children and young people aged 24 and under
Estimated population (in thousand's) for Ireland of people aged under 25 years
Estimated population (in thousand's) for Ireland of people aged under 25 years
Number of children and young people with citizenship of countries other than the EU, EFTA or EU candidate countries
Number of children and young people with citizenship of countries other than the EU, EFTA or EU candidate countries
Number of foreign national children (aged 0-17 years) in Ireland by administrative county
Number of foreign national children (aged 0-17 years) in Ireland by administrative county