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Preliminary GDP Estimate Quarter 2 2023

Early estimates indicate that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 3.3% in Quarter 2 2023

CSO statistical release, , 11am
A CSO Frontier Series Output

This publication is categorised as a CSO Frontier Series Output. Particular care must be taken when interpreting the statistics in this release as it may use new methods which are under development and/or data sources which may be incomplete, for example new administrative data sources.

Key Findings

  • Early estimates indicate that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by an estimated 3.3% in Quarter 2 (Q2) 2023, when compared with Q1 2023.

  • The result was driven mainly by increases in the multinational dominated sectors in Q2 2023.

  • Using the early estimate for Q2 2023, GDP is estimated to have increased by 2.7% when compared with the same quarter in 2022.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (28 July 2023) published its latest Preliminary GDP Estimate for Quarter 2 (Q2) 2023. This is a Frontier Series publication and care must be taken when interpreting these results as methodologies may change and data sources may be incomplete.

These preliminary results are subject to revisions in the Quarterly National Accounts (QNA), which will be published with results for Q2 2023 in early September when additional data sources are available to the CSO, and will be further updated following the release of the Annual National Accounts for 2023.

Commenting on the release, Jennifer Grimes, Statistician in the National Accounts Data Collection and Quality Division, said: “In today’s release, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated to have risen by 3.3% in Q2 2023 in volume terms when compared with Q1 2023, driven by increases in the multinational dominated sectors (the Industry and Information & Communication sectors) in Q2 2023. GDP is estimated to have increased by 2.7% when compared with the same quarter of 2022.

These preliminary estimates are based on forecasting and data sources that are limited in scope compared with those used for compiling GDP in the CSO’s Quarterly National Accounts (QNA). The data sources include information from the CSO Large Cases Unit, Retail Sales, Administrative Payroll Data and other indicators of activity (see Background Notes for more details on these estimates and the methodology used to calculate the preliminary results).” 

Tables and Graphs

Qtr on Qtr
Q1 20203.13151618526168
Q2 2020-5.74527952607431
Q3 202012.0003034492199
Q4 2020-4.17135239774462
Q1 202110.5294557763816
Q2 20212.64218064807731
Q3 20212.57549133349395
Q4 2021-1.75315414228487
Q1 20225.63235162119149
Q2 20222.50046017311194
Q3 20222.42947526594266
Q4 2022-0.0493263038488845
Q1 2023-2.79065028095714
Q2 20233.26302604857501
Year on Year
Q1 20208.34480477826298
Q2 20201.97893730279866
Q3 202011.349108883504
Q4 20204.6438009805559
Q1 202112.7635241350686
Q2 202121.7238568791761
Q3 202112.3819321085529
Q4 202114.2943996635208
Q1 20228.78424678474925
Q2 20229.29517122113872
Q3 20229.3668932265518
Q4 202210.2380172143229
Q1 20232.19520378672515
Q2 20232.6913175323
Table 1 Gross Domestic Product at Constant Market Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021) - Seasonally Adjusted

Table 2 Gross Domestic Product at Constant Market Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021) - Non-Seasonally Adjusted

Preliminary GDP estimate for the EU and euro area can be accessed using the following link Eurostat Preliminary GDP Estimates for Q2 2023.