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E-mail: Olive Loughnane +353 21 453 5281
For general information on CSO statistics: (+353) 21 453 5000 On-line ISSN 2009-6380
CSO statistical release, , 11am

Statistics of Port Traffic

Quarter 4 and Year 2019

Tonnage of goods handled by main Irish ports, Quarter 4 and Year 2018-2019
       '000 tonnes
 Quarter 4 (main Irish ports) Annual (all Irish ports)
Category of goods20182019% Change 20182019% Change
Liquid bulk3,0003,0592.0% 12,17111,736-3.6%
Dry bulk4,1053,544-13.7% 17,75415,633-11.9%
Lift-on/lift-off1,8991,9573.1% 7,6298,0095.0%
Roll-on/roll-off4,0453,992-1.3% 16,03716,1830.9%
Break bulk & other goods2422503.3% 1,4961,68012.3%
Total13,29012,804-3.7% 55,08653,240-3.4%

Main Irish ports handled 12.8 million tonnes of goods in Quarter 4 2019

Statistics of port traffic Figure 1 – Tonnage of goods handled
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Irish ports handled 53.2 million tonnes of goods in 2019. This represented a decrease of 3.4% compared with 2018. Goods forwarded from Irish ports amounted to 17.8 million tonnes in 2019, while a total of 35.4 million tonnes of goods were received. See table 2A.

More than 2.6 million passengers passed through Irish ports in 2019. Dublin – Holyhead was the most popular route with a total of 1.7 million passengers.

Cruise ships visited 8 Irish ports in 2019. Dublin and Cork ports accounted for the vast majority of cruise passengers with 53.0% and 39.1% respectively disembarking at these ports. The two ports combined accounted for 81.9% of the total of 315 cruise ships that visited Ireland last year See table 7

 The results also show that:

  • The number of vessels arriving in Irish ports in 2019 decreased by 312 (-2.4%), while the gross tonnage of all arriving vessels rose by 5.4% to 278.8 million tonnes. See table 1A.
  • Great Britain & Northern Ireland accounted for two fifths (40.0%) of the total tonnage of goods handled in Irish ports by region of trade in 2019, and other EU countries accounted for 36.6%. See table 5A.
  • Of the total weight of goods handled in 2019, roll-on/roll-off accounted for 30.4%, dry bulk 29.4%, liquid bulk 22.0%, lift-on/lift-off 15.0% and break bulk 3.1%.
  • The number of vessels arriving during Quarter 4 2019 in the seven main Irish ports decreased by 62 (-2.1%) compared to the same period in 2018. The gross tonnage of all arriving vessels rose by 5.0% to 65,581 thousand tonnes. See table 1.
  • Great Britain & Northern Ireland accounted for 40.9% of the total tonnage of goods handled in the main ports by region of trade in Q4 2019, and other EU countries accounted for one third of trade (37.3%). See table 5.
  • Dublin port accounted for almost two thirds (63.0%) of all vessel arrivals in Irish ports and over half (51.1%) of the total tonnage of goods handled in Q4 2019. See tables 1 and 5.
  • Irish ports handled 451 thousand passengers in Q4 2019, a marginal decrease of 0.4% compared with the same period in 2018. In the fourth quarter of 2019, Dublin port accounted for 76.1% of all passenger journeys. See table 6.
Table 1: Number of arrivals and gross tonnage of vessels, Quarter 4 2017-2019
PortQ4 2017 Q4 2018 Q4 2019
NumberGross tonnage '000 NumberGross tonnage '000 NumberGross tonnage '000
Bantry Bay5188 3102 4202
Cork2963,504 3615,057 3324,719
Drogheda119322 110312 143405
Dublin1,85142,056 1,86244,186 1,82248,068
Rosslare4278,374 38310,508 36110,041
Shannon Foynes1161,759 1191,638 1151,451
Waterford99531 117649 116695
Total2,91356,734 2,95562,452 2,89365,581
Table 1A: Number of arrivals and gross tonnage of vessels, 2015 - 2019
Port2015 2016 2017 20182019
NumberGross tonnage '000 NumberGross tonnage '000 NumberGross tonnage '000 NumberGross tonnage '000NumberGross tonnage '000
Arklow-- -- 13 ----
Bantry Bay29974 9235 23819 2480030976
Castletownbere1542 1443 1641 19522152
Cork1,17418,787 1,12018,102 1,26318,362 1,48724,3601,45924,868
Drogheda384980 379995 3921,062 4461,2094661,293
Dublin7,106164,806 7,665171,539 7,713175,848 7,860178,7357,806195,868
Dundalk4289 3680 3676 5412245104
Dun Laoghaire8553 8292 767 3306149
Galway160602 170603 176717 180856155801
Greenore118735 131682 129823 1431,0541321,087
Killybegs56588 53465 23380 3070436696
Kilrush-- -- -- ----
Kinsale717 1129 513 1540922
New Ross94239 94228 115193 130173124309
Rosslare1,69533,460 1,70132,903 1,77034,651 1,64745,8381,55442,804
Shannon Foynes7618,385 93610,179 5157,023 5166,7694826,223
Sligo1325 1632 918 13192333
Tralee Fenit21191 20187 20236 1819414140
Waterford4412,436 3822,212 4502,503 5153,1854653,137
Wicklow96175 114203 123212 137244116213
Youghal5548 5044 4342 2727911
Total12,275233,134 12,909239,052 12,829243,087 13,264264,410 12,952278,785
Table 2: Tonnage of goods handled classified by category of traffic, Quarter 4 2017-2019
Category of trafficQ4 2017Q4 2018Q4 2019% Change Q4 2018-2019
Goods received
Liquid bulk2,5042,4512,4630.5%
Dry bulk 3,0663,1382,600-17.1%
Lift-on/lift-off traffic9591,0351,034-0.1%
Roll-on/roll-off traffic2,1612,2362,198-1.7%
Break bulk and all other goods991361424.4%
Total 8,7908,9978,437-6.2%
Goods forwarded
Liquid bulk6255495978.7%
Dry bulk 950966944-2.3%
Lift-on/lift-off traffic8538649246.9%
Roll-on/roll-off traffic1,7771,8081,794-0.8%
Break bulk and all other goods661061081.9%
Total 4,2714,2934,3671.7%
Total goods handled
Liquid bulk3,1293,0003,0592.0%
Dry bulk 4,0164,1053,544-13.7%
Lift-on/lift-off traffic1,8131,8991,9573.1%
Roll-on/roll-off traffic3,9384,0453,992-1.3%
Break bulk and all other goods1652422503.3%
Total 13,06113,29012,804-3.7%
Table 2A Tonnage of goods handled classified by category of traffic, 2015 - 2019
Category of traffic20152016201720182019
Goods received
Liquid bulk9,7299,1179,6449,8069,579
Dry bulk 11,94911,83112,67113,55511,702
Lift-on/lift-off traffic3,8143,9473,9544,1384,317
Roll-on/roll-off traffic7,3917,9988,3318,7188,795
Break bulk and all other goods7578528998711,000
Total 33,63833,74435,49937,08835,392
Goods forwarded
Liquid bulk2,7092,1572,5672,3642,157
Dry bulk 3,9184,1064,1344,1993,931
Lift-on/lift-off traffic3,1693,2833,3923,4913,692
Roll-on/roll-off traffic6,5166,8867,1677,3197,387
Break bulk and all other goods715535587624680
Total 17,02816,96717,84717,99817,848
Total goods handled
Liquid bulk12,43811,27412,21112,17111,736
Dry bulk 15,86615,93716,80517,75415,633
Lift-on/lift-off traffic6,9837,2307,3467,6298,009
Roll-on/roll-off traffic13,90714,88415,49716,03716,183
Break bulk and all other goods1,4721,3871,4861,4961,680
Total 50,66650,71253,34655,08653,240
Table 3: Details of roll-on/roll-off traffic handled by port, Quarter 4 2019
PortPassenger cars, motorcycles and accompanying trailers/caravansPassenger busesTrade vehicles1Freight vehicles/trailers2
Number Number NumberTonnes '000LoadedEmpty
   NumberTonnes '000Number
Cork2,392 3 10,07213 7061161
Dublin55,577 729 27,10026 135,6591,9436,057
Rosslare18,063 192 1,7952 13,636203375
Total76,032 924 38,96741 150,0012,1576,493
Cork2,272 6 2040 70010108
Dublin46,236 976 4700 129,3381,51230,183
Rosslare16,667 233 300 15,752272208
Total65,175 1,215 7041 145,7901,79430,499
Cork4,664 9 10,27613 1,40621169
Dublin101,813 1,705 27,57027 264,9973,45536,240
Rosslare34,730 425 1,8252 29,388475583
Total141,207 2,139 39,67142 295,7913,95036,992
1 Vehicles imported or exported
2 Includes data on (a) road goods vehicles and accompanying trailers (b) unaccompanied road goods trailers and semi trailers and
(c ) unaccompanied caravans and other road, agricultural and industrial trailers
Table 3A: Details of roll-on/roll-off traffic handled by port, 2019
PortPassenger cars, motorcycles and accompanying trailers/caravansPassenger busesTrade vehicles1Freight vehicles/trailers2
Number Number NumberTonnes '000LoadedEmpty
   NumberTonnes '000Number
Cork19,326 27 26,80734 3,26749285  
Dublin285,290 4,361 105,872103 541,7417,74424,774  
Rosslare99,733 1,206 14,25517 57,0068481,570  
Total404,349 5,594 146,934154 602,0148,64126,629
Cork20,156 26 9111 3,23747314
Dublin263,628 6,202 1,3921 517,3116,194111,590  
Rosslare95,390 1,378 4231 65,9691,144867  
Total379,174 7,606 2,7263 586,5177,385112,771  
Cork39,482 53 27,71835 6,50497599
Dublin548,918 10,563 107,264104 1,059,05213,938136,364
Rosslare195,123 2,584 14,67818 122,9751,9922,437
Total783,523 13,200 149,660157 1,188,53116,025139,400
1 Vehicles imported or exported
2 Includes data on (a) road goods vehicles and accompanying trailers (b) unaccompanied road goods trailers and semi trailers and
(c ) unaccompanied caravans and other road, agricultural and industrial trailers
Table 4: Details of lift-on/lift-off traffic handled by port, Quarter 4 2019
PortLoaded units Empty unitsTotal units
NumberTEU's1Tonnes '000 NumberTEU's1 NumberTEU's1
Total108,279196,9101,957 37,32265,579 145,601262,489
1 TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit = 1360 cubic feet
Table 4A: Details of lift-on/lift-off traffic handled by port, 2019
PortLoaded units Empty unitsTotal units
NumberTEU's1Tonnes '000 NumberTEU's1 NumberTEU's1
Total445,115808,4098,009 146,187255,079 591,3021,063,488
1 TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit = 1360 cubic feet
Table 5: Total tonnage of goods handled classified by port and region of trade, Quarter 4 2019
Region of trade
PortGreat Britain & Northern IrelandOther EUNon-EU1Other ports2Coastal tradeTotal
Bantry Bay-704143-155
Shannon Foynes2791,0771617071022,325
1 Trade with ports in European countries that are not members of the E.U.
2 Trade with ports in Non-European countries
Table 5A: Total tonnage of goods handled classified by port and region of trade, 2019
PortRegion of tradeTotal
Great Britain & Northern IrelandOther EUNon-EU1Other ports2Coastal trade
Bantry Bay-23441454-728
Dun Laoghaire------
New Ross452832376363
Shannon Foynes1,2074,3085383,2223479,622
Tralee Fenit-9-14-23
1 Trade with ports in European countries that are not members of the E.U.
2 Trade with ports in Non-European countries
Table 6: Passengers1 disembarking/embarking classified by port and route, Quarter 4 2019
Great Britain  France Other2
FishguardHolyheadLiverpoolPembroke CherbourgRoscoffSantander
  Cork---- -52-6
  Dublin-1763- 0---179
  Rosslare20--23 5---48
  Total20176323 552-234
  Cork---- -42-6
  Dublin-1613- ----164
  Rosslare19--21 6---47
  Total19161321 642-217
All Passengers
  Cork---- -93-13
  Dublin-3385- 0---343
  Rosslare40--44 11---95
  Total40338544 1193-451
1 Excluding cruise passengers on excursion
2 Including other British and French ports
Table 6A: Passengers1 disembarking/embarking classified by port and route, 2019
Great Britain  France Other2
FishguardHolyheadLiverpoolPembroke CherbourgRoscoffSantander
  Cork---- -4312-55
  Dublin-87615- 86--4981
  Rosslare109--149 34---292
  Total10987615149 120431241,328
  Cork---- -4513-58
  Dublin-86413- 87--5968
  Rosslare111--144 34---290
  Total11186413144 121451351,316
All Passengers
  Cork---- -8825-114
  Dublin-1,73928- 173--91,949
  Rosslare221--294 68---582
  Total2211,73928294 241882592,645
1 Excluding cruise passengers on excursion
2 Including other British and French ports
Table 7: Number of cruise ships and passengers by port, 2019
PortsNumber of cruise shipsNumber of passengers
Bantry Bay115,429
Dún Laoghaire63,335
Shannon Foynes2880
1 Includes passengers embarking in Dublin port
Table 8: Number of cruise ships by month of arrival and passengers, 2019
 Number of cruise shipsNumber of passengers

Background Notes


This release contains the results of a quarterly analysis of activity at the main Irish ports. The data is compiled from returns made by Scheduled Harbour Authorities, State Companies and a number of other harbours.

Data is received on a quarterly basis from the following ports, Bantry, Cork, Drogheda, Dublin, Rosslare, Shannon and Waterford.

Annual data is supplied by the smaller ports as follows, Arklow, Castletownbere, Dundalk, Dun Laoghaire, Galway, Greenore, Killybegs, Kilrush, Kinsale, New Ross, Sligo, Tralee, Wicklow and Youghal.

This is a full breakdown of all ports.

Scheduled harbour authorities
Arklow harbour commissioners
Bantry Bay harbour commissioners
Kilrush town council
Kinsale harbour commissioners
Sligo harbour commissioners
Tralee and Fenit pier and harbour commissioners
Youghal town council

State Companies
Drogheda port company
Dublin port company
Dundalk port company
Dun Laoghaire harbour company
Galway harbour company
New Ross port company
Port of Cork company
Port of Waterford company
Shannon Foynes port company
Wicklow port company

Other harbours
Castletownbere fishery harbour centre
Greenore port
Killybegs fishery harbour centre
Rosslare Europort

As the figures have been rounded independently there may be slight discrepancies between the sum of the constituent items and the totals shown. A ‘0’ indicates a value that has been rounded to zero, whereas a ‘-’ indicates no activity.



Category of Goods:
Liquid bulk - A type of bulk cargo that consists of liquid items, such as petroleum, water, or liquid natural gas.
Dry bulk - Any material, other than a liquid or gas, that is transported in a loose form without any packaging.
Lift-on lift-off - Containerised cargo typically lifted on and off vessels by specially designed cranes and derricks (usually abbreviated as LoLo).
Roll-on roll-off - Wheeled cargo units either driven or pulled aboard vessels via vessel ramps (usually abbreviated as RoRo).
Break bulk & other goods – General cargo that must be loaded individually onto vessels, and not in intermodal containers or in bulk as with oil or grain.

  Tonnage of Goods:

This includes the weight of immediate packaging material but excludes, in the case of containerised traffic, the weight of containers. The tonnage of goods for roll-on/roll-off traffic may be based on estimated coefficients for certain vehicle categories. The export of live cattle on the hoof is excluded from the tonnage of goods in this release.

 Region of Trade:

Coastal - Trade between Irish ports excluding Northern Ireland.
Great Britain & Northern Ireland - Includes Isle of Man and other British crown dependencies.
Other EU - Trade with ports in European countries that are members of the E.U. excluding Ireland and Great Britain. Outermost regions of Member States (e.g. the Canary Islands) are included.
Non EU - Trade with ports in European countries that are not members of the E.U.
Other Ports - Trade with ports in Non European countries.

 Gross Tonnage of Vessels:

The measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.

 Vessel types:

Only the activity of trading vessels, car ferries and other passenger vessels is covered in the series. Only vessels of at least 100 gross tonnes are included. The following vessels are excluded:

– Fish-catching vessels
– Fish-processing vessels
– Vessels for drilling and exploration (exception: Killybegs)
– Tugs
– Pusher craft
– Research and survey vessels
– Dredgers
– Naval vessels
– Vessels used solely for non-commercial purposes
– Vessels entering the ports for shelter

Vessel types are classified according to the International Classification of Ship Types (ICST-COM). Cruise liners are included where passengers embark or disembark in port.

The ship categories included under each vessel type are outlined below:

Liquid bulk vessels:
Oil tanker
Chemical tanker
Liquid gas tanker
Tanker barge
Other tanker

Dry bulk vessels:
Bulk/oil carrier
Bulk carrier

Container vessels:
Full container

Specialised vessels:
Barge carrier
Chemical carrier
Irradiated fuel carrier
Livestock carrier
Vehicle carrier
Other specialised carrier

General cargo vessels:
Ro-ro passenger
Ro-ro container
Other ro-ro container
Combination carrier general cargo/passenger
Combination carrier general cargo/container
Single decker

Passenger vessels:
Cruise liners
Other passenger only vessels


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