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Overseas Travel

May 2018

 Irish Residents' Trips Overseas   Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence
  Trips to Ireland Great Britain Other EuropeUSA and CanadaOther Areas
May 2016650,300 881,300 333,000321,900181,50044,800
May 2017639,400 943,400 327,500342,900213,80059,300
May 2018711,200 1,025,600 349,900385,300234,70055,800
Jan - May 20162,672,700 3,464,800 1,541,0001,212,800536,000175,000
Jan - May 20172,885,300 3,572,900 1,435,9001,261,200662,900212,900
Jan - May 20182,968,700 3,846,200 1,470,9001,416,500744,900213,900

Trips to Ireland increased by 8.7% in May 2018

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In May 2018, the total number of trips to Ireland by overseas residents increased by 8.7% to 1,025,600 - an overall increase of 82,200 compared to twelve months earlier.  See tables 1 and 2.

Trips by residents of Great Britain increased by 6.8% to 349,900 while trips by residents of European Countries other than Great Britain (Other Europe) increased by 12.4% to 385,300.  Trips by residents of USA and Canada to Ireland increased by 9.8% to 234,700 while trips to Ireland from Other Areas decreased by 5.9% to 55,800. See tables 1 and 2.

The total number of overseas trips made by Irish residents during May 2018 increased by 11.2% to 711,200.  See tables 1 and 2.

The total number of trips (Irish residents’ trips overseas plus trips to Ireland) in May 2018 increased by 9.7% to 1,736,900 when compared to twelve months earlier.  See tables 1 and 2.

In the five months to the end of May 2018, the total number of trips to Ireland increased by 7.6% when compared with the same period in 2017.  Irish residents' trips overseas during the same period increased by 2.9%.  See tables 3 and 4.


Table 1 Overseas Trips by Area of Residence, 2016 - 2018
        Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence
YearPeriodAll Trips Irish Residents' Trips Overseas Trips to Ireland Great BritainOther EuropeUSA and CanadaOther Areas
2016January990,100 469,100 521,000 249,900165,20069,70036,100
 February1,001,700 440,700 561,000 300,700186,00052,10022,200
 March1,270,600 567,900 702,700 300,800248,400116,40037,100
 April1,343,500 544,700 798,800 356,600291,300116,30034,600
 May 1,531,600 650,300 881,300 333,000321,900181,50044,800
 June1,699,100 780,300 918,800 324,000315,300222,40057,200
 July1,865,500 822,200 1,043,300 359,900383,100231,70068,700
 August1,880,900 755,100 1,125,900 448,700397,800213,50065,800
 September1,568,000 675,600 892,400 339,900304,400192,30055,700
 October1,488,100 655,800 832,300 321,500276,800188,70045,300
 November1,169,600 527,400 642,200 285,500206,100114,50036,000
 December1,180,200 515,500 664,800 303,600205,800108,90046,400
 Total16,989,000 7,404,500 9,584,400 3,924,1003,302,1001,808,000550,200
2017January1,072,700 508,500 564,100 252,600176,60091,00043,900
 February1,018,900 506,900 512,000 232,900170,90075,50032,700
 March1,273,200 553,300 720,000 310,500248,500126,80034,100
 April1,510,500 677,200 833,300 312,400322,400155,70042,800
 May 1,582,900 639,400 943,400 327,500342,900213,80059,300
 June1,795,100 802,400 992,700 309,300356,700259,50067,100
 July1,957,200 925,700 1,031,500 341,800375,900240,40073,400
 August1,974,100 856,600 1,117,600 396,100389,600256,70075,200
 September1,659,400 712,800 946,600 327,300321,400235,50062,400
 October1,545,000 674,700 870,300 322,500311,800190,40045,600
 November1,241,500 523,300 718,200 297,500250,900136,80033,000
 December1,240,700 558,200 682,400 298,500214,900119,40049,700
 Total17,871,100 7,939,000 9,932,100 3,728,9003,482,4002,101,500619,300
2018January1,133,500 548,000 585,500 241,500206,50093,80043,600
 February1,067,800 492,400 575,300 263,500202,10079,60030,100
 March1,318,500 558,600 759,800 293,300269,700158,20038,700
 April1,558,200 658,400 899,900 322,700352,900178,60045,700
 May1,736,900 711,200 1,025,600 349,900385,300234,70055,800
Table 2 Annual Change in Overseas Trips for the month of May, 2017 - 2018
        Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence
YearPeriodAll Trips Irish Residents' Trips Overseas Trips to Ireland Great BritainOther EuropeUSA and CanadaOther Areas
Change versus corresponding period of previous year (number)
2017May51,300 -10,900 62,100 -5,50021,00032,30014,500
2018May154,000 71,800 82,200 22,40042,40020,900-3,500
Change versus corresponding period of previous year (%)
2017May3.3 -1.7 7.0 -1.76.517.832.4
2018May9.7 11.2 8.7 6.812.49.8-5.9
Table 3 Overseas Trips for the period January - May, 2016 - 2018
       Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence
   Irish Residents' Trips Overseas Trips to Ireland Great Britain Other EuropeUSA and CanadaOther Areas
YearAll Trips   
20166,137,500 2,672,700 3,464,800 1,541,0001,212,800536,000175,000
20176,458,200 2,885,300 3,572,900 1,435,9001,261,200662,900212,900
20186,814,900 2,968,700 3,846,200 1,470,9001,416,500744,900213,900
Table 4 Annual Change in Overseas Trips for the period January - May, 2017 - 2018
       Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence
   Irish Residents' Trips Overseas Trips to Ireland Great Britain Other EuropeUSA and CanadaOther Areas
YearAll Trips   
   Annual change in year to May total (number)
2017320,700 212,600 108,100 -105,10048,400126,90037,900
2018356,700 83,400 273,300 35,000155,30082,0001,000
   Annual change in year to May total (%)
20175.2 8.0 3.1 -
20185.5 2.9 7.6 2.412.312.40.5
Table 5 Overseas Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence by month, 2016 - 2018
YearPeriod Trips to IrelandGreat Britain FranceGermanyItalySpainOther EuropeUSA and CanadaAustralia, New Zealand and Other OceaniaOther Areas
2016January 521,000249,90027,60026,40016,40017,00077,80069,70013,60022,500
 February 561,000300,70030,50032,00019,40025,00079,00052,1005,30017,000
 March 702,700300,80039,40045,80025,80029,300108,100116,40012,50024,600
 April 798,800356,60052,30049,90035,00033,300120,700116,30011,40023,200
 May 881,300333,00058,80073,30027,80031,100131,000181,50016,60028,200
 June 918,800324,00053,60069,10033,20035,600123,900222,40023,10034,100
 July 1,043,300359,90063,30072,10053,30050,800143,600231,70026,50042,100
 August  1,125,900448,70065,60081,40045,80049,400155,600213,50026,00039,800
 September 892,400339,90042,20069,50030,20036,800125,800192,30020,70035,000
 October 832,300321,50045,50061,70020,80032,100116,600188,70017,70027,700
 November 642,200285,50026,20038,50019,10025,50096,800114,50013,00023,100
 December 664,800303,60026,40032,50017,60029,100100,200108,90018,10028,300
 Total 9,584,4003,924,100531,400652,200344,400394,9001,379,1001,808,000204,500345,700
2017January 564,100252,60028,40028,30016,00022,50081,40091,00016,60027,400
 February 512,000232,90037,30028,10015,10020,10070,20075,5008,10024,700
 March 720,000310,50041,30043,00029,10031,900103,200126,80010,40023,800
 April 833,300312,40054,20061,40031,60044,700130,500155,70013,20029,600
 May 943,400327,50060,00069,80030,90039,400142,800213,80019,00040,300
 June 992,700309,30055,00078,50034,90050,500137,800259,50022,00045,100
 July 1,031,500341,80056,30074,70044,10052,300148,500240,40026,20047,200
 August  1,117,600396,10062,30077,90050,60057,300141,500256,70027,80047,400
 September 946,600327,30045,10072,20035,40037,000131,700235,50022,20040,100
 October 870,300322,50046,20067,70028,30032,300137,400190,40014,80030,800
 November 718,200297,50032,20043,50025,40029,500120,300136,80010,70022,400
 December 682,400298,50030,90036,30022,00025,600100,100119,40017,60032,100
 Total 9,932,1003,728,900549,300681,400363,300443,2001,445,2002,101,500208,500410,800
2018January 585,500241,50029,10036,30019,80022,20099,20093,80015,70027,900
 February 575,300263,50027,80037,30023,80023,00090,30079,6008,00022,200
 March 759,800293,30040,60056,20027,60033,300112,000158,20011,30027,400
 April 899,900322,70056,40070,00040,70040,700145,100178,60014,60031,000
 May 1,025,600349,90065,40089,90030,50043,900155,500234,70018,40037,300
Table 6 Overseas Trips in each calendar quarter, 2008 - 2018
         Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence
YearPeriod All Trips Irish Residents' Trips Overseas Trips to Ireland Great BritainOther EuropeUSA and CanadaOther Areas
2008Quarter 1 3,304,700 1,762,500 1,542,200 849,500480,200155,90056,700
 Quarter 2 4,210,200 2,050,800 2,159,400 1,023,200729,000312,10095,200
 Quarter 3 4,900,700 2,428,300 2,472,400 1,148,900839,900357,200126,400
 Quarter 4 3,300,800 1,635,800 1,665,000 850,900561,200179,40073,500
 Total 15,716,400 7,877,400 7,839,000 3,872,4002,610,3001,004,600351,700
2009Quarter 1 2,941,900 1,539,800 1,402,200 722,400488,700142,20048,800
 Quarter 2 3,801,500 1,899,600 1,901,900 858,500658,200305,00080,300
 Quarter 3 4,314,400 2,137,100 2,177,300 956,100757,600356,400107,300
 Quarter 4 2,918,900 1,472,900 1,446,100 720,100477,800176,80071,500
 Total 13,976,900 7,049,300 6,927,500 3,257,0002,382,300980,400307,900
2010Quarter 1 2,523,900 1,439,200 1,084,800 526,600366,500137,30054,200
 Quarter 2 3,214,500 1,673,100 1,541,400 701,700500,500264,00075,200
 Quarter 3 4,133,800 2,137,200 1,996,600 852,600700,900332,800110,200
 Quarter 4 2,736,800 1,322,500 1,414,300 657,600477,300201,40078,100
 Total 12,609,100 6,572,000 6,037,100 2,738,5002,045,200935,600317,800
2011Quarter 1 2,445,200 1,266,400 1,178,800 550,700407,800154,70065,600
 Quarter 2 3,558,000 1,753,000 1,805,000 760,700647,500303,80092,900
 Quarter 3 4,114,100 1,962,400 2,151,700 911,600763,200352,400124,600
 Quarter 4 2,680,700 1,311,000 1,369,700 655,200464,700176,20073,600
 Total 12,798,000 6,292,800 6,505,200 2,878,1002,283,200987,100356,700
2012Quarter 1 2,399,900 1,234,800 1,165,100 562,400392,800144,70065,200
 Quarter 2 3,544,700 1,727,500 1,817,300 735,200672,400305,700104,000
 Quarter 3 4,099,900 2,003,200 2,096,700 830,200776,800365,200124,500
 Quarter 4 2,798,400 1,360,400 1,438,000 646,400505,400201,30085,000
 Total 12,842,900 6,325,800 6,517,200 2,774,2002,347,4001,016,900378,600
2013Quarter 1 2,460,600 1,208,900 1,251,700 570,200444,000168,80068,700
 Quarter 2 3,645,400 1,752,400 1,893,000 726,900705,200350,800110,100
 Quarter 3 4,293,500 2,032,600 2,261,000 904,700786,200415,000155,000
Quarter 42,909,400 1,329,300 1,580,100 727,100527,600223,500102,000
 Total 13,309,000 6,323,100 6,985,900 2,928,9002,463,0001,158,100435,900
2014Quarter 1 2,496,100 1,153,500 1,342,500 635,500447,400178,90080,700
 Quarter 23,917,400 1,790,800 2,126,600 837,700770,600395,600122,600
Quarter 3 4,552,000 2,111,700 2,440,400 922,600861,100490,000166,700
Quarter 4 3,153,400 1,458,500 1,694,900 768,100559,000264,100103,700
 Total 14,118,900 6,514,500 7,604,400 3,163,9002,638,1001,328,600473,800
2015Quarter 12,837,400 1,306,100 1,531,300 725,800526,000191,20088,300
Quarter 24,272,500 1,927,500 2,344,900 886,200850,900468,100139,700
Quarter 34,957,400 2,186,500 2,770,900 1,050,400987,000550,100183,400
Quarter 43,540,800 1,544,800 1,995,900 884,500679,400304,800127,200
 Total 15,608,000 6,965,000 8,643,000 3,546,9003,043,3001,514,200538,600
2016Quarter 13,262,400 1,477,700 1,784,700 851,400599,600238,20095,500
Quarter 24,574,200 1,975,300 2,598,900 1,013,600928,500520,100136,700
Quarter 35,314,400 2,252,900 3,061,500 1,148,5001,085,300637,500190,200
Quarter 43,837,900 1,698,700 2,139,200 910,600688,700412,100127,800
 Total 16,989,000 7,404,500 9,584,400 3,924,1003,302,1001,808,000550,200
2017Quarter 13,364,800 1,568,700 1,796,100 796,100595,900293,400110,800
Quarter 24,888,400 2,119,000 2,769,400 949,2001,022,000628,900169,300
Quarter 35,590,600 2,495,000 3,095,600 1,065,2001,086,900732,600210,900
Quarter 44,027,200 1,756,300 2,270,900 918,400777,600446,600128,300
 Total 17,871,100 7,939,000 9,932,100 3,728,9003,482,4002,101,500619,300
2018Quarter 1 3,519,800 1,599,100 1,920,700 798,300678,300331,600112,500
Table 7 Overseas Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence by calendar quarter, 2016 - 2018
YearPeriod Trips to IrelandGreat Britain Belgium, Netherlands and LuxembourgFranceGermanyItalySpainNorway, Sweden, Finland and DenmarkOther EuropeUSA and CanadaAustralia, New Zealand and Other OceaniaOther Areas
2016Quarter 1 1,784,700851,40079,80097,500104,20061,60071,30044,600140,500238,20031,40064,100
 Quarter 2 2,598,9001,013,600100,800164,700192,30096,000100,10062,000212,600520,10051,10085,500
 Quarter 3 3,061,5001,148,500120,600171,100223,000129,300136,90065,700238,700637,50073,200117,000
 Quarter 4 2,139,200910,60083,10098,100132,70057,60086,70050,800179,700412,10048,70079,100
 Total 9,584,4003,924,100384,400531,400652,200344,400394,900223,100771,5001,808,000204,500345,700
2017Quarter 1 1,796,100796,10078,900107,10099,40060,10074,50037,600138,300293,40035,00075,800
 Quarter 2 2,769,400949,200108,900169,200209,70097,400134,70075,800226,400628,90054,300115,000
 Quarter 3 3,095,6001,065,200110,800163,700224,800130,100146,70075,500235,300732,60076,200134,800
 Quarter 4 2,270,900918,40093,300109,300147,50075,70087,30064,200200,200446,60043,00085,200
 Total 9,932,1003,728,900391,900549,300681,400363,300443,200253,100800,2002,101,500208,500410,800
2018Quarter 1 1,920,700798,30078,00097,500129,80071,20078,40047,700175,700331,60034,90077,500
Table 8 Overseas Trips by month - Seasonally Adjusted, 2016-2018
         Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence
YearPeriod All Trips Irish Residents' Trips Overseas Trips to Ireland Great BritainOther EuropeUSA and CanadaOther Areas
2016January 1,378,100 615,000 773,100 326,400267,400135,70043,200
 February 1,442,700 595,400 860,600 372,600290,200124,70040,800
 March 1,385,300 640,900 751,800 310,200265,900150,70051,200
 April 1,396,900 565,600 815,600 354,900276,900133,90043,600
 May 1,399,400 621,400 767,700 308,800266,900145,80041,900
 June 1,398,100 618,500 783,300 327,900268,500143,80044,700
 July 1,405,300 594,900 811,200 321,100285,300152,10047,000
 August 1,412,500 590,400 808,900 330,400287,900147,70045,200
 September 1,430,200 627,800 802,000 327,600272,500148,80046,100
 October 1,449,400 641,600 804,500 310,400274,000178,80048,100
 November 1,454,400 665,100 805,700 324,800268,400163,80050,200
 December 1,464,100 664,200 820,800 320,800276,300174,20048,600
 Total 17,016,300 7,440,900 9,605,300 3,935,9003,300,3001,800,100550,700
2017January 1,474,900 654,400 832,200 327,500279,500177,00052,300
 February 1,471,500 684,500 782,800 286,100274,200181,00060,000
 March 1,495,700 679,300 832,100 344,000286,000163,30052,000
 April 1,446,600 645,900 786,100 290,100283,500178,60048,300
 May 1,458,700 610,900 824,700 305,300294,000172,70055,700
 June 1,478,800 638,700 844,200 311,800298,300168,90052,500
 July 1,480,700 670,000 804,000 305,600281,700158,40050,100
 August 1,490,200 674,000 807,000 294,000272,400177,40051,800
 September 1,509,000 664,100 848,300 314,000298,600182,50051,600
 October 1,505,800 660,800 842,200 313,400305,700179,90048,300
 November 1,532,100 662,000 896,900 334,300315,800193,10046,500
 December 1,534,400 712,400 844,500 316,000295,000190,40052,100
 Total 17,878,400 7,957,100 9,944,900 3,742,0003,484,7002,123,300621,200
2018January 1,549,700 697,500 860,800 311,800334,400182,50051,800
 February 1,550,600 663,700 877,900 322,800324,300190,50054,700
 March 1,422,200 632,000 820,000 303,600292,900202,30053,200
 April 1,612,200 683,000 908,300 321,400325,400203,90057,000
 May 1,608,400 679,200 897,700 327,200318,500191,10052,400
Table 9 Overseas Trips to Ireland by Area of Residence for the years, 2010 - 2017
Area of Residence120102011201220132014201520162017
Great Britain2,738,5002,878,1002,774,2002,928,9003,163,9003,546,9003,924,1003,728,900
Other Europe2278,100317,500299,600321,900337,400391,600456,800492,000
USA 848,300888,600904,2001,035,5001,169,1001,323,4001,586,4001,852,900
Australia, New Zealand and Other Oceania2135,300141,100155,700187,700190,000207,600204,500208,500
Central, South and Other Americas235,20049,50048,80055,20064,50067,50064,90079,200
Total Overseas Trips to Ireland6,037,1006,505,2006,517,2006,985,9007,604,4008,643,0009,584,4009,932,100
   of which : Transfers3162,100165,000201,200274,100374,600474,400583,400784,700
1Country estimates are subject to high levels of sample variation and therefore should be interpreted with caution. See Background Notes.
2See Background Notes for countries included.
3Source: Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) - transfer trips through Dublin Airport.

Background Notes



With effect from the January 2018 release, the CSO has re-introduced a monthly series for the main categories, replacing the previous three month rolling series. Monthly data from January 2016 is provided.


Overseas Travel.


This release covers Overseas Travel into and out of the Republic of Ireland, however travel by residents of Northern Ireland into or out of the Republic of Ireland or domestic travel within the Republic of Ireland is excluded.

Data Collection

Data from the Country of Residence Survey (CRS) is used in this release.  This survey is conducted at Dublin, Cork, Shannon, Knock and Kerry airports and Rosslare, Ringaskiddy and Dublin seaports.  Residency data is collected from passengers by a Central Statistics Office (CSO) interviewer.  Surveys are also conducted on behalf of the CSO at Holyhead Port by the UK's Office of National Statistics.

Sample Design

A sample of flights and sailings is selected to facilitate proper representation of airport/seaport pairings, day, night, week day and weekend flights/sailings.

On the selected flights/sailings for the CRS, a 1 in 5 (20%) systematic sample of passengers is selected and their country of residence is recorded.

Sample results are grossed to total passenger numbers travelling for each airport or seaport pairing, as provided by the airports and ferry companies.

Where there is no survey coverage in a period for an airport/seaport pairing, results are imputed using the 'nearest neighbour' imputation methodology.

Sample Size

The sample size for the Overseas Travel release in respect of May 2018 was just above 45,900 passengers.

Seasonal Adjustment

Seasonally adjusted monthly data is available in Table 8.  Trip numbers are subject to a high degree of seasonality.  These seasonal fluctuations do not affect annual comparisons but they do affect monthly or quarterly comparisons.  Typically trips are at their highest during the summer months, although there are also clear peaks around Christmas and Easter.  To facilitate interpretation of underlying trends, trip numbers are adjusted to remove these seasonal trends.  Seasonal adjustment is conducted using the direct seasonal adjustment approach.  Under this approach each individual series is independently adjusted each month, e.g. aggregate series are adjusted without reference to the component series.  Seasonal adjustment models are developed for each series based on unadjusted data from January 2000 to the current period.  These models are then applied to the entire series.  Seasonal factors are updated each month. 

The adjustments are completed by applying the X-12-ARIMA model, developed by the U.S. Census Bureau to the unadjusted data.  This methodology estimates seasonal factors while also taking into consideration factors that impact on the quality of the seasonal adjustment such as:

  • Calendar effects, e.g. the timing of Easter (see definition (5)).
  • Outliers, temporary changes and level shifts in the series.


Individual figures have been rounded independently and the sum of the component items may therefore not necessarily add to the totals shown.

Reliability of Results 

Estimation of survey results using the above sampling design introduces a statistical variability which would not be present if all passengers from every flight/sailing had been sampled.  This means that the survey results are best estimates based on the information collected for the sample.

Airport Pairings

The CSO "Airport Pairings" database contains information on every direct flight in and out of the nine Irish airports on a monthly basis.  The most recent monthly passenger figures will be added to the database two months after the end of the reference month.  For details please go to


(1) Trips

The data presented in this report is in terms of trip numbers.  A trip is defined as a journey (usually including the return) from one place to another.

(2) Visitor

The definition of Visitor used in these surveys is based on that agreed with Eurostat, the European Statistical Office.  A Visitor is defined as 'any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less than twelve months and whose main purpose is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited'.  However, as the CRS does not establish the reason for an individual's trip or length of stay, those travelling for reason of remuneration or for more than one year to a country cannot be excluded.  Therefore, trips may include those travelling for paid work.  Commercial Drivers travelling on sea routes are excluded.

(3) Country of Residence

Country of Residence is defined as the country in which the person has resided during the past year.

(4) Transit/Transfer Passengers

Transit passengers are defined as those who make a stop at an airport without any particular purpose other than being en route to another destination.  These passengers generally do not disembark from their aircraft and are not covered by the Country of Residence Survey.

Transfer passengers or 'connecting passengers' are also defined as those who make a stop at an airport without any particular purpose other than being en route to another destination.  However, unlike transits, transfer passengers disembark the aircraft and pass through the airport en route to their connecting flight.  The two flights must be booked on the same ticket for it to be considered a transfer.  Such passengers are included in the estimates of trips for Overseas Travel release and are treated in the same manner as same-day visits.  This is in line with UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) International Recommendations on Tourism Statistics.  Transfers are surveyed for the Country of Residence Survey.

Overseas Trips to Ireland and Transfer Trips
YearOverseas trips to Ireland 1Number of transfer trips through Dublin Airport 2
2010  6,037,100  162,100
2011  6,505,200  165,000
2012  6,517,200  201,200
2013  6,985,900  274,100
2014  7,604,400  374,600
2015  8,643,000  474,400
2016  9,584,400  583,400
2017   9,932,100   784,700
1 Source: Overseas Travel Release, CSO
2 Source: Dublin Airport Authority (DAA)

A transfer trip is a completed journey – for example a passenger who travels from London Gatwick to Dublin Airport and then on to New York (on the one ticket) is counted as two transfer passengers and one transfer trip. 

In 2017, the number of overseas trips to Ireland increased by 3.6% when compared with 2016. Excluding transfer trips, the annual increase in overseas trips to Ireland would have been 1.6%.

In 2016, the number of overseas trips to Ireland increased by 10.9% when compared with 2015. Excluding transfer trips, the annual increase in overseas trips to Ireland would have been 10.2%.

(5) Timing of Easter

Easter falls each year on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th, inclusively.  In 2018 Easter Sunday fell on April 1st, while in 2017 it fell on April 16th.  Trip numbers each year are greatly influenced by when Easter falls.

Dates for Easter Sunday

2018 – 1st April

2017 – 16th April

2016 – 27th March

2015 – 5th April

2014 – 20th April

2013 – 31st March

2012 - 8th April

Other Europe

Tables 1-4, 6 and 8

Includes the following countries:

Aland Islands Greece Norway
Albania Guernsey Poland
Andorra Hungary Portugal
Austria Iceland Romania
Belarus Isle of Man Russian Federation
Belgium Italy San Marino
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jersey Serbia
Bulgaria Kosovo Slovakia
Croatia Latvia Slovenia
Cyprus Liechtenstein Spain
Czech Republic Lithuania Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Denmark Luxembourg Sweden
Estonia Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Switzerland
Faroe Islands Malta Turkey
Finland Moldova, Republic of Ukraine
France Monaco  Vatican City
Germany Montenegro  
Gibraltar Netherlands  


Other Areas

Tables 1-4, 6 and 8

Includes the following countries:

Africa (see below for breakdown of countries)
Australia, New Zealand and Other Oceania  (see below for breakdown of countries)
Central, South and Other Americas  (see below for breakdown of countries)
Asia  (see below for breakdown of countries)


Other Europe

Table 5

Includes the following countries:

Aland Islands Greece Netherlands
Albania Guernsey Norway
Andorra Hungary Poland
Austria Iceland Portugal
Belarus Isle of Man Romania
Belgium Jersey Russian Federation
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo San Marino
Bulgaria Latvia Serbia
Croatia Liechtenstein Slovakia
Cyprus Lithuania Slovenia 
Czech Republic Luxembourg Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Denmark Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Sweden
Estonia Malta Switzerland
Faroe Islands Moldova, Republic of Turkey
Finland Monaco Ukraine
Gibraltar Montenegro Vatican City


Other Europe

Table 7

Includes the following countries:

Aland Islands Guernsey Poland
Albania Hungary Portugal
Andorra Iceland Romania
Austria Isle of Man Russian Federation
Belarus Jersey San Marino
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo Serbia
Bulgaria Latvia Slovakia
Croatia Liechtenstein Slovenia
Cyprus Lithuania Svalbard and Jan Mayen 
Czech Republic Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Switzerland
Estonia Malta Turkey
Faroe Islands Moldova, Republic of Ukraine
Gibraltar Monaco Vatican City
Greece Montenegro  


Other Europe

Table 9

Includes the following countries:

Aland Islands Guernsey Montenegro
Albania Hungary Portugal
Andorra Iceland Romania
Belarus Isle of Man Russian Federation
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jersey San Marino
Bulgaria Kosovo Serbia
Croatia Latvia Slovakia
Cyprus Liechtenstein Slovenia
Czech Republic Lithuania Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Estonia Luxembourg Turkey
Faroe Islands Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Ukraine
Finland Malta Vatican City
Gibraltar Moldova, Republic of  
Greece Monaco  


Australia, New Zealand and Other Oceania

Tables 5, 7 and 9

Includes the following countries:

American Samoa Heard Island and McDonald Islands Papua New Guinea
Antarctica Kiribati Pitcairn Islands
Australia Marshall Islands Samoa
Bouvet Island Micronesia, Federated States of Solomon Islands
Christmas Island Nauru South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Cocos (Keeling) Islands New Caledonia Tokelau
Cook Islands New Zealand Tonga
Fiji Niue Tuvalu
French Polynesia Norfolk Island United States Minor Outlying Islands
French Southern Territories Northern Mariana Islands Vanuatu
Guam Palau Wallis and Futuna


Other Areas

Tables 5 and 7

Includes the following group of countries:

Central, South and Other Americas (See below for country breakdowns)

Africa (See below for country breakdowns)

Asia (See below for country breakdowns)


Central, South and Other Americas

Table 9

Includes the following countries:

Anguilla Dominican Republic Paraguay
Antigua and Barbuda Ecuador Peru
Argentina El Salvador Puerto Rico
Aruba Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Saint Kitts and Nevis
Bahamas French Guiana Saint Lucia
Barbados Greenland Saint Martin
Belize Grenada Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Bermuda Guadeloupe Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Bolivia Guatemala Saint-Barthelemy
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Guyana Sint Maarten
Brazil Haiti Suriname
Cayman Islands Honduras Trinidad and Tobago
Chile Jamaica Turks and Caicos Islands
Colombia Martinique Uruguay
Costa Rica Mexico Venezuela
Cuba Montserrat Virgin Islands, British
Curacao Nicaragua Virgin Islands, US
Dominica Panama  



Table 9

Includes the following countries:

Algeria Gambia Rwanda
Angola Ghana Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Benin Guinea Sao Tome and Principe
Botswana Guinea-Bissau Senegal
Burkina Faso Kenya Seychelles
Burundi Lesotho Sierra Leone
Cameroon Liberia Somalia
Cape Verde Libya South Africa
Central African Republic Madagascar South Sudan
Chad Malawi Sudan
Comoros Mali Swaziland
Congo Mauritania Tanzania, United Republic of
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Mauritius Togo
Cote d'Ivoire Mayotte Tunisia
Djibouti Morocco Uganda
Egypt Mozambique Western Sahara
Equatorial Guinea Namibia Zambia
Eritrea Niger Zimbabwe
Ethiopia Nigeria  
Gabon Reunion  



Table 9

Includes the following countries:

Afghanistan Japan Palestine, State of
Armenia Jordan Philippines
Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Qatar
Bahrain Korea, Republic of Saudi Arabia
Bangladesh Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Singapore
Bhutan Kuwait Sri Lanka
British Indian Ocean Territory Kyrgyzstan Syrian Arab Republic
Brunei Darussalam Lao People's Democratic Republic Taiwan, Province of China
Cambodia Lebanon Tajikistan
China Macao Thailand
Georgia Malaysia Timor Leste
Hong Kong Maldives Turkmenistan
India Mongolia United Arab Emirates
Indonesia Myanmar Uzbekistan
Iran, Islamic Republic of Nepal Vietnam
Iraq Oman Yemen
Israel Pakistan  


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