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E-mail: Sophie Emerson (+353) 21 453 5758 Aine Barrett (+353) 21 453 5758 Debbie Murray (+353) 21 453 5758
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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Milk Statistics

August 2021

Domestic Milk Intake
2020 2021 % change
million litres  
January - August6,215.2 6,600.2 6.2%

Domestic Milk Intake up by 5.4% in August 2021

High Chart Graph August 2021
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Domestic milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers was estimated at 914.5 million litres for August 2021. This represents an increase of 5.4% over August 2020. See fig.1.

The Protein content decreased from 3.57% in August 2020 to 3.54% in August 2021. The Fat content increased from 4.17% to 4.19% during this period.

During the period January to August 2021, domestic intake was estimated at 6,600.2 million litres, an increase of 6.2% when compared to the corresponding period for 2020.

The information used to compile this release was collected under EU Directive 96/16/EC.

Table 1 Milk Statistics
Domestic milk intake2019million175.3303.6708.7953.31072.21001.0943.2842.8721.9604.7418.1241.47986.2
   by creameries and2020litres176.2331.7725.7982.71115.31031.0985.0867.6725.4646.8449.8255.88293.0
   pasteurisers2021182.2352.4829.71060.51181.01067.31012.6 1914.5     
    Fat content2019%4.214.324.233.943.853.923.964.164.424.744.844.584.17
   Protein content2019%3.423.473.323.403.443.463.463.553.793.943.853.623.54
 20213.513.443.333.453.493.473.43 13.54     
Imported milk intake 22019million71.371.172.056.955.560.153.3*58.9***710.6
Total milk sold for human2019million44.841.946.745.245.345.044.745.143.445.443.741.8533.2
    consumption 32020litres43.142.545.847.147.345.747.444.441.741.139.539.9525.4
 202140.436.342.142.946.644.743.5 144.1 4     
of which:2019million26.925.329.028.528.229.429.128.626.828.926.825.8333.1
   Whole milk sales2020litres26.125.829.132.031.630.631.528.926.726.325.025.1338.6
 202125.122.426.527.730.829.728.7 128.5 4     
    Skimmed & semi-2019million17.916.617.716.817.215.615.716.616.716.516.916.1200.1
    skimmed milk sales2020litres17.016.716.715.215.715.115.915.415.014.814.514.8186.8
 202115.313.915.615.215.815.014.9 115.6 4     
 20216.510.726.930.531.431.530.5 128.2 4     
Skimmed milk powder2019'0005.2*5.821.424.218.419.*10.2142.5
 2021**11.417.727.720.6 126.0 124.7 
Cheese 2018tonnes3.511.625.425.630.732.926.629.931.
1 Revised.
2 Raw milk imports and imported milk for processing on contract. This does not include imported packaged milk for retail sale.
3 Does not include imported packaged milk for retail sale.
4 Provisional
* Confidential.
Table 2 EU Milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers‘000 tonnes
CountryJan - Jul 20Jan - Jul 21% change
   Belgium2,6442232 1-0.4
   Czech Republic1,9051,847-3.1
   France 14883 214691 2-1.3
   Italy7094 27377 24.0
   Latvia454468 22.9
   Romania685 2690 20.8
   Spain4429 24437 2 0.2
  Source: New Cronos database, Eurostat (except Ireland, CSO).
1 Estimate.
2 Provisional.
* Confidential.

Background Notes


The monthly milk and milk products inquiry is a census of creameries and pasteurisers.

Milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers

Whole milk purchased by creameries and pasteurisers from domestic producers through collection depots and separating stations including whole milk obtained from herds owned by the creameries and pasteurisers.  The fat content of the whole milk is also collected.  To convert milk intake from million litres to ‘000 tonnes use the following formula:

                1 tonne liquid milk = 971.16 litres.

Skimmed milk

Milk with less than or equal to 0.3% fat content.

Semi-skimmed milk

Milk with between 1.5% and 1.8% fat content.

Skimmed milk powder

Milk powder with not more than 1.5% milk fat content.


The cheese figures are not adjusted to a calendar month basis.

Imported Milk Intake

Raw milk imports and imported milk for processing on contract. This does not include milk already packaged for retail sale.

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