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E-mail: Viacheslav Voronovich (+353) 21 453 5164 Beryl Cronin (+353) 21 453 5333 Marie Walshe (+353) 21 453 5542
For general information on CSO statistics: (+353) 21 453 5000 On-line ISSN 2009-5651
CSO statistical release, , 11am

Livestock Slaughterings

March 2017

 '000 head
March 2016145.6 227.2 280.1
March 2017157.1 230.5 285.0
% Change                
March 2017/20167.9%1.4%1.8%
Jan-Mar 2017/20165.3%11.4%0.5%

Cattle slaughterings are up by 7.9% in March 2017

Livestock Slaughterings Release March 2017 Figure 1
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The number of cattle slaughtered in March 2017 is up by 7.9% when compared to March 2016.  See Table 1 and graph.

A further comparison of March 2017 and March 2016 slaughtering figures also shows that:

  • Sheep slaughterings increased by 1.4%
  • Pig slaughterings increased by 1.8%

A comparison of figures for January-March 2017 with the corresponding period of 2016 shows that:

  • Cattle slaughterings increased by 5.3%
  • Sheep slaughterings increased by 11.4%
  • Pig slaughterings increased by 0.5%

Please note that from September 2022 we have revised the labels on the attached table from heads to thousands of heads and from tonnes to thousands of tonnes to reflect the correct unit measurements for livestock numbers and weights. However, it should be noted that the relevant PxStat table, ADM01, was not impacted by these incorrect labels.

Table 1 Livestock Slaughterings
Cattle 2015 '000 heads 3141.3 136.1 146.4 135.9 128.1 131.5 144.1 132.9 145.7 142.3 146.7 133.7 1,664.9
 2016 137.9 150.3 145.6 134.5 133.5 138.0 135.9 148.9 161.4 151.0 166.0 141.3 1,744.2
 2017 149.2 150.7 ²157.1          457.0
Sheep2015 '000 heads 3194.1 167.4 202.5 199.2 199.6 259.6 297.9 275.2 310.3 262.0 233.2 231.7 2,832.8
 2016 197.7 185.6 227.2 190.9 227.1 252.6 258.2 267.8 291.5 258.2 283.5 251.9 2,892.2
 2017 242.3 207.2 ²230.5          679.9
Pigs2015 '000 heads 3265.4 250.8 270.4 269.6 257.1 262.6 285.1 256.3 277.8 278.3 287.7 264.9 3,226.0
 2016 266.2 279.5 280.1 281.6 277.8 275.3 266.6 285.0 279.2 260.4 299.2 265.7 3,316.6
 2017 285.6 259.2 ²285.0          829.8
Cattle2015'000 tonnes 147.2 45.4 48.8 45.6 43.0 44.5 49.1 45.5 50.3 48.9 50.2 45.7 564.1
 2016 47.5 51.0 49.1 45.1 44.9 46.6 45.7 50.5 55.0 51.0 55.0 46.9 588.4
 2017 50.0 ²49.3 ²50.9          150.2
Sheep2015'000 tonnes 14.0 3.5 4.2 4.2 4.1 5.3 6.1 5.6 6.4 5.4 4.9 4.7 58.4
 2016 4.2 4.0 4.9 4.1 4.7 5.2 5.3 5.6 6.1 5.5 6.1 5.4 60.9
 2017 5.3 4.5 5.0          14.8
Pigs2015'000 tonnes 123.3 21.6 23.3 23.3 22.1 22.3 23.5 21.7 23.6 24.9 24.7 22.2 276.4
 2016 23.3 24.2 24.1 24.3 23.7 23.3 22.4 24.0 23.5 22.0 25.5 22.6 282.7
 2017 25.2 22.5 ²25.3          73.0
1 Carcass weight. Labels revised from tonnes to thousands of tonnes to reflect the correct unit meaurements.
2 Revised             
3 Unit heads. Labels revised from heads to thousands of heads to reflect the correct unit measurement
Totals may not equal the sum of the categories due to rounding differences.

Background Notes


This release gives the number and carcass weight of cattle, sheep and pig slaughterings in the Republic of Ireland. The figures include slaughterings at both meat establishments approved by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and slaughterhouses and meat plants approved by Local Authorities under S.I. 432 of 2009. The collection of monthly slaughtering data for cattle, sheep and pigs is governed by Regulation (EC) No. 1165/2008.

DAFM approved plants

Data on the number of slaughterings in meat establishments approved by DAFM for cattle, sheep and pigs is obtained monthly from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Average carcass weights of cattle are taken from the Department’s Beef Carcass Classification Scheme. Average carcass weights of pigs are based on information obtained directly from DAFM approved plants by the CSO. Average carcass weights of sheep are based on average weights data provided by DAFM.

Local Authorities approved plants

The CSO conducts a monthly survey of all Local Authorities in the State. All slaughterings in slaughterhouses and meat plants approved by Local Authorities under S.I. 432 of 2009 are included.

The carcass weight of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in premises under Local Authority control corresponds with those applied to DAFM approved plants.


Calf slaughterings are included with cattle.

Carcass Weights

For cattle, the carcass weight is defined as the weight of the slaughtered animal’s cold body after being skinned, bled and eviscerated and after removal of external genitalia, the limb at the carpus and tarsus, head, tail, kidneys and kidney fats and the udder.

For sheep, the carcass weight is defined as the weight of the slaughtered animal’s cold body after being skinned, bled and eviscerated and after removal of the head, feet, tail and genital organs including the udder. Kidneys and kidney fats are included in the carcass.

For pigs, the carcass weight is defined as the weight of the slaughtered animal’s cold body either whole or divided in half along the mid-line, after being bled and eviscerated and after the removal of the tongue, bristles, hooves, genitalia, flare fat, kidneys and diaphragm.

Timing of Easter

Easter falls each year on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th, inclusively. In 2017 Easter Sunday will fall on April 16th, while in 2016 it fell on March 27th. The level of sheep slaughterings in March and April each year is greatly influenced by when Easter falls.

Dates for Easter Sunday

2017 - 16th April  

2016 - 27th March

2015 - 5th April

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