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Information Society Statistics - Enterprises


Enterprise experience of ICT security related incidents, 2018 %
Any ICT related security incident17.9
   Unavailability of ICT services15.7
   Destruction or corruption of data4.8
   Disclosure of confidential data2.6
Enterprises could have experienced more than one incident, hence the sum of the different types does not equal the total figure

18% of Irish enterprises experienced ICT security related incidents in 2018

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In 2018, 18% of enterprises in Ireland reported to have experienced at least one ICT security related incident. See Headline Table.

The most common incident was an unavailability of ICT services, with 16% experiencing this method. This can include a Denial of Service attack, ransomware attack or software failure.

5% of enterprises reported destruction or corruption of data in the year, with almost 3% noting a disclosure of confidential data. See Figure 1.



Any use of CRM software3434
To capture, store and make available
to other business functions
information about its clients
To analyse information about clients
for marketing purposes

34% of enterprises use Customer Relationship Management software

In 2019, 34% of Irish enterprises employing 10 or more persons used Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. This was used to either collect, store and make available information about its clients to other business functions, or to analyse information on customers for marketing purposes.

The use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) remained at 29% of businesses between 2017 and 2019. See Figure 2 and Table 1.

Any social media6971
Social networks6771
Multimedia content2335
Enterprise's blog3334
Wiki based77

Social media used by over 70% of Irish enterprises

In 2019, 71% of Irish enterprises employing 10 or more people used some type of social media.

The primary method of using social media as a way of connecting with customers is the use of social networks, with 71% of Irish enterprises stating they used social networks, up from 67% in 2017. The use of multimedia content sharing websites increased from 23% of enterprises in 2017 to 35% of enterprises in 2019. See Figure 3 and Table 2.

Other salese-Commerce sales
Small (10 to 49)7129
Medium (50 to 249)7129
Large (250+)6238

Two thirds of large enterprises conduct sales electronically

An e-Commerce sale or purchase of goods or services can be conducted over computer networks via websites, apps or EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

In 2019, nearly two thirds (65%) of large enterprises had e-Commerce sales which accounted for 38% of their total sales. Just under 36% of small enterprises had e-Commerce sales which accounted for 29% of all sales in this size class. 54% of medium sized enterprises had e-Commerce sales which accounted for 29% of their total sales. See Figure 4 and Table 3.

Other purchasese-Commerce purchases
Small (10 to 49)7228
Medium (50 to 249)6832
Large (250+)5842

Half of small enterprises made e-Commerce purchases in 2019

In 2019, 52% of small enterprises made e-Commerce purchases which accounted for 28% of all purchases made by enterprises that employed less than 50 persons, while 63% of medium sized enterprises made e-Commerce purchases which accounted for 32% of total purchases for this size class. 71% of large enterprises made e-Commerce purchases which amounted to 42% of their total purchases. See Figure 5 and Table 3.

Percentage of enterprises with e-Commerce purchasesPercentage of enterprises with e-Commerce sales
Small (10 to 49)5236
Medium (50 to 249)6354
Large (250+)7165

More enterprises engaged in e-Commerce purchases than sales

Across all size classes in 2019, the proportion of enterprises with e-Commerce purchases was higher than those enterprises with e-Commerce sales. Small enterprises had the greatest difference (16%) between e-Commerce purchases and sales. See Figure 6 and Table 3.

e-Commerce purchases as a percentage of total enterprisese-Commerce purchases as a percentage of total purchases
Manufacturing 5135
Selected services5337

Services sector had largest share of e-Commerce purchases

In 2019, Services sector enterprises reported that 53% of enterprises had made e-Commerce purchases, which accounted for 37% of total purchases in that sector. This was slightly higher than the Manufacturing sector which indicated that 51% of enterprises made e-Commerce purchases, accounting for 35% of their total purchases. When looking at the Construction sector, 44% reported making e-commerce purchases, which accounted for just 2% of all purchases made in this category. See Figure 7 and Table 4.

e-Commerce sales as a percentage of total enterprisese-Commerce sales as a percentage of total turnover
Manufacturing 4640
Selected services3931

Manufacturing sector had the largest share of e-Commerce sales by turnover

Looking at the detailed sectors shows that 46% of Manufacturing enterprises reported e-Commerce sales which accounted for 40% of total turnover for that sector. The Services sector reported that 39% of enterprises had e-Commerce sales which accounted for 31% of all turnover generated in that sector. Just 10% of Construction enterprises made e-Commerce sales which accounted for 3% of total Construction turnover. See Figure 8 and Table 4.

Any difficulty experienced5.7
High costs of delivering or returning products4
Difficulties related to resolving complaints and disputes2.1
Lack of knowledge of foreign languages for communication with customers2
Restrictions from business partners1.8
Adapting product labelling for sales0.9

6% of enterprises had difficulties selling to other EU countries

Almost 6% of enterprises reported they had trouble selling to other EU countries via a website or apps during 2019. The most common issue noted was the high cost of delivering or returning products at 4.0%, followed by difficulties solving complaints and disputes at 2.1%. See Figure 9 and Table 5.

Have a website or homepage7979
Providing links or references to the
enterprise's social media profiles
Facilitating access to online
ordering or reservations
Tracking/status of orders placed1211
Personalised content on the website
for regular/repeat visitors
Possibility for visitors to customise
or design online goods or services

4 out of 5 enterprises have a website in Ireland

In 2019, 79% of enterprises surveyed reported they had a website. The most common facility provided were links or references to the enterprise’s social media profiles (51%), followed by access to online orders or reservations (28%). See Figure 10 and Table 6.

X-axis label20182019
Mobile broadband7279
Purchases by internet or EDI5356
Sales by internet or EDI3641

95% of Irish enterprises have broadband

In 2019, 95% of enterprises used a broadband connection to the internet. The survey found 56% of these enterprises used their broadband connection to purchase online, with 41% selling online. See Figure 11 and Table 7.

Table 1 Sharing information electronically within the enterprise, 2017 and 2019
Any use of ERP1 software 2929
Any use of CRM2 software 3434
     Use CRM software to collect, store and make available information on customers to various business functions3232
     Use CRM software to analyse information on customers for marketing purposes2726
1Enterprise Resource Planning 2Customer Relationship Management
Enterprises can use more than one type of software, hence the sum of the different types does not equal the total figure
Table 2 Enterprise use of social media, 2017 and 2019
Use of any social media6971
   Use of social networks6771
   Use of multimedia content sharing tools2335
   Use of enterprise's blogs or microblogs3334
   Use of wiki based knowledge sharing tools77
Enterprises can use more than one type of social media, hence the sum of the different types does not equal the total figure. Question not asked in 2018.
Table 3 ICT usage by size of enterprise, 2019
 Small (10 to 49) Medium (50 to 249) Large (250+)
Enterprises with e-Commerce sales 36 54 65
e-Commerce sales as a % of total sales29 29 38
Enterprises with e-Commerce purchases52 63 71
e-Commerce purchases as a % of total purchases 28 32 42
Enterprises using broadband 94 99 100
Enterprises using mobile broadband connection 76 88 96
Table 4 Purchases and sales via e-Commerce, 2017 - 2019
   Manufacturing sector Construction sector Selected services sectors Total
   201720182019 201720182019 201720182019 201720182019
Use of e-Commerce for purchases (as % of total enterprises)       
 by internet or EDI 484851 373844 485253 485252
Use of e-Commerce for sales (as % of total enterprises)               
by internet or EDI  423846 181010 323539 333539
by internet 202227 1178 273134 262934
by EDI 322834 866 151315 161417
Percentage of purchases by e-Commerce (as % of total purchases)               
by internet or EDI 363735 432 343737 343636
Percentage of sales by e-Commerce (as % of total turnover)               
by internet or EDI 353940 233 333431 343534
by internet 71013 011 201815 161514
 by EDI 282927 232 141616 182120
Table 5 Difficulties experienced by enterprises when selling online to other EU countries, 2019
Any difficulty experienced5.7
   High costs of delivering or returning products4.0
   Difficulties related to resolving complaints and disputes2.1
   Lack of knowledge of foreign languages for communicating with customers2.0
   Restrictions from business partners1.8
   Adapting product labelling for sales0.9
Enterprises can experience more than one difficulty when selling online to other EU countries, hence the sum of the different types does not equal the total figure.
Table 6 General findings of enterprise ICT survey, as a percentage of all enterprises, 2018 - 2019
 Manufacturing sector Construction sector Selected services sectors Total
 20182019 20182019 20182019 20182019
Use of the internet           
    Have a website or homepage9091 7976 7777 7979
Purposes of using the internet (as provider)           
    Providing links or references to the enterprise's social media profiles4642 3130 5153 5051
    Facilitating access to online ordering or reservations1714 56 3130 2928
    Tracking/status of orders placed96 41 1312 1211
    Personalised content on the website for regular/repeat visitors87 85 1312 1211
    Possibility for visitors to customise or design online goods or services84 31 109 108
Table 7 External connection to the internet, as a percentage of all enterprises, by sector, 2018 - 2019
   Manufacturing sectors Construction sector Selected services sectors Total
   20182019 20182019 20182019 20182019
Type of external connection to the internet           
 Broadband9898 9796 9595 9695
 Mobile broadband connection7886 7483 7177 7279
Enterprises with broadband        
 Purchases by internet or EDI4953 3945 5557 5356
 Sales by internet or EDI3947 1010 3741 3641

Background Notes

Background Notes 2019


The Survey on e-Commerce and ICT is conducted to provide harmonised enterprise statistics at EU level. The survey is carried out annually under EU Regulation (EC) No. 808/2004.

Summary of survey methodology

The Survey on e-Commerce and ICT was conducted as a wholly electronic survey for the first time in 2013 via the CSO’s e-form system, allowing sampled enterprises to complete and return the survey form electronically. Reminders are periodically sent to non-respondents throughout the year and a telephone campaign is also conducted to ensure that the response rate is sufficient for the survey. The 2019 response rate was 52.4%. Returned survey forms are verified and edited before the data is grossed up to the sample frame population.

A pilot survey was conducted in 2002 and a full annual survey began in 2003. Approximately 6,000 enterprises are surveyed in the first quarter of each year. The sample of enterprises is chosen from the CSO’s Business Register. The overall results are released by Eurostat on an EU-28-wide basis in December each year. The results presented in this release are from the 2019 survey. The results cover enterprises with ten or more persons engaged in the manufacturing, construction and selected services sectors. Enterprises operating in the following NACE Rev.2 classifications were included in the coverage of this survey. NACE coding is a classification system which groups enterprises according to their business activities. Each business activity category is assigned a unique NACE code.

NACE Rev.2 categories used in the ICT survey

Section C (10-33) Manufacturing:
Food, beverages, tobacco, textiles, wearing apparel, leather, wood, printing and paper products (10 to 18);
Petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber and plastic products (19 to 22);
Other non-metallic mineral products, basic metals and fabricated metal products (23 to 25);
Computer, electronic and other equipment, repairs and installation, other manufacturing (26 to 33).
Section D, E (35-39) Electricity, gas and steam, water supply, sewerage and waste management
Section F (41-43) Construction
Section G (45-47) Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Section H (49-53) Transportation and storage
Section I (55-56) Accommodation and food service activities
Section J (58-63) Information and communication
Section L (68) Real estate activities
Division M (69-74) Professional, scientific and technical activities (selected sectors)
Section N (77-82) Administrative and Support Service activities
Group (95.1) Repair of computers m, water supply, sewerage and waste management)


Results are based on the survey of Survey on e-Commerce and ICT by an enterprise, which was conducted in the first half of 2019. This survey covers enterprises with 10 or more persons engaged in the manufacturing, construction and selected services sectors.

Eurostat tables

The Survey on e-Commerce and ICT usage is carried out across all member countries of the EU-28. Each national country designs its own enterprise survey, using a template questionnaire issued by Eurostat, and incorporating some optional modules.

National results are transmitted to Eurostat annually and subsequently published by Eurostat in December of each year. Published results for Ireland may differ slightly from those in the Eurostat tables due to rounding. Further information on Eurostat tables and comparable results across member countries of the EU-28 are available online at


Glossary of Terms

Broadband: High-speed, always-on internet access running with a speed of greater than 128Kb/sec (Kilobytes per second).

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL): Digital Subscriber Line technologies are designed to increase bandwidth available over standard copper telephone wires. Includes IDSL, HDSL, SDSL, ADSL, RADSL, VDSL, DSL-Lite and xDSL.

Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce): Transactions conducted over IP (Internet Protocol) based networks and over other computer mediated networks. The goods and services are ordered over those networks, but the payment and ultimate delivery of the goods or service may be conducted on or offline. Orders received via telephone, facsimile and non-interactive e-mails are not counted as electronic commerce.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Electronic exchange of forms, such as for orders, between geographically dispersed locations.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Enterprise Resource Planning consists of one or a set of software applications that integrate information and processes across the several business functions of the enterprise.

Extranet: A secure extension of an intranet that allows external users to access some parts of an organisation’s intranet.

Intranet: An internal company communications network using IP-based communications within an organisation.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN): Integrated Services Digital Network is the digital version of the old telephone system. ISDN offers many services such as private virtual networks, high-speed facsimile (fax), video-conferencing and most importantly, high speed communications.

LAN: Local Area Network. This relates to your company’s computer network, usually within an office, building or closed geographical area.

Modem: Device that converts outgoing digital signals from a computer to analogue signals which can be transmitted via a conventional copper telephone line and which converts incoming analogue signals to digital.

Social Media: Use of social media refers to the enterprise’s use of applications based on internet technology or communication platforms for connecting, creating and exchanging content online with customers, suppliers, partners or within the enterprise. Enterprises using social media are considered to be those that have a user profile, an account or a user licence depending on the requirements of the social media type.

Social networks e.g. Facebook, Linkedln, Xing, Viadeo, Yammer, etc

Blogs or microblogs e.g. Twitter

Multimedia content shared websites e.g. YouTube, Flickr, Picassa, SlideShare

Wiki based knowledge sharing sites e.g. Wikipedia

 Member states of the EU-28 
 Czech Republic
 United Kingdom
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