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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities

31 December 2015

€ million
2015Equity Bonds and Notes Money Market Instruments  Total
Total844,562 879,740 432,816 2,157,117
of which:       
   United States 256,202 207,224 121,333 584,759
   United Kingdom113,713 216,045 70,053 399,811
   France33,218 63,107 50,517 146,842
   Italy32,179 76,396 2,070 110,645
   Germany37,170 41,326 28,573 107,069

Investment in foreign securities rises to €2.2 trillion at end-2015

Figure 1 Portfolio Investment by Country 31 December 2015
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The value of Irish residents’ holdings of foreign securities at end-December 2015 amounted to €2,157bn, up €220bn on the 2014 level of €1,937bn.The increase is largely accounted for by increases in equity and in bonds and notes assets.

Combined investment in US-issued and UK-issued instruments (€985bn) accounted for 46 per cent of the total stock, up from 45 per cent on 2014.

 Other points of note from the end-2015 results are:

  • Overall investment in US securities rose by €61bn, but the composition of that investment changed significantly with bonds & notes up €42bn and equity up €26.1bn, and money market instruments down €7.5bn – see table 1.  Investment funds accounted for 69 per cent of total US securities – the corresponding investment by money market funds increased by €10.4bn to €88.9bn - see table 2.
  • Investment in UK securities rose by €56.3bn to €399.8bn, cementing its position as the second most popular investment location. France has regained third place with investment rising by €12bn to €147bn.
  • Significant holdings are also shown for Italy (€111bn), Germany (€107bn), Netherlands (€97bn), Japan (€89bn, up 29%)and Luxembourg (€85bn, up 20%).
  • Total investment in money market funds and investment funds increased respectively to €363bn (up 23%) and €1,270bn (up 13%) - see table 2.

This release also provides analysis by country of issuer and sector of holder (table 2).  Corresponding data for 2014 are shown including revisions resulting from more recent information.  Overall, the data are compatible in form and content with the data being submitted to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of Ireland’s on-going participation in the IMF’s world-wide annual Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey.  They are also consistent with the portfolio investment stock statistics published on the 9th December 2016 in the Release Quarterly International Investment Position and External Debt – Quarter 3 2016 – see Background Notes.  More detailed geographical analysis is available on the Statbank.

This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.




S121 Central Bank
S122 Banks
S123 Money Market Funds
S124 Investment Funds
S128/9 Insurance & Pensions
S13 Government
S125/126/127/S11/S14/S15 Other 


Table 1 Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities1 - by Country of Issuer€ million
CountryEquity Bonds and Notes Money Market Instruments Total
31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015
Australia 8,7869,179 10,25411,325 16,38620,533 35,42641,037
Austria 825925 5,7565,855 621420 7,2027,200
Belgium 4,6466,660 13,95015,074 6,3078,187 24,90329,921
Bermuda 5,5545,805 1,7532,111 1515 7,3227,931
Brazil 7,931* 7,0135,221 278* 15,22210,293
Canada 8,3577,360 10,15812,308 9,25826,136 27,77345,804
Cayman Islands 23,03531,108 8,0108,409 911825 31,95640,342
China, P.R.15,52612,756 324444 1,0612,505 16,91115,705
Denmark 3,3175,154 2,4112,980 9931,397 6,7219,531
Finland 2,6694,745 3,1453,021 6,5884,791 12,40212,557
France 26,77433,218 61,23763,107 46,46050,517 134,471146,842
Germany 29,98937,170 46,54441,326 25,78928,573 102,322107,069
Hong Kong SAR of China10,67010,131 479491 1,596716 12,74511,338
India 7,2648,792 478798 013 7,7429,603
Indonesia 2,3942,129 3,3813,624 00 5,7755,753
Italy 28,60032,179 74,63376,396 1,5122,070 104,745110,645
Japan 47,44958,825 6,6989,139 14,57020,983 68,71788,947
Jersey 3,8484,366 2,4932,913 405153 6,7467,432
Luxembourg 51,01763,852 17,22418,084 3,1593,409 71,40085,345
Mexico 3,4473,256 7,4608,024 891130 11,79811,410
Netherlands 17,67521,828 52,11054,328 19,68420,883 89,46997,039
Norway 2,6642,817 3,6234,042 2,2712,694 8,5589,553
Poland 1,201* 4,2964,420 0* 5,4975,373
Portugal1,0831,186 6,2365,671 227 7,3216,884
Republic of Korea (South)11,48912,518 2,1731,975 9162 13,67114,655
Russian Federation 3,1783,040 2,1021,938 20 5,2824,978
Singapore 3,3343,047 862863 10,4048,538 14,60012,448
South Africa 4,6143,762 3,2892,633 20 7,9056,395
Spain 10,55712,269 40,44736,225 9931,829 51,99750,323
Sweden 9,20010,427 6,6957,723 18,67222,127 34,56740,277
Switzerland 16,73419,438 1,3622,358 5,3344,392 23,43026,188
Taiwan Province of China 9,90910,008 7684 00 9,98510,092
Turkey 2,4201,567 3,6482,782 10 6,0694,349
United Kingdom 101,682113,713 177,156216,045 64,67270,053 343,510399,811
United States 230,143256,202 164,835207,224 128,877121,333 523,855584,759
Other countries325,14928,484 31,18030,422 10,4928,762 66,82167,667
International Organisations0650 11,07410,357 609614 11,68311,621
Total743,130844,562 794,565879,740 398,824432,816 1,936,5192,157,117
1The figures exclude Reserve Assets (see background notes).
2 Revised
3This category includes data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 2 - Resident Holdings of Foreign Portfolio Securities1 - by Country of Issuer and Sector of Holder€ million
CountryCentral Bank Banks Money Market Funds Investment Funds Insurance & Pensions Government Other  Total
 S121 S122 S123 S124 S128/9 S13 S125/6/7/11/14/15   
 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014231 Dec 2015
Australia 00 2,0991,657 *21,288 15,77515,851 1,3311,636 3730 * 575 35,42641,037
Austria 521444 1,2361,737 382308 2,7132,929 ** 95 * *  7,2027,200
Belgium 940889 1,9132,058 5,6097,565 5,6637,952 ** 2727 * *  24,90329,921
Bermuda 00 * *  *0 6,9497,547 299* 2217 * *  7,3227,931
Brazil 00 00 00 15,00110,153 199131 229 00 15,22210,293
Canada 0186 1,8221,607 9,53226,405 13,43014,831 *1,788 5138 * 949 27,77345,804
Cayman Islands 00 * *  46115 29,11137,169 1,7962,005 3939 * *  31,95640,342
China, P.R.00 00 9442,414 15,64612,997 ** 3931 * *  16,91115,705
Denmark 4835 736684 ** 4,7417,309 454507 912 * *  6,7219,531
Finland 115130 723549 5,9834,605 3,5544,364 ** 1617 * *  12,40212,557
France 5,9055,896 9,3137,407 36,40740,623 46,99855,790 ** 4431,017 * *  134,471146,842
Germany 2,1761,565 9,7236,532 22,19926,236 43,04147,687 *17,612 170148 * 7,289 102,322107,069
Hong Kong SAR of China00 00 1,483708 10,84110,182 ** 2622 * *  12,74511,338
India 00 00 00 7,6299,474 98116 1513 00 7,7429,603
Indonesia 00 00 00 5,7155,698 ** 64 * *  5,7755,753
Italy 3,0473,147 22,23123,602 316373 31,27033,752 ** 128119 * *  104,745110,645
Japan 00 2,354*  12,58216,233 49,04564,278 *4,204 66 * *  68,71788,947
Jersey 00 * *  308108 6,1087,096 171117 00 * *  6,7467,432
Luxembourg 595758 1,8281,518 1,8303,050 29,59134,629 ** 633668 * *  71,40085,345
Mexico 00 * *  00 11,35910,977 231199 2016 * *  11,79811,410
Netherlands 1,186606 3,8933,188 ** 34,05639,001 5,9735,709 136137 * *  89,46997,039
Norway 00 1,0851,115 ** 4,5355,028 578547 33 * *  8,5589,553
Poland 084 1,4281,230 00 3,8283,747 ** 32 * *  5,4975,373
Portugal383384 1,193673 00 2,1212,200 ** 32 * *  7,3216,884
Republic of Korea (South)00 * *  0155 12,48313,372 610589 3423 * *  13,67114,655
Russian Federation 00 * *  *0 5,1054,776 50* 75 *1 5,2824,978
Singapore 00 00 ** 4,1023,784 235180 54 * *  14,60012,448
South Africa 00 * *  00 7,7026,263 138105 179 * *  7,9056,395
Spain 2,4462,591 12,8147,633 437474 18,27019,842 ** 7968 * *  51,99750,323
Sweden 2631 935991 ** 10,58511,746 4,9375,104 2026 * *  34,56740,277
Switzerland 00 * *  2,8272,035 16,13220,739 2,4052,229 2018 * *  23,43026,188
Taiwan Province of China 00 00 00 9,5979,757 361335 270 00 9,98510,092
Turkey 00 00 00 5,9894,301 7546 42 10 6,0694,349
United Kingdom 00 13,2656,762 49,35462,241 223,483271,110 46,09349,109 202182 11,11310,407 343,510399,811
United States 00 *7,878 78,57888,930 358,475400,592 30,70833,929 1,7981,831 *51,599 523,855584,759
Other countries3308245 * *  4,7275,641 49,40548,640 * *  3822 * *  66,82167,667
International Organisations1,1241,011 4,1263,664 1,2101,049 3,6504,161 370435 00 1,2031,301 11,68311,621
Total18,82018,002 110,14386,366 296,163363,395 1,123,6981,269,724 210,140229,114 4,1144,572 173,441185,944 1,936,5192,157,117
1The figures exclude Reserve Assets (see background notes).
3This category includes data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
*Suppressed for confidentiality reasons.

Background Notes

This Release updates the annual (end-December) series on foreign portfolio asset stock statistics introduced in October 2003. These figures result from the CSO’s ongoing participation in the annual Co-ordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) conducted by the IMF. The information is compiled on the basis of the IMF’s methodological recommendations described in its Co-ordinated Portfolio Investment Survey Guide. This methodology is designed to harmonise the timing and valuation conventions used by all countries participating in the Survey. The results are conceptually consistent with the International Investment Position (IIP) statistics on foreign assets published by the CSO. Therefore, the compilation methodology, which is designed to meet the recommendations of the IMF’s Balance of Payments Manual - 6th Edition (BPM6) concerning compilation of international investment position statistics, is essentially the same for both series.

The CPIS is concerned with portfolio investment stock statistics for equities and long-term (i.e. bonds and notes) and short-term (i.e. money market instruments) debt securities. The results are classified by country of issue of the securities and are also cross-classified by type of financial instrument, and by sector of holder.

For more detailed information see See Methodology Documents (PDF 117KB)

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