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Foreign Direct Investment


 € million
Flows - Abroad 8,146-14,858
Flows - In Ireland -13,63072,447
Positions - Abroad - end year 845,336966,641
Positions - In Ireland - end year 915,8491,025,789
Positions - Net - end year-70,513-59,148
Net Income Flows-58,115-71,075

Direct investment in Ireland increased by €72bn in 2019

Foreign Direct Investment 2019 Figure 1
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Irish stocks of direct investment abroad increased to €967bn at the end of 2019 from a stock position of €845bn at the end of 2018.  

The Q4 2019 stock of direct investment abroad comprised of Equity Capital & Reinvested Earnings of €963bn and Other Capital of €3bn. The decrease in Other Capital positions (€95bn) was offset by an increase in Equity Capital & Reinvested Earnings (€216bn). The decrease in Other Capital positions was mostly attributable to European investment with Luxembourg and Netherlands down €30bn and €38bn respectively. The increase in Equity Capital and Reinvested Earnings positions was attributed to corresponding increases in investment from Luxembourg, Netherlands as well as the United States of €121bn, €25bn and €31bn respectively. These fluctuations in Irish investment abroad were predominantly caused by the Redomiciled PLCs. For the data breakdowns, see Table 3.

The stock of direct investment in Ireland increased between the end of 2018 and end of 2019 - from €916bn to €1,026bn.   Investment from Luxembourg and the United States decrease by €106bn and €74bn respectively. These decreases were offset by investment from Netherlands, Switzerland, Asia and Central America of €103bn, €18bn, €18bn and €154bn respectively - Table 4.

Ireland had a net foreign liability of €59bn at the end of 2019, a decrease of €12bn from the net foreign liability of €71bn at the end 2018.

This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
This map is © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. License number 01/05/001.
X-axis labelUnited StatesOffshore CentresLuxembourgOtherSwitzerlandUK


X-axis labelUnited StatesIrelandOtherOffshore CentresUnited KingdomFrance

Direct Investment positions by Immediate and Ultimate Investor

In line with International recommendations the geographic allocation of direct investment flows and stocks in Tables 1 to 9 is based on the country of location of the immediate owner of the direct investment enterprise. 

An alternative presentation of the stock of direct investment in Ireland by ultimate investor displays a different geographic pattern. Figure 2 presents the value of investment stock in Ireland by location of the immediate owner (of the direct investment enterprise). Figure 3 presents the value of investment stock in Ireland by location of the ultimate investor. In 2019, the stock of investment from the US as ultimate investor at €734bn was €512bn greater than the stock of US investment presented by immediate owner (€222bn). This difference indicates that while a great deal of investment into Ireland comes directly from our European counter parts, this investment originates from enterprises located in the United States.

Investment stock from Ireland as ultimate investor at €92bn primarily represents former US-based corporate inversion enterprises which are now located in Ireland (see figure 3). 

For further analysis on FDI, that explores its impact on the Irish economy with respect to employment, wages and regional breakdowns, see the FDI in Ireland publication. This research publication also contains numerous statistics based on the location of the ultimate investor, pass through FDI and Greenfield FDI.

Investment flows

Flows of direct investment into Ireland increased by €72bn in 2019:increases in reinvested earnings inflows of €63bn,  and other capital investment inflows of €23bn were offset by a decrease in equity flows of €13bn . This increase in flows of direct investment  into Ireland was largely attributable to investment from Netherlands and Bermuda of €81bn and €119bn respectively.  - see Table 2.

X-axis labelUSOffshore CentresBelgiumOtherNetherlandsLuxembourgUK
X-axis labelTotalEuropeUS

In 2015, the flow of direct investment into Ireland increased by €196bn mainly due to increased investment from Europe (€80bn) and the US (€76bn). This increase in 2015 pertains to the financing of intellectual property as well as the onshoring of other assets. Flows of direct investment into Ireland increased by €72bn in 2019 as previously mentioned. The €71bn decrease in investment from the United States was caused by corporate restructuring and a re-allocation of investments to other countries - see Table 2.

Direct investment abroad decreased by €15bn in 2019  largely due to an decrease in investment to the Netherlands  (-€33bn). The decrease in investment outflows of €15bn in 2019 followed an increase in investment outflows of €8bn in 2018.  Reinvested earnings abroad and equity investments abroad of €16bn and €63bn were offset by a decrease in other capital investment abroad of €94bn.   - see Table 1.

Sectoral breakdown

Investment abroad by enterprises located in Ireland is primarily from the services sector – an investment position of €801bn at the end of 2019 is up €96bn compared to the position at the end of 2018 (€706bn). The stock of services sector investment to the EU was €466bn (69%). The investment position from the manufacturing sector amounted to €133bn - see table 7.

The Services Sector remains the largest sector for inward investment - at the end of 2019, the investment position was €625bn, up €81bn from the previous end of year 2018 position (€555bn). The investment position in financial intermediation increased from €203bn in 2018 to €212bn in 2019. Administrative and support activities increased from €60bn in 2018 to €70bn in 2019. Investment in the Manufacturing Sector increased by €30bn to a stock position of €400bn in the same period - see Table 8.


X-axis labelManufacturingServices
In Ireland399.66625.11

Direct investment income

Income outflows of foreign owned direct investment enterprises were €92bn in 2019, an increase of €12bn compared with 2018. Earnings of European owned companies were €63bn in 2019, up €7bn on the 2018 figure. Income earned abroad by investors located in Ireland was €21bn in 2019 down €0.7bn from 2018. The income earned abroad was predominantly from Luxembourg (€11bn), the Netherlands (€6bn), the UK and offshore centres (€1.7bn & €1.1bn) - see Table 9.

Table 1 Direct Investment1 Flows Abroad Classified by Location of Investment € million
Region/Country 2018 2 2019
 EquityReinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal EquityReinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal
Europe -25,41216,651-1,125-9,88643,99117,093-86,832-25,747
  of which:
    Belgium 520481967651,405**589
    France  *40*-5742,356240-1122,484
    Germany  *-232*-717-7227870825
    Italy 86245-627281-2232647
    Luxembourg 51,4148,594-33,13226,87444,91410,347-37,59617,663
    Netherlands  *4,845*-72,763*3,864*-33,758
    Spain *-7*-170-217-6610-272
    Switzerland *15****-665*
    United Kingdom  *2,081*3,9663,8461,4601,1056,411
    EU 283 -58,24816,028-7,484-49,70454,35616,856-86,023-14,810
    EMU 194 *13,554*-47,23050,31814,789-78,516-13,408
Americas 2541,503-2,361-60311,4132,091-87612,629
  North America 742-131-5,524-4,91311,0598826,57718,518
   of which:
    Canada *15*-3008-4216216
    United States  *-144*-4,61211,0538886,36118,302
  Central America *1,530*4,066*1,148*-6,054
  South America *102*243*60*165
Asia **5684,4529,935**1,045
  of which:
    China **-13***-117*
    Hong Kong *7****-73-94
    Japan *-29*-237***58
Africa 23844***0**
Oceania and Polar Regions **121169-2516139129
Not geographically allocated5 2,950789****-1,738*
Total -13,72314,6737,1958,14662,89915,742-93,500-14,858
  of which:
    All offshore centres6 *2,1163,955* *1,005*-22,158
1Data are provided according to arithmetic sign conventions e.g. minus signs are used in cases where there is withdrawal of investment.
3For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
4The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
5This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
6This category overlaps with the regions referred to above and covers Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Netherlands Antilles, Barbados, Bahrain, Bermuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cook Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St Maarten, Turks and Caicos Islands, Cayman Islands, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Maldives, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Singapore, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa.
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 2 Direct Investment1 Flows into Ireland Classified by Location of Investor  € million
Region/Country2018 22019
EquityReinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal EquityReinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal
  of which:
    Belgium *3,237*11,164*2,178*5,379
    France 1,2671,4312,0574,7571761,583-5021,254
    Germany 3153581,0371,711252576-2,862-2,031
    Italy -1821,4221441,385891,742971,927
    Netherlands 4953,523**-8662,51179,43781,083
    United Kingdom -9,8522,145-15,353-23,060-7,1282,588-5,286-9,824
    EU 283 -84,63524,725-111,938-171,849-141,21824,95789,512-26,749
    EMU 194-74,63322,446-75,020-127,208-131,17522,16595,516-13,492
North America6,5674,40763,14874,124-8,0047,399-72,064-72,669
  of which:
    United States **62,86674,733**-71,387-71,197
Central America9,7844,500**138,2026,48721,124165,814
  of which:
South America00**002525
  of which:
  of which:
    Japan 8973992,5683,863*2,743*2,420
Oceania and Polar Regions**-449-402167**417
Not geographically allocated5**13,55215,267-19**-5,549
  of which:
    All offshore centres68,06512,23242,17062,466 139,67118,20720,924178,802
1Data are provided according to arithmetic sign conventions e.g. minus signs are used in cases where there is withdrawal of investment.
3For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
4The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
5This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
6This category overlaps with the regions referred to above and covers Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Netherlands Antilles, Barbados, Bahrain, Bermuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cook Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Maldives, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Singapore, St MaartenTurks and Caicos Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa.
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 3 Direct Investment1 Abroad End Year Positions Classified by Location of Investment€ million
Region/Country 2018 2 2019
 Equity Capital & Reinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal Equity Capital & Reinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal
Europe482,66399,139581,802 635,91620,679656,595
  of which:
    France  3,0467443,790 9395951,534
    Germany  4,175-8473,328 4,36134,364
    Italy 782-71072 788-77514
    Luxembourg 291,04438,913329,956 411,8788,647420,525
    Netherlands  28,50043,76172,261 53,7555,37659,132
    Switzerland 12,753-8,6034,150 **14,273
    United Kingdom  72,91014,67287,581 80,83315,65496,486
    Offshore centres **47,564 **32,339
    EU 283  421,099107,450528,549 577,23329,862607,095
    EMU 194 340,98084,888425,868 490,03414,675504,709
Americas**158,392 205,921-12,138193,783
  North America 107,821-11,28396,538 138,592-11,321127,271
   of which:
    Canada **2,328 2,1564242,580
    United States  **94,211 136,436-11,745124,690
  Central America **60,841 **65,371
   of which:
    Offshore centres 53,3916,60559,996 65,660-1,17464,486
  South America 8531591,013 **1,140
Asia 62,1461,36163,507 70,418-1,89968,519
Africa**-414 **62
Oceania and Polar Regions1,609-625985 2,126-5011,624
Not geographically allocated5 37,6893,37341,062 **46,051
Total 747,26998,067845,336 963,2953,346966,641
  of which:
    All offshore centres6 147,6986,426154,124 **150,255
1The sign convention used is: for year-end positions 'Abroad', an entry without sign indicates a net asset position, while a minus sign indicates a net liability position.
3For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
4The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
5This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
6This category overlaps with the regions referred to above and covers Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Netherlands Antilles, Barbados, Bahrain, Bermuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cook Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Maldives, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Singapore, St MaartenTurks and Caicos Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa.
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 4 Direct Investment1 in Ireland End Year Positions Classified by Location of Investor  € million
Region/Country 2018 22019
 Equity Capital & Reinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal Equity Capital & Reinvested EarningsOther CapitalTotal
Europe588,118-128,953459,165 509,058-33,819475,238
  of which:
    Belgium 41,955-20,13421,821 16,589-19,817-3,229
    France  19,9001,16021,060 21,94964522,594
    Germany  8,721-2,3696,352 9,724-4,4065,318
    Italy  7,8858288,713 7,2806227,902
    Luxembourg 206,989-31,910175,079 79,460-10,22669,234
    Netherlands  49,397-62,179-12,782 70,97818,94389,921
    Spain **10,955 **13,381
    Switzerland 69,7511869,769 99,463-11,91187,552
    United Kingdom  63,878-13,47050,409 61,708-20,64841,060
    Offshore centres *96* **131,419
    EU 283 419,558-128,599290,959 285,200-32,555252,644
    EMU 194 350,003-113,333236,671 220,632-9,364211,268
North America120,312185,375305,687 121,340110,137231,476
  of which:
    Canada **10,182 **9,927
    United States  **295,505 **221,549
Central America88,68123,324112,006 219,96246,341266,303
  of which:
    Offshore centres 88,68123,706112,387 219,96246,485263
South America0-405-405 0-319-319
  of which:
    Brazil 0-286-286 0-223-223
Asia13,9709,08123,051 44,219-3,12441,095
  of which:
    China **6,344 **8,025
    Japan 3,7815044,285 *159*
    Singapore 416** 417-1,312-896
    Offshore centres5 63312,18312,815 633-430204
Africa  245-8237 277-29248
Oceania and Polar Regions 312103415 479368847
Not geographically allocated6 -1,40417,09815,694 -1,50112,41410,913
Total 810,234105,615915,849 893,833131,9561,025,789
  of which:
    All offshore centres7 184,07436,103220,178 340,87557,373398,248
1The sign convention used is: for year-end positions 'Abroad', an entry without sign indicates a net liability position, while a minus sign indicates a net asset position.
3For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
4The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
5This category overlaps with some of the regions referred to above.
6This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
7This category overlaps with the regions referred to above and covers Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Netherlands Antilles, Barbados, Bahrain, Bermuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cook Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Maldives, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Singapore, St MaartenTurks and Caicos Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa.
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 5 Direct Investment1 Flows Abroad Classified by Activity2 of Resident Investor   € million
SectorNACE 2  2018 32019
  Total         of which: Total         of which:
Section & Division EU 284EMU 195 EU 284EMU 195
All Industries  8,146-49,704-47,230-14,858-14,810-13,408
  of which:
  Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining and Quarrying; ConstructionA, B & F ******
  Total Manufacturing SectorC 14,3992,1002,215281-4,149-8,723
    Food, beverages and tobacco products10, 11 & 12 531**3,167**
    Textiles and wood13, 14 & 16 - 18 ******
    Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations21 3,406712416***
    Other manufacturing n.e.s.  *-811-197-2,4301,029-419
  Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning supplyD ******
  Total Services Sector45 - 99 -7,779-52,116-49,853-16,503-10,450-4,566
    Wholesale and retail trade; Repairs of motor vehiclesG 5462,011*-717498352
    Transportation and storageH **0***
    Information and communicationJ ******
    Financial and insurance activitiesK -10,303-9,475*1,2511,029745
    of which:
      Activities of holding companies64.2 ***31**
    Other service activities6  500165,501* 11,18517,21623,611
1Data are provided according to arithmetic sign conventions e.g. minus signs are used in cases where there is withdrawal of investment.
2The activity classification used in this release is the NACE Rev. 2 classification.
4For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
5The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
6This covers residual FDI service activity.
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 6 Direct Investment1 Flows into Ireland Classified by Activity2 of Resident Enterprise   € million
SectorNACE 2  2018 32019
  Total of which:  Total of which:
Section & Division United StatesJapanEU 284EMU 195Offshore Centres United StatesJapanEU 284EMU 195Offshore Centres
All Industries  -13,63074,7333,863-171,849-127,20862,46672,447-71,1972,420-26,749-13,492178,802
  Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining and Quarrying; ConstructionA, B & F **0**0**0**0
  Total Manufacturing SectorC 51,656-24,507-31223,03522,90849,57423,338-55,403-3057,2966,46378,651
    Food, beverages and tobacco products10, 11 & 12 *-302*-54**11,722*0-2,062**
    Textiles and wood13, 14 & 16 - 18 0-101-11*00*00
    Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations21 17,901-8,5319120,24619,9041,84742,832-2,750-497,3417,168*
    Other manufacturing n.e.s.  *-15,673*2,842****-256**26,142
  Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning supplyD **0**1**0**0
  Total Services Sector45 - 99 -66,02699,2304,175-195,606-150,02412,89449,094-15,8022,725-34,046-20,018100,151
    Wholesale and retail trade; Repairs of motor vehiclesG 10,376*****1,7841,516*9,1079,1951,539
    Transportation and storageH **0****00***
    Information and communicationJ -53,240932***7,14226,786**-109,504-109,84399,541
    Financial intermediation64 -19,261100,259*-128,625*7,5545,957-48,484-466,79375,415*
      of which:              
       Activities of holding companies64.2 -2,358***-1,066-1,005-2,465*0**42
    Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding65 870-139*1,9382,124-595,48949*3,9981,2371,039
    Other financial activities66 922*****537**316334*
    Other services activities6  *-1,4431,293-6,0763,307-1,099 *-5,7012,720**11,947
1Data are provided according to arithmetic sign conventions. e.g. minus signs are used in cases where there is withdrawal of investment.
2The activity classification used in this release is the NACE Rev. 2 classification.
4For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
5The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain
6This covers residual FDI service activity
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 7 Direct Investment1 Abroad End Year Positions Classified by Activity2 of Resident Investor  € million
SectorNACE 2  20182019
  Total         of which: Total         of which:
Section & Division EU 284EMU 195 EU 284EMU 195
All Industries  845,336528,549425,868966,641607,095504,709
  of which:    
  Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining and Quarrying; ConstructionA, B & F ******
  Total Manufacturing SectorC 116,92039,57527,997132,68443,57627,822
    Food, beverages and tobacco products10, 11 & 12 32,88217,925****
    Textiles and wood13, 14 & 16 - 18 ******
    Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations21 **1,3059,053-2,010-2,050
    Other manufacturing n.e.s.  66,57212,2299,45073,81811,8328,487
  Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning supplyD ******
  Total Services Sector45 - 99 705,688477,663389,573801,398549,837466,250
    Wholesale and retail trade; Repairs of motor vehiclesG 12,0275,3323,95913,1706,9044,519
    Transportation and storageH **0***
    Information and communicationJ *****2,223
    Financial and insurance activitiesK 90,92416,5544,83893,82017,0133,980
     of which:        
        Activities of holding companies64.2 8,3261,9061,3468,803**
    Other service activities6  526,202417,601*647,030517,354*
1The sign convention used is: for year-end positions 'Abroad', an entry without sign indicates a net asset position, while a minus sign indicates a net liability position.
2The activity classification used in this release is the NACE Rev. 2 classification.
4For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
5The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia and Spain.
6This covers residual FDI service activity.
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 8 Direct Investment1 in Ireland End Year Positions Classified by Activity2 of Resident Enterprise        € million
SectorNACE 2  201832019
 Totalof which:Totalof which:
Section & Division United StatesJapanEU 284EMU 195Offshore Centres United StatesJapanEU 284EMU 195Offshore Centres
All Industries  915,849295,5054,285290,959236,671220,1781,025,789221,549*252,644211,268398,248
  Agriculture, Forestry and FishingA **0**0**0**0
  Mining and Quarrying; ConstructionB  *0**00*00*00
  Total ManufacturingC 370,293106,1201767,93868,891166,765399,66052,643-28842,08742,959248,020
    Food, beverages and tobacco products10, 11 & 12 ***3,4837,652*******
    Textiles and wood13, 14 & 16 - 18 0000*0*00*0*
    Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations21 99,6778,79039449,79848,08113,460141,1396,47734527,32225,78950,099
    Metal and mechanical products24, 25, 26 & 28 ***10,94910,250****11,940*113,048
    Other manufacturing  *3,049-1363,708*8,43920,2102,310-1571,7311,0697,120
  Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning supplyD *****0**0**0
  Total Services Sector45 - 99 544,548189,3844,268222,015167,57953,413625,110168,905*209,540168,101150,228
    Wholesale and retail trade; Repairs of motor vehiclesG 47,57410,800*13,27411,295*48,64211,960*22,97121,202*
    Information and communicationJ 121,6135,646*116,090115,639-3,481150,20742,063*7,0105,53496,877
    Financial intermediation 64 202,526156,633*-6,464-25,50832,737212,010105,71667378,20968,50219,650
     of which:              
        Activities of holding companies64.2 21,459**8,4968,3586,53019,097*07,1617,0356,985
    Insurance services65 24,5024,112*16,83514,9952,69428,148**18,02315,3944,231
    Administrative and support activitiesN 60,3979,4863,19819,848-2,1828,31370,391**20,1333,09522,137
    Other services activities6  87,9362,707262,43253,340* 115,7121,32329,81263,19454,374*
1The sign convention used is: for year-end positions 'In Ireland' an entry without sign indicates a net liability position, while a minus sign indicates a net asset position.
2The activity classification used in this release is the NACE Rev. 2 classification.
4For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
5The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
6This covers residual FDI service activity
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
Table 9 Direct Investment Income1 Flows Classified by Geographic Location of Creditor/Debtor € million
Region/Country 201822019
 InflowsOutflowsNet InflowsOutflowsNet
Europe 21,33855,349-34,01120,76162,694-41,933
  of which:       
     Belgium  983,653-3,555**-2,516
    France  682,385-2,3172732,478-2,205
    Germany  -92815-907117925-808
    Italy 501,399-1,349321,797-1,765
    Luxembourg  10,03713,009-2,97211,19815,504-4,306
    Netherlands  7,0468,004-9586,0757,334-1,259
    Spain 2463-461-55390-445
    Switzerland 1612,272-12,256**-15,377
    United Kingdom  2,6214,022-1,4011,7333,949-2,216
    EU 283 20,64434,301-13,65720,51435,393-14,879
    EMU 194 17,56929,748-12,17918,10431,026-12,922
Americas 3,27622,318-19,0422,88124,666-21,785
  of which:       
    Canada 5965381-20101
    United States  39210,775-10,3831,50111,690-10,189
    Offshore centres  2,68911,538-8,8491,17413,005-11,831
Asia **-5,771**-8,661
  of which:       
    Japan  7503-496272,870-2,843
Africa **33**-35
Oceania and Polar Regions -130-132023-3
Not geographically allocated5 1,0343456891,7153711,344
Total 21,45479,569-58,11520,71091,785-71,075
  of which:       
    Offshore centres6 3,28620,613-17,327 1,07625,083-24,007
1Income on equity and other direct investment capital.
3For analytical purposes, additional details are given of transactions between residents of Ireland and residents of the EU28 area.
4The relevant EMU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
5This category covers data supplied by respondents without a geographical breakdown.
6This category overlaps with the regions referred to above and covers Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Netherlands Antilles, Barbados, Bahrain, Bermuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cook Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Jersey, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Maldives Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Singapore, St MaartenTurks and Caicos Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu and Samoa.
*Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.

Background Notes

The Foreign Direct Investment release updates the annual statistical series on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows and end-year stocks (or positions) for Ireland, broken down geographically by region and by country. The release includes tables with further analyses of the FDI flows and stocks presented by the principal economic activity (using NACE Rev.2 classification) of the resident direct investment enterprise. The statistics are methodologically consistent with the data already presented in the quarterly balance of payments and IIP releases. The statistics are also compatible with those supplied to Eurostat and the European Central Bank (ECB) and to other international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

For more detailed methodological information see: 

Foreign Direct Investment - Background Notes (PDF 215KB)

Redomiciled PLCs in the Irish Balance of Payments

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