The Population and Migration Estimates publication for 2023 include revised usual residence estimates for the years 2017 to 2022 (i.e. the period between Censuses). This revision process involved a thorough analysis of the final detailed Census results. It should be noted that the people from households that were temporarily absent outside Ireland on Census night are included in the 2022 data for the first time. Inward migrant figures have also been adjusted upwards for 2022 to account for those beneficiaries of the Temporary Protection Directive who would have arrived in April 2022.
See Background Notes for more information.
The following audio file contains a quote from CSO Statistician Cathal Doherty about Population and Migration Estimates April 2023.
Media outlets have permission to use the clip as long as they credit the CSO.
“Close to 30,000 of those people who came back to Ireland in the 12 months to April 2023 were returning Irish citizens. Interestingly, of those who left the country, just over 30,000 were Irish citizens, so net migration was close to zero in terms of the Irish. However, overall more than 64,000 people were estimated to have departed during this period, which is one of the highest levels in the last number of years.”
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