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Headline Economic Results

Headline Economic Results

Increase of 2.3% in GDP in Quarter 3, while GNP declined 2.2%

Online ISSN: 2009-5775
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Table 1.1 GDP and GNP at constant 2020 prices, Q3 20221
 Amount €mQuarterly % change
Gross Domestic Product120,0732.3
Gross National Product83,536-2.2
Modified Final Domestic Demand51,739-1.1
1Constant Market Prices, chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020, seasonally adjusted

Estimates for the third quarter of 2022 indicate that there was an increase of 2.3% in GDP in real terms in Q3 2022 compared to the previous quarter while GNP fell by 2.2%. Modified Domestic Demand, a broad measure of underlying domestic activity that covers personal, government and investment spending declined by 1.1% in Q3. Looking at the first nine months of 2022, the economy grew by approximately 11.7% in GDP terms and 7.7% in terms of GNP compared with the first nine months of 2021. Compared with the first nine months of 2020, GDP has increased by 26.8% and 23.0% in GNP terms. Compared with the first nine months of 2019, a pre-COVID period, GDP has increased by 35.6% and 24.7% in GNP terms.

Q1 20202.633602718274224.81206667375313
Q2 2020-5.58389267707267-8.11799641245264
Q3 202012.89443030891683.20977769975341
Q4 2020-4.645891553506597.31492724870033
Q1 20218.942287681599662.72287900997239
Q2 20211.931800847877592.94665853731484
Q3 20213.797418637122885.45127347434644
Q4 2021-1.105441684449564.99256563022639
Q1 20226.9712807651557-3.03165834145689
Q2 20222.164584857210962.66403801205508
Q3 20222.31643919755009-2.21686073562164

Get the data: NAQ03

Industry (excl. Construction)Information & CommunicationProfessional, Admin & Support ServicesPublic Admin, Education & HealthDistribution, Transport, Hotels & RestaurantsReal Estate ActivitiesFinancial & Insurance ActivitiesConstructionArts, Entertainment & Other ServicesAgriculture, Forestry & Fishing
Q3 202250.1909528119.11528375410.3035587889.6166583698.9196805265.9962886034.6655329782.3626681741.0355943991.035104423
Q2 202246.02877351620.63455117210.568298239.5782442938.9422077325.9229739544.9233918492.3411876741.0189875130.911171382

Get the data: NAQ02

The MNE dominated Industry (excluding Construction) sector recorded strong growth in Q3 compared with the previous quarter, an increase of 9.0%. However the Information & Communication sector, also predominantly driven by MNE activity, declined by 7.4% in the quarter. The Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing sector rose strongly by 13.6% quarter-on-quarter while the domestically facing Construction sector increased by 0.9% over the period compared with Q2 2022. The Arts & Entertainment sector increased by 1.6% in Q3 while Real Estate and Public Administration, Education & Health sectors grew by 1.2% & 0.4% respectively in the quarter. Finance & Insurance recorded a decline of 5.2% in Q3 while the Professional & Administrative services sector fell by 2.5% over the same period. The domestically dominated Distribution, Transport, Hotels & Restaurants sector posted a modest 0.3% decline in Q3 2022. (See Table 2.5).

Personal Consumption ExpenditureGovernment ExpenditureGross Fixed Capital FormationValue of Physical Changes in StocksNet ExportsModified Final Domestic DemandGDP
Q1 202026.6194785519.273169060178.0993781392.039149497-23.3323842546.33392712992.68529145
Q2 202022.52163365310.44768351517.644202691.79106595435.86135383341.03796159187.509844248
Q3 202025.67682980410.52000207225.1644055720.43479991639.47127678546.80188929498.793740128
Q4 202024.93578127510.63853265737.1694267620.22669067919.4311254445.26328421394.2038901
Q1 202123.35613436810.7807454718.4428573582.06636630549.38698457343.78428073102.62787296
Q2 202126.30177184910.76658533319.3605258850.30171335349.49745469147.087775457104.61043908
Q3 202127.2425314210.82524395819.677181772.85550906348.49326598648.722044211108.58293539
Q4 202127.24735576911.15253023138.7976237560.03672792828.7055391549.840887653107.38261436
Q1 202227.12027078110.89470244221.2372431614.17236539153.2034323749.968644423114.8685579
Q2 202227.71800972410.82776484725.5215917271.40226237252.2593087652.313307373117.35498531
Q3 202227.80693581410.79143564948.9613979752.40214296130.8599010851.738596642120.07344219

Get the data: NAQ03, NAQ04NAQ05

On the expenditure side of the accounts (Table 3.5), Capital Investment increased by €24.4 billion during the quarter with the Capital Formation element increasing strongly by 91.8%. Capital Investment accounted for 57.1% of total domestic demand in Q3 2022. Exports increased by 4.8% in Q3 2022 compared with Q2 2022 while Imports rose by 27.0% which meant that overall net exports for the quarter posted a decline of 40.9% in Q3 compared with Q2 2022 or €21.4 billion lower in money terms quarter-on-quarter. Personal Consumption Expenditure increased modestly by 0.3% quarter-on-quarter. These impacts when combined resulted in an overall increase in the real GDP growth rate in Q3 2022 of 2.3%. Final Domestic Demand rose by 36.7% in Q3 compared with Q2 while Modified Domestic Demand fell by 1.1% over the same period.

GDPNet Factor Income from Rest of WorldGNP
Q1 202092.68529145-20.6637969772.021494479
Q2 202087.509844248-21.3350521166.174792141
Q3 202098.793740128-30.4948842768.298855862
Q4 202094.2038901-20.9090226273.29486748
Q1 2021102.62787296-27.3372749175.290598042
Q2 2021104.61043908-27.101284277.509154877
Q3 2021108.58293539-26.8485445181.734390877
Q4 2021107.38261436-21.5675803885.815033984
Q1 2022114.8685579-31.6551425683.213415348
Q2 2022117.35498531-31.9247329585.430252364
Q3 2022120.07344219-36.5370595583.536382643

Get the data: NAQ03

Factor income outflows increased by 14.4% in the quarter, an increase of €4.6 billion in money terms compared with the previous quarter, leading to a fall in GNP of 2.2% for the third quarter compared with the previous quarter.

The calculation methods for quarterly accounts are similar to those used in the Annual National Accounts. As some of the available sources are of lesser reliability than those used for the annual national accounts, the quarterly estimates are subject to a greater margin of error than the annual figures. These preliminary estimates will therefore be revised when the next detailed annual results are published.