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International Trade

International Trade

Net Exports fell by 14.4% (€7.0 bn) in Q2 2023

Online ISSN: 2009-5775
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Table 4.1 Exports and Imports, Q2 20231
 Amount €mQuarterly % change
Exports of Goods77,520-10.2
Exports of Services81,5762.5
Imports of Goods37,8086.8
Imports of Services79,847-2.8
Net Exports41,440 
1Constant Market Prices, chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021 and seasonally adjusted.

Total Exports decreased by 4.1% in Q2 2023 compared with Q1 2023 while Total Imports increased marginally by 0.1% which meant that overall net exports for the quarter were 14.4% lower in Q2 compared with Q1 2023 or €7.0 billion lower in money terms quarter-on-quarter. See International Accounts for more detail on current price data.

Exports (Goods)Exports (Services)Imports (Goods)Imports (Services)Net Exports
Q1 202168.2945706768.500991774-27.217612084-60.20393175149.374018609
Q2 202171.30424257273.440689263-28.082951315-67.42841188849.233568632
Q3 202169.96330004976.696131423-27.514661903-70.68276434948.46200522
Q4 202171.25704778479.987057802-29.292491539-94.92948516827.022128879
Q1 202276.79493799680.714521426-33.330009923-72.6320003151.547449189
Q2 202285.65904908278.176063938-35.064731063-81.38213608247.388245875
Q3 202290.67650207680.820216384-38.660196325-87.74759984545.08892229
Q4 202290.6958116178.084344874-35.39156882-86.68218379446.70640387
Q1 202386.34760343879.607719774-35.414036825-82.14627564648.395010741
Q2 202377.52003763481.57559356-37.808161674-79.84697096641.440498554

Get the data: NAQ04

Table 4.2 Trade Summary: Quarterly Breakdown of Trade into Goods/Services at Current and Constant Prices1

Table 4.3 Seasonally Adjusted (SA) Trade Summary: Quarterly Breakdown of Trade into Goods/Services at SA Current and SA Constant Prices1