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GDP - Expenditure

GDP - Expenditure

Personal Consumption Expenditure increased by 0.9% in Q2 2023

Online ISSN: 2009-5775
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Table 3.1 Expenditure Components of GDP1, Q2 20232
 Amount €mQuarterly % change
Personal Consumption of Goods and Services32,0590.9
Net Expenditure by Central and Local Government on Current Goods and Services11,6424.3
Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation23,6675.2
Net Exports41,440 
     Exports of Goods and Services159,096-4.1
     Less Imports of Goods and Services-117,6550.1
Gross Domestic Product117,3740.5
1Series not additive, Value of Physical Changes in Stocks not shown on table (see Table 3.5 for full detail).
2Constant Market Prices, chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021 and seasonally adjusted.

On the expenditure side of the accounts (Table 3.5), Capital Investment increased by 16.0% in Q2 compared with the previous quarter and accounted for 39.9% of total domestic demand in Q2 2023.

Personal Consumption Expenditure grew by 0.9% in Q2 2023 compared to Q1 2023, while Government expenditure increased by 4.3% over the same period. Real GDP grew by 0.5%.

Personal Consumption ExpenditureGovernment ExpenditureGross Fixed Capital FormationValue of Physical Changes in StocksNet ExportsGDP
Q1 202125.24146404111.21592914218.6163898032.12384960949.374018605105.74687965
Q2 202128.87849540411.14134231319.9351319040.05747956349.233568627108.37725453
Q3 202129.72054003510.87348359619.3840272863.13579461748.462005218111.14460069
Q4 202129.90529936911.19761416838.86368166-0.10956058827.02212888108.32491588
Q1 202230.12415947211.26878001921.5095821031.56717703451.54744919115.71434284
Q2 202231.32513126611.42631379425.4276273533.86921801347.38824588118.23596003
Q3 202231.43779665611.69588321227.8078976714.19840775345.08892229121.0301152
Q4 202231.76545487611.60943127927.278420415-0.01113184746.70640387119.98757208
Q1 202331.77753084611.15913207922.5013755122.54066970948.39501074116.83181065
Q2 202332.05942506211.64211749223.6674877885.38546921141.44049855117.37423214

Get the data: NAQ04

Building & ConstructionMachinery & EquipmentIntangiblesGross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation
Q1 20215.65777369655.35858417477.600031931318.616389803
Q2 20216.37267232395.45619035738.10626922319.935131904
Q3 20216.25610433824.37446463728.753458310719.384027286
Q4 20216.88056138765.360600154926.62252011738.86368166
Q1 20226.51174130295.94060134899.057239450921.509582103
Q2 20226.6686281677.338293356411.4207058325.427627353
Q3 20226.61011851557.123043936814.07473521927.807897671
Q4 20226.368325466.743603593614.16649136127.278420415
Q1 20236.77956118276.60440832449.117406004622.501375512
Q2 20236.51175479296.881097742610.27463525223.667487788

Get the data: NAQ04

Comparisons with Q2 2022

On the expenditure side of the accounts (Table 3.3), Capital Investment decreased by 0.5%. Personal Consumption showed an increase of 2.4% while Government expenditure grew by 2.1% over the same period. Exports of Goods and Services decreased by 2.8% (or €4.5 billion) in Q2 2023 compared with the same quarter of 2022. Imports of Goods and Services grew by 1.1% (or €1.3 billion) over the same period. Net Exports therefore decreased by 12.2% (or €5.7 billion) over the period year-on-year.

Table 3.2 Expenditure on Gross National Product at Current Market Prices

Table 3.3 Expenditure on Gross National Product at Constant Market Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021)1

Table 3.4 Expenditure on Gross National Product at Current Market Prices - Seasonally Adjusted

Table 3.5 Expenditure on Gross National Product at Constant Market Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021)1 - Seasonally Adjusted

Table 3.6 Components of Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation at Current Market Prices - Non-Seasonally Adjusted

Table 3.7 Components of Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation at Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021)1 - Non-Seasonally Adjusted

Table 3.8 Components of Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation at Current Market Prices & Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021)1 - Seasonally Adjusted

FOR UPDATES TABLES, PLEASE CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINK: Quarterly National Accounts Q2 2023 Updates Tables (XLS 52KB)