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Foreign and Domestic GVA

Foreign and Domestic GVA

Multinational sector expanded by 6.2% in Q2 2023 while Non-MNE dominated sectors grew by 1.5%

Online ISSN: 2009-5775
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Table 6.1 Gross Value Added for sectors dominated by Foreign-owned MNEs and Other Sectors, Q2 20231
 Amount €mQuarterly % change
Foreign-owned MNE dominated61,2806.2
Total GVA (MNE dominated + Other)115,3434.0
1Constant Market Prices, chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021, seasonally adjusted.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, estimates indicate that Gross Value Added (GVA) in volume terms in the Foreign-owned MNE dominated sector rose by 6.2% for the second quarter of 2023, largely driven by an expansion in the Industry (excluding Construction) sector of 3.8% quarter-on-quarter. GVA for the non-MNE dominated sectors of the economy grew by 1.5% over the same period.

Real GVA for the total economy amounted to €115 billion in the Q2 2023 reference period, with GVA for MNE dominated sectors representing approximately 53.1% of Total GVA while GVA for the non-MNE dominated sectors represented approximately 46.9% of the total.

Foreign-owned MNE-dominatedOther
Q1 202117.45983302055090.670939268262205
Q2 20212.542832370249021.64481137456016
Q3 20213.307859342473621.20453623512351
Q4 2021-2.179224639076352.42079278302738
Q1 20228.132499713137361.27389828421824
Q2 20224.13142751061751.09346127200074
Q3 20224.06338236475210.706078607610583
Q4 20223.573790388905620.911275590850558
Q1 2023-10.78152684406451.4677671077401
Q2 20236.237268752301771.48989015401337

Get the data: NAQ06

The classification of value added for the total economy between (a) the Foreign-owned MNE dominated sector and (b) the Other sector in Tables 6.2 and 6.3 is determined by business accounting turnover. Foreign-owned MNE dominated sectors are defined as those where MNE turnover on average exceeds 85% of the sector total. Economic activity classified to the Non-MNE dominated sector falls below this turnover threshold.

The main sectors dominated by MNEs in Ireland are:

  • Pharma and Chemical production
  • Computer, electronic and optical device manufacturing
  • Medical instrument production
  • Information & Communications, including software publishing

The combination of all remaining non-MNE dominated sectors provides an estimation of the value-added contribution of the domestic-facing side of the economy to the overall economy.


Table 6.2 Gross Value Added at Current Basic Prices & Constant Basic Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021)1

Table 6.3 Gross Value Added at Current Basic Prices & Constant Basic Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2021)1 - Seasonally Adjusted