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Domestic Demand

Domestic Demand

Modified Domestic Demand increased by 2.7% in Q1 2023

Online ISSN: 2009-5775
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Table 5.1 Modified Final Domestic Demand by Component, Q1 20231
 Amount €mQuarterly % change
Personal Consumption of Goods and Services28,9251.7
Net Expenditure by Central and Local Government on Current Goods and Services10,732-3.5
Modified Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation13,09611.1
Modified Final Domestic Demand52,7532.7
1Constant Market Prices, chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020 and seasonally adjusted.

Final Domestic Demand fell by 4.9% in Q1 2023 compared with Q4 2022, while Modified Final Domestic Demand increased by 2.7% over the same period. (See Table 5.5)

Personal Consumption of Goods and ServicesNet Expenditure by Central and Local Government on Current Goods and ServicesModified Gross Domestic Fixed Capital FormationModified Final Domestic Demand
Q1 202026.5933688569.297352979410.40619922446.296921059
Q2 202022.51090094710.4528607548.070861309541.03462301
Q3 202025.73081486810.54068176810.54075256146.812249197
Q4 202024.93496685210.5821653259.785576486845.302708664
Q1 202123.2997030310.8248029849.620990380643.745496394
Q2 202126.29584250310.75570346210.00348091747.055026882
Q3 202127.32764514110.85443159910.53795811148.720034852
Q4 202127.24642883111.07550411611.60550406449.927437012
Q1 202227.11743892210.96223392711.84435317849.924026027
Q2 202227.71780674210.90635475913.73683813752.360999638
Q3 202227.98902024510.83205188112.98254820151.803620328
Q4 202228.43731687111.12583429711.78502581751.348176984
Q1 202328.92523870310.73193806313.09615097352.753327739

Get the data: NAQ05

Modified Final Domestic Demand
Q1 2020-2.62071301267226
Q2 2020-11.3664103975593
Q3 202014.0798812397814
Q4 2020-3.22466995048112
Q1 2021-3.43734914737547
Q2 20217.56541989646715
Q3 20213.53842741217711
Q4 20212.47824568202344
Q1 2022-0.00683188483955322
Q2 20224.88136435487401
Q3 2022-1.06449325615147
Q4 2022-0.879172808997353
Q1 20232.73651536925614

Get the data: NAQ05

Modified Final Domestic DemandNet Exports & Other
Q1 2020-1.380206366852264.09783557849433
Q2 2020-5.675047452967340.163914349116294
Q3 20206.594211214089636.11093860365557
Q4 2020-1.52867242729495-3.34541154149075
Q1 2021-1.6577484044034711.1640026246441
Q2 20213.21734967231917-1.35056550319477
Q3 20211.588969636453841.96340977955601
Q4 20211.11273346019991-2.6035314822608
Q1 2022-0.003191113181137437.85702588569789
Q2 20222.113866876194690.0260224071902354
Q3 2022-0.4733498762868543.0163771592138
Q4 2022-0.3771895475381730.233013752651059
Q1 20231.16539945373518-5.79216772215102

Comparisons with Q1 2022

Final Domestic Demand increased by 5.5% in Q1 2023 compared with Q1 2022, while Modified Final Domestic Demand grew by 5.5% over the same period.

Table 5.2 Total Domestic Demand at Current Market Prices & Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)1 - Non-Seasonally Adjusted

Table 5.3 Total Domestic Demand at Current Market Prices & Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)1 - Seasonally Adjusted

Table 5.4 Modified Total Domestic Demand at Current Market Prices & Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)1 - Non-Seasonally Adjusted

Table 5.5 Modified Total Domestic Demand at Current Market Prices & Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)1 - Seasonally Adjusted

Table 5.6 Components of Modified Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation at Current Market Prices - Non-Seasonally Adjusted

Table 5.7 Components of Modified Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation at Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)1 - Non-Seasonally Adjusted

Table 5.8 Components of Modified Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation at Current Market Prices & Constant Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2020)1 - Seasonally Adjusted