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Substantial drop in risk of poverty rate for elderly

In 2005 just over 20% of those aged 65 and over were at risk of poverty, representing a significant decline on the 27% recorded one year previously. Over the same period the rates for persons under 65 remained relatively unchanged. At an overall level 18.5% of the population were at risk of poverty, compared with 19.4% in 2004.

Lone parent households had highest deprivation levels

Those living in lone parent households had the highest deprivation levels in 2005, as in 2004, with almost 60% reporting deprivation in respect of at least one of the eight deprivation indicators. Overall, the percentage of the population living in households that experienced some element of enforced deprivation increased from 18.3% in 2004 to 19.2% in 2005.

Levels of 'consistent poverty' remained relatively unchanged between 2004 and 2005, with rates of 6.8% and 7.0% respectively.

Smokers at higher risk of poverty

The at risk of poverty rate for smokers was 21.4% compared with 16.1% for non-smokers. Almost 11% of smokers were in consistent poverty, over 2.5 times the rate for non-smokers.

Almost a quarter of persons with chronic illness at risk of poverty

Almost a quarter of persons with a chronic illness or disability were at risk of poverty. They were almost twice as likely to be in consistent poverty as those without a chronic illness. (9.5% compared with 4.8%).

These figures are taken from the latest EU-SILC survey results, published today (16th November 2006).

The main results are summarised below:

  EU-SILC 2004
EU-SILC 2005
% Change
Percentage of persons:      
At risk of poverty (60% threshold)
In consistent poverty
Average income per week:      
Gross household income (per household)
Disposable household income (per household)
Equivalised disposable income (per individual)
Poverty threshold      
60% of median equivalised income (per individual)

For further information contact

Kathryn Carty on 021 453 5302 or Caroline Barrett on 021 453 5485

Fax 021 453 5492


Central Statistics Office

16 November 2006

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