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CSO Pulse Surveys #CSOTakePart

CSO Pulse Surveys are a new way to make your story part of Ireland's story.

We want to hear what you think on topical issues #CSOTakePart

CSO Pulse Surveys and Take Part Campaign

What is a CSO Take Part campaign and why are we doing it?

The CSO Take Part campaign consists of quick and easy online pulse surveys about topical issues.  These short, frequent surveys are indicators of the ‘pulse’ of the country at a particular time on certain topics. They usually ask opinion-type questions or seek attitudes to certain current events or issues. These types of short, online CSO Pulse Surveys will help the CSO to provide data that is relevant and timely. It also means the CSO can ask people if they would like to register their interest in taking part in future CSO Pulse Surveys.

Who can take part?

These types of online pulse surveys allow everybody who is 18 years and over, and living in Ireland to take part. The CSO wants more people to have their say. The link to the latest CSO Pulse Survey can be found on our website and on our social media channels such as X, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.

The CSO wants to make it easier for your story to be part of the story of Ireland. We want to encourage more people to fill out our surveys and register their interest in taking part in others in the future. The CSO has measured Ireland’s economic and social change for more than 75 years, but it is more important than ever for people to take part in our surveys to ensure everyone in Ireland has access to independent facts.

How does the CSO publish the results of these CSO Pulse Surveys?

The CSO publishes the results on our social medial channels and on our website. If you want to receive the results directly you can indicate this on the survey form. We use percentages and trends to tell the story of survey results.  We will outline in broad terms the type of people who replied and the impact on the results if some age/sex/region are not fully represented — for example, if only people aged between certain age categories responded. That is why it is important for everyone to take part.

What is the difference between a CSO Pulse Survey and a typical household survey?

The CSO conducts household surveys all year round on wide-ranging topics such as health, travel, crime and well-being. These include the Labour Force Survey (LFS), a measure of Ireland’s employment and unemployment rate, and the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC), which is the official source of data on household and individual income.  Households that are chosen to take part in these surveys are part of a randomly selected representative sample. CSO Pulse Surveys allow everybody aged 18 or over and living in Ireland to volunteer to take part and are only available to complete online.

What if I don’t want to do this CSO Pulse Survey but would like to sign up to future CSO Pulse Surveys?

We want more people to take part in our surveys. You can send an email to to register your interest. You can opt out at any time.

What about confidentiality?

Protecting your confidentiality is at the heart of everything we do. Your confidentiality is protected by law which means no individual, household or enterprise can be identified from the data we publish.  We only use the data you provide for statistical purposes.

To learn more about why you can trust the CSO with your information, please see the  section of our website.

What types of questions will be on the CSO Pulse Surveys?

The CSO Pulse Surveys will be short and easy to complete and will mainly focus on finding out more about social issues and well-being. Questions on gender identity, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity may also form part of the surveys. Learn more about CSO Pulse Survey Types of Questions.

I started a pulse survey, and it has timed out. It is telling me to go back to the link.

There is a 15 minute limit on your session, this is to ensure the confidentiality of your data. If you return to the link that you received via email or you used from social media, you can start again. The partial data you entered is automatically deleted.

Why you can Trust the CSO

Learn about our data and confidentiality safeguards, and the steps we take to produce statistics that can be trusted by all.