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Photograph of the Dáil (Irish Parliament building) against a blue sky
CSO Surveys logo

Our statistics about Ireland are independent and reliable, because you told us.

The information you give us lets us create a very accurate picture of what it means to live in Ireland today - our lives, our economy, our health, our education, our happiness and well-being.

What is this survey?

The Trust in Government and Public Services 2023 survey is a voluntary survey carried out by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). It is part of an OECD-wide programme and has been undertaken by the CSO previously in 2021.

The purpose of the survey is to gather information on people’s self-reported interpersonal trust, satisfaction levels with various public services, trust in different public institutions and levels of government. It also sets out to explore the key drivers behind those levels of trust (reliability, responsiveness, integrity, fairness and openness).

Why is the survey important?

Data from this survey will assist government departments, agencies and others in developing policies and services to enhance trust in public institutions. It will also allow us to learn from international best practices related to trust, measure trust levels over time in Ireland and see how we compare internationally.

We depend on your information, so if you are asked to take part in the Trust in Government and Public Services 2023, survey please do.

Further information on the Trust in Government and Public Services Survey