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Six business people sit in a meeting room, a mix of men and women of different backgrounds. One person uses a wheelchair. A laptop is on the table.
CSO Surveys logo

Our statistics about Ireland are independent and reliable, because you told us.

The information you give us means we can create a very accurate picture of Ireland, our lives, our economy, our health and our happiness.

This survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated in this important survey.

What is the Structure of Earnings Survey?

The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a nationwide survey of Irish employees that provides detailed information on Earnings Statistics. It is a compulsory survey carried out in all European Union member states by institutes including the Central Statistics Office (CSO). 

Why is the Structure of Earnings Survey important?

Data from this survey will be used by government departments, agencies and others to help inform debate and enable crucial decisions to be made on topics such as the national minimum wage and the gender pay gap.

We depend on your information, so if you are asked to take part in the Structure of Earnings Survey, please do.

Further information on the Structure of Earnings Survey

Why you can Trust the CSO

Learn about our data and confidentiality safeguards, and the steps we take to produce statistics that can be trusted by all.