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CSO Surveys logo

Our statistics about Ireland are independent and reliable, because you told us.

The information you give us lets us create a very accurate picture of what it means to live in Ireland today - our lives, our economy, our health, our happiness and well-being.

This survey is not currently running

The survey described on this page is not currently in the field or may no longer be running. This page is maintained for reference only.

What is the Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey?

The Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey gathers information on how we balance the different aspects of our lives, including work, personal life and caring commitments. It is a voluntary survey carried out under Section 24 of the Statistics Act, 1993.

This nationwide survey of households gives us an accurate picture of the personal and work-life balance of different people, whether employed, looking for work, retired, a homemaker, a student or a care-giver. This information will help the Government design policies and services to support everyone’s well-being.

When taking part in the survey, you will be asked questions about your well-being, the flexibility you have in work and if you can take paid and unpaid leave. You will also be asked what gets in the way of you taking leave.

The statistics we produce are used by individuals, businesses, local authorities and national government to make policy decisions and to plan for our futures. We depend on your information, so if you are asked to take part in the Personal and Work-Life Balance Survey please do.

Further information on the PWLB