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A bus driving along a winding cliff road overlooking a bay with islands
CSO Surveys logo

Our statistics about Ireland are independent and reliable, because you told us.

The information you give us lets us create a very accurate picture of what it means to live in Ireland today - our lives, our economy, our health, our happiness and well-being.

Please note that online survey submissions will be unavailable for the NTS after midnight on Sunday 15th September.

Following this, a representative from the CSO will be in your area to assist you with completing the survey in person.

What is the National Travel Survey?

The National Travel Survey (NTS) is a voluntary nationwide survey of individuals carried out by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) under Section 24 of the Statistics Act, 1993.

The survey focusses primarily on the travel behaviour of individuals and on their use of sustainable modes of travel such as public transport and active travel (cycling, walking) and the facilitators and inhibitors to their use of these modes of travel, and alternative modes of travel to using a car. The survey also gathers information on the travel activities of individuals over a 24-hour period, including the number of journeys taken, the distance travelled, and purpose of journey, e.g. business, social, leisure, or other. 

It also looks at road safety and factors that influence the purchase of vehicles.

Why is the National Travel Survey important?

The facts we get directly from you through the NTS give us a clear picture of people’s day-to-day travel activities, showing the situation at national and regional level. The statistics we produce are used by individuals, businesses, local authorities and national government to inform decisions— creating policies that help provide public services where and when they’re needed most.

We depend on your information, so if you are asked to take part, please do so because your voice matters.

Further information on the NTS

Why you can Trust the CSO

Learn about our data and confidentiality safeguards, and the steps we take to produce statistics that can be trusted by all.