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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Labour Force Survey (LFS) Households and Family Units

Quarter 2 2014 - Quarter 2 2020

IndicatorQ2 14Q2 15Q2 16Q2 17Q2 18Q2 19Q2 20Change Q2 19 to Q2 20
Share of persons aged 0-17 years living in jobless households16.1%14.7%13.2%11.9%11.8%11.3%13.0% +1.7 percentage points
Share of persons aged 18-59 years living in jobless households13.1%11.8%11.1%9.9%9.5%8.8%11.1%+2.3 percentage points
Share of all persons aged 0-59 years living in jobless households14.0%12.7%11.7%10.5%10.2%9.6%11.7%+2.1 percentage points

Increased share of persons aged under 60 years living in jobless households in Q2 2020

Figure 1 Share of Persons aged 18-59 years living in jobless households
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In Q2 2020, 11.7% of persons aged 0-59 years were living in jobless households compared to 9.6% in Q2 2019. Breaking the results out by age there were an increased share of both adults and children living in jobless households in Q2 2020 when compared to a year earlier; the share of adults (aged 18-59 years) living in jobless households was 11.1% in Q2 2020 compared with 8.8% in Q2 2019 and the share of children (aged 0-17 years) living in jobless households in Q2 2020 was 13.0% compared with 11.3% in Q2 2019. See Table 1 and Figure 1.

Of the eight NUTS3 regions, in Q2 2020, the Mid-East had the lowest proportion of persons aged 0-59 years living in jobless households (9.9%) while the Border region had the highest proportion (17.7%). See Table 1.

More than half of households consisted of no more than two-persons

One and two-person households together accounted for 57.2% of all the households in the State in Q2 2020 compared to 52.9% for the same period in 2014. In Q2 2020, the South-East region had the highest proportion of households with two persons or less at 59.8% while the Mid-East region had the lowest at 49.3%. Three out of every ten (31.8%) households contained between three and four persons and 10.9% contained five or more persons. See Table 2 and 3.

In Q2 2020, 27.8% (538,200) of households in the State consisted of just one person and that was up from just over a fifth (22.3%) in Q2 2014. There were 414,200 households consisting of a couple with no children which corresponded to just over a fifth (21.4%) of all households in Q2 2020 and had not changed significantly from the 22.0% recorded six years earlier. There were 663,600 households containing couples with children in Q2 2020. These accounted for 34.3% of all households in Q2 2020 and was down from 37.8% in Q2 2014. Finally, the share of lone parent households increased from 11.3% to 12.6% over the six-year period bringing their total to 243,600 households in Q2 2020. See Table 6.