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Summary Statistics

Summary Statistics

CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Table 5.1 presents the differences between the public and private sector employees aged 25-59 across a number of metrics such as average gross weekly earnings, age, length of service, hours worked and in employment characteristics such as levels of trade union membership and supervisor roles. 

Figure 5.1 and 5.2 illustrate the compositional make up of the public and private sector employees in relation to education attainment and occupation.  

Table 5.1 Descriptive statistics - permanent, full-time employees aged 25-59 years for 2022 (weighted data)

X-axis labelPublicPrivate
Primary or lower secondary2.927.47
Higher secondary10.1820.97
Post leaving certificate10.2515.39
Third level non honours degree13.6714.95
Third level honours degree or higher62.9941.22
X-axis labelPublicPrivate
Managers, Directors and senior Officials3.1910.8
Associate professional and technical13.9516.57
Administrative and secretarial16.529.13
Skilled trades1.813.62
Caring, Leisure and Other service13.145.06
Sales and Customer Service0.386.05
Process, Plant and Machine Operatives1.5811.86