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Population Satisfied with Time Use

Population Satisfied with Time Use

This indicator refers to the overall satisfaction with time (amount of leisure time) use of persons aged 16 years and over.

Respondents were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with time use levels on a scale from 0 (‘Not at all satisfied’) to 10 (‘Completely satisfied’). The mean score for each satisfaction level indicator was calculated by adding individual scores and dividing the total by the number of individuals.

This indicator is collected in the Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) between January and June of the reference year.

Percentage of persons aged 16 years and over by satisfaction level of time use (amount of leisure time) and sex and year
Percentage of persons aged 16 years and by satisfaction level of time use (amount of leisure time) by sex and year
Percentage of persons aged 16 years and over with a high (score 9 - 10) satisfaction level of time (amount of leisure time) use by household composition and year
Percentage of persons aged 16 years and over with a high (score 9 - 10) satisfaction level of time (amount of leisure time) use by household composition and year

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