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Persons who Experienced Discrimination in the Previous 2 Years

Persons who Experienced Discrimination in the Previous 2 Years

This indicator refers to the percentage of persons aged 18 years and over that felt they had been discriminated against in the previous 2 years. 

Under Irish law, discrimination takes place when one person or a group of persons are treated less favourably than others because of their:

  • Gender
  • Civil status
  • Family status
  • Religion
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins)
  • Membership of the Traveller community
  • and/or Housing assistance in relation to the provision of residential accommodation
Percentage of persons aged 18 years and over who felt they had experienced discrimination in the previous 2 years by nationality and quarter
Percentage of persons aged 18 years and over who felt they had experienced discrimination in the previous 2 years by nationality and quarter
Percentage of persons aged 18 years and over who felt they had experienced discrimination in the previous 2 years by religion and quarter
Percentage of persons aged 18 years and over who felt they had experienced discrimination in the previous 2 years by religion and quarter
Percentage of persons aged 18 years and over who felt they had experienced discrimination in the previous 2 years by Principal Economic Status and quarter
Percentage of persons aged 18 years and over who felt they had experienced discrimination in the previous 2 years by Principal Economic Status and quarter

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