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Further Education

Further Education

Further education and training (FET) covers education and training which happens after second-level schooling, but which is not part of the higher education system. Higher education in Ireland is provided by universities, technological universities, institutes of technology and colleges of education, as well as other third-level institutions that provide specialist education (e.g. art or medicine). FET is for adults and young people aged over 16.

The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) has ten levels of education and allows you to compare the different standards and levels of education available to you across the education system. FET courses are provided at Levels 1 to 6 on the NFQ.

This section looks at the number of NFQ Level 1-6 graduates aged 15 to 25. The number of graduates refers to all graduates and includes those graduation records with missing or invalid PPSN. Graduates who completed apprenticeships are excluded.

Number of NFQ Level 1-6 graduates aged 15-25
Number of NFQ Level 1-6 graduates aged 15 to 25