A CSO Frontier Series Output- What is this?
The author wishes to acknowledge the Earth Observation Group (EOG) of the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for providing the datasets on an open-access basis.
He also acknowledges the kind assistance and comments provided by Gavin Smith and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The author also thanks all the members of the CSO Remote Sensing and Satellite Imagery Group for their ongoing commitment and participation (Table 6.1). Furthermore, he wishes to thank Paul M. Crowley, John Dunne, Elaine O’Mahoney, Ciaran Dooly, Patrick Kelleher, Richard Murphy, Colette Keane, Charlotte Barrett, Conor O'Sullivan, Helen Cahill, Aeidin Sheppard, Ken Kennedy, Carol Finlay, Brendan Halpin and Jonathan Shanahan of the CSO.
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