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A CSO Frontier Series Output - What is this?

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1. System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting. (United Nations, 2021).

2. Norton, D., Hynes, S., Buckley, C., Ryan, M. & Doherty, E. An initial catchment level assessment of the value of Ireland’s agroecosystem services. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 120B (2020).

3. Fossitt, J. A. A Guide to Habitats in Ireland. (Heritage Council, 2000).

4. Maes, J. et al. Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: An analytical framework for mapping and assessment of ecosystem condition in EU. (2018).

5. Larkin, J., Sheridan, H., Finn, J. A., Denniston, H. & Ó hUallacháin, D. Semi-natural habitats and Ecological Focus Areas on cereal, beef and dairy farms in Ireland. Land Use Policy 88 (2019).

6. Rotchés-Ribalta, R. et al. Assessment of semi-natural habitats and landscape features on Irish farmland: New insights to inform EU Common Agricultural Policy implementation. Ambio 50 (2021).

7. Garratt, M. P. D., Senapathi, D., Coston, D. J., Mortimer, S. R. & Potts, S. G. The benefits of hedgerows for pollinators and natural enemies depends on hedge quality and landscape context. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 247 (2017).

8. Maes, J., Teller, A., Erhard, M., Condé, S. & Vallecilo, S. Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: An EU ecosystem assessment. (2020).

9. EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. (European Commission, 2011).

10. Updated CLC Illustrated Nomenclature Guidelines. (European Environment Agency, 2019).

11. The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. Volume 1: Summary Overview. (National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2019).

12. The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland. Volume 2: Habitat Assessments. (National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2019).

13National Forest Inventory 2017 Results. (Forest Service, 2017).

14. Countryside Bird Survey.  (Birdwatch Ireland, 2019).

15. Integrated farm statistics manual — 2020 edition. (Eurostat, 2020).

16. Green, S., Martin, S., Gharechelou, S., Cawkwell, F. & Black, K. BRIAR: Biomass Retrieval in Ireland Using Active Remote Sensing. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2019).

17. Green, S. The Irish Hedge Map version 1.0. (Teagasc, 2011).

18. Water quality in 2020: An indicators report. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2021).

19. River Basin Management Plan 2018-2021.  (Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, 2018).

20. Farrell, C. et al. Applying the System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) framework at catchment scale to develop ecosystem extent and condition accounts. One Ecosystem 6 (2021).

21. Convention on Biological Diversity. (1992).



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