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A CSO Frontier Series Output- What is this?

COVID-19 Insight: Mobility During the Pandemic

Series 4 Staying Local Indicator Week ending 19 February 2021

CSO statistical release, , 11am

Key points

  • An estimated 64.8% of the population stayed local (within 10k of home) during the week ending 19 February 2021 according to the Staying Local Indicator (SLI), a seven-day rolling average
  • All counties showed SLI decreases from week ending 12 February 2021 to week ending 19 February 2021, ranging from 3 percentage points (Mayo) to 1.1 percentage points (Donegal), indicating some relaxation of mobility behaviour
  • Dublin continues to be the county with the highest percentage of the population staying local (78.1%) on week ending 19 February 2021, reflecting its urbanised nature and access to services compared to other counties

This is the fourth of an insight series on mobility produced by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The Staying Local Indicator (SLI) provides daily estimated percentages of county populations that have stayed within 10km of home, averaged over the preceding seven days.

1 Jan65.846.857.3
2 Jan66.546.256.5
3 Jan66.445.355.6
4 Jan6745.355.8
5 Jan67.946.256.6
6 Jan68.64656.7
7 Jan6945.956.7
8 Jan69.845.656.6
9 Jan70.345.456.5
10 Jan70.645.256.5
11 Jan70.945.356.7
12 Jan70.945.156.6
13 Jan71.145.756.9
14 Jan71.145.756.9
15 Jan71.145.756.9
16 Jan71.145.857
17 Jan71.145.857
18 Jan7145.856.9
19 Jan714657
20 Jan70.945.556.8
21 Jan70.945.556.8
22 Jan7145.456.8
23 Jan7145.356.7
24 Jan71.145.556.8
25 Jan7145.656.8
26 Jan7145.456.7
27 Jan7145.456.6
28 Jan70.945.456.6
29 Jan70.945.356.5
30 Jan70.845.256.4
31 Jan70.74556.2
1 Feb70.644.656.1
2 Feb70.444.555.9
3 Feb70.14455.6
4 Feb70.144.155.7
5 Feb7044.155.7
6 Feb69.944.155.6
7 Feb69.744.155.6
8 Feb69.844.855.8
9 Feb70.445.256.4
10 Feb70.645.756.7
11 Feb70.545.656.6
12 Feb70.445.756.6
13 Feb70.445.656.5
14 Feb70.345.356.4
15 Feb70.545.256.5
16 Feb70.145.156.1
17 Feb69.845.155.9
18 Feb69.444.955.6
19 Feb69.345.155.7
20 Feb69.74656.4
21 Feb69.546.456.5
22 Feb69.546.656.5
23 Feb70.447.757.6
24 Feb70.647.357.5
25 Feb70.947.457.8
26 Feb70.94757.5
27 Feb70.445.956.8
28 Feb70.645.656.8
29 Feb70.845.957
1 Mar69.944.555.7
2 Mar7044.555.7
3 Mar70.545.256.3
4 Mar71.14657
5 Mar71.746.957.8
6 Mar72.447.658.4
7 Mar72.547.558.4
8 Mar72.647.958.7
9 Mar73.148.559.2
10 Mar73.448.859.6
11 Mar73.849.560.1
12 Mar74.45060.7
13 Mar7550.661.5
14 Mar75.750.962.2
15 Mar76.351.462.9
16 Mar76.952.163.8
17 Mar7752.864.6
18 Mar77.252.264.7
19 Mar77.151.664.5
20 Mar77.451.564.7
21 Mar78.152.165.3
22 Mar7851.364.9
23 Mar78.351.265
24 Mar78.450.364.5
25 Mar78.750.964.8
26 Mar78.950.865
27 Mar79.250.865.1
28 Mar79.850.665.5
29 Mar81.351.967.3
30 Mar8252.468.1
31 Mar82.95369.2
1 Apr83.953.970.4
2 Apr85.155.371.9
3 Apr86.156.773.3
4 Apr86.757.674
5 Apr87.258.574.6
6 Apr87.659.175.1
7 Apr8859.775.5
8 Apr8859.775.4
9 Apr88.159.775.5
10 Apr88.360.275.8
11 Apr88.460.175.9
12 Apr88.660.276.1
13 Apr8960.676.7
14 Apr89.160.576.7
15 Apr89.160.376.7
16 Apr8960.276.6
17 Apr88.859.876.4
18 Apr88.859.776.4
19 Apr88.659.376
20 Apr88.258.775.3
21 Apr88.158.575.2
22 Apr8858.475.1
23 Apr87.95874.9
24 Apr87.757.774.6
25 Apr87.557.474.2
26 Apr87.357.173.9
27 Apr87.157.273.8
28 Apr86.857.173.5
29 Apr86.557.173.3
30 Apr86.357.173.1
1 May86.956.773.4
2 May86.956.873.4
3 May8757.173.8
4 May87.15774
5 May86.856.873.8
6 May86.356.373.3
7 May85.755.672.4
8 May85.655.472.2
9 May85.455.272
10 May85.555.372
11 May85.355.471.6
12 May85.355.571.5
13 May85.355.571.3
14 May8555.171
15 May84.954.970.8
16 May84.85570.7
17 May84.555.170.5
18 May84.254.970.1
19 May83.854.669.6
20 May83.254.269.1
21 May8354.168.9
22 May82.754.268.7
23 May82.654.168.5
24 May82.153.367.8
25 May81.853.167.6
26 May81.652.967.4
27 May81.552.567.1
29 May80.951.966.5
30 May80.551.366.1
31 May80.150.965.7
1 Jun79.550.265.2
2 Jun78.949.664.5
3 Jun78.949.964.5
4 Jun7950.364.7
5 Jun79.350.764.9
6 Jun79.851.565.3
7 Jun79.95265.5
8 Jun79.751.965.1
9 Jun79.951.965.2
10 Jun79.551.664.8
11 Jun79.35164.5
12 Jun78.950.664.1
13 Jun78.149.963.3
14 Jun77.349.362.6
15 Jun7749.362.4
16 Jun76.849.262.2
17 Jun76.64962
18 Jun76.348.861.6
19 Jun7648.661.4
20 Jun75.648.561.3
21 Jun75.548.561.1
22 Jun75.748.761.3
23 Jun75.748.561.4
24 Jun75.348.261.1
25 Jun74.647.960.6
26 Jun7447.560.2
27 Jun74.147.360.1
28 Jun74.147.660.1
29 Jun73.747.259.6
30 Jun73.246.959.1
1 Jul73.146.758.9
2 Jul73.346.658.9
3 Jul73.346.858.9
4 Jul72.946.758.7
5 Jul72.646.458.4
6 Jul72.446.158.2
7 Jul72.746.458.4
8 Jul72.746.558.6
9 Jul72.846.558.6
10 Jul72.446.258.2
11 Jul72.145.957.8
12 Jul71.745.657.5
13 Jul71.645.657.4
14 Jul71.445.557.3
15 Jul71.145.256.9
16 Jul70.845.156.7
17 Jul70.745.256.7
18 Jul70.544.956.5
19 Jul70.144.155.9
20 Jul69.443.555.3
21 Jul68.642.954.6
22 Jul68.242.654.3
23 Jul68.142.254
24 Jul67.741.953.8
25 Jul67.541.653.5
26 Jul67.541.553.6
27 Jul67.541.553.7
28 Jul67.441.453.7
29 Jul67.241.253.6
30 Jul66.841.253.4
31 Jul66.340.953.1
1 Aug66.441.253.3
2 Aug66.441.453.3
3 Aug6641.553.3
4 Aug66.341.953.6
5 Aug66.841.953.8
6 Aug67.141.954
8 Aug67.941.954.5
9 Aug68.541.654.8
10 Aug69.541.555.2
11 Aug69.840.955.1
12 Aug69.540.654.8
13 Aug69.740.554.9
14 Aug69.440.154.6
15 Aug69.339.754.5
16 Aug69.239.454.4
17 Aug68.93954.2
18 Aug68.638.753.9
19 Aug68.638.654
20 Aug68.538.453.8
21 Aug68.338.353.6
22 Aug68.538.453.6
23 Aug68.338.553.5
24 Aug68.238.353.3
25 Aug68.538.553.6
26 Aug68.338.353.4
27 Aug68.438.253.3
28 Aug68.738.253.4
29 Aug68.638.153.2
30 Aug68.53853
31 Aug68.53853
1 Sep69.139.253.8
2 Sep70.140.854.9
3 Sep70.441.755.4
4 Sep70.442.255.6
5 Sep70.442.755.8
6 Sep70.443.256
7 Sep70.543.656.2
8 Sep70.143.155.7
9 Sep69.642.455.2
10 Sep68.842.754.8
11 Sep68.742.754.8
12 Sep68.84354.9
13 Sep68.643.254.9
14 Sep68.643.555.1
15 Sep68.243.354.8
16 Sep67.943.154.5
17 Sep67.84354.4
18 Sep67.542.754.1
19 Sep6842.154.1
20 Sep68.741.654.1
21 Sep68.641.353.9
22 Sep68.841.353.9
23 Sep68.941.153.9
24 Sep69.341.154
25 Sep69.741.254.2
26 Sep69.541.354.2
27 Sep69.641.654.4
28 Sep70.241.954.8
29 Sep70.341.654.8
30 Sep70.641.554.9
1 Oct70.641.654.9
2 Oct71.141.855.3
3 Oct71.942.455.9
4 Oct7342.956.7
5 Oct72.842.656.5
6 Oct73.443.157
7 Oct73.644.257.6
8 Oct73.843.957.6
9 Oct73.644.257.8
10 Oct73.243.857.5
11 Oct72.843.957.5
14 Oct72.64457.7
15 Oct72.744.157.7
16 Oct72.443.857.4
17 Oct72.643.857.5
18 Oct71.442.256.1
19 Oct71.44256
20 Oct71.541.956
21 Oct71.141.755.6
22 Oct71.542.156.1
23 Oct71.942.556.5
24 Oct72.743.257.4
25 Oct73.644.158.3
26 Oct74.245.459.5
27 Oct74.746.160.1
28 Oct75.34761
29 Oct75.347.661.2
30 Oct75.147.761.2
31 Oct74.947.661
1 Nov76.349.662.7
2 Nov76.549.762.6
3 Nov76.950.162.8
4 Nov77.150.262.9
5 Nov77.449.562.7
6 Nov77.44962.5
7 Nov77.64962.7
8 Nov76.147.561.2
9 Nov75.746.960.7
10 Nov75.446.760.5
11 Nov75.546.660.6
12 Nov75.34760.6
13 Nov75.247.560.7
14 Nov7547.560.6
15 Nov74.947.460.5
16 Nov74.847.460.4
17 Nov74.54760.1
18 Nov74.146.559.7
19 Nov73.946.259.4
20 Nov73.946.159.4
21 Nov73.745.859.1
22 Nov73.345.558.8
23 Nov73.245.458.7
24 Nov73.345.258.7
25 Nov73.14558.5
26 Nov73.14558.5
27 Nov7344.958.3
28 Nov72.944.858.3
29 Nov7344.758.3
30 Nov7344.558.3
1 Dec72.945.258.3
2 Dec72.745.658.3
3 Dec72.445.658.1
4 Dec71.945.657.6
5 Dec72.146.157.9
6 Dec71.746.157.5
7 Dec71.346.157.2
8 Dec70.845.356.6
9 Dec70.64556.4
10 Dec70.344.756.2
11 Dec70.144.355.9
12 Dec69.643.655.4
13 Dec69.443.455.3
14 Dec69.143.155
15 Dec68.942.954.8
16 Dec68.642.654.5
17 Dec68.442.454.3
18 Dec68.142.354.1
19 Dec67.842.453.9
20 Dec6742.153.2
21 Dec66.541.952.8
22 Dec65.841.552.3
23 Dec65.141.351.8
24 Dec64.441.551.7
25 Dec64.543.152.8
26 Dec64.44453.5
27 Dec64.444.654.1
28 Dec64.645.755
29 Dec64.846.555.8
30 Dec6547.356.5
31 Dec6648.257.4
1 Jan68.649.859.5
2 Jan71.651.261.8
3 Jan74.252.363.7
4 Jan76.152.965
5 Jan78.253.766.4
6 Jan8054.567.7
7 Jan81.35568.6
8 Jan80.753.467.5
9 Jan80.252.466.6
10 Jan79.95266.4
11 Jan79.951.966.3
12 Jan78.653.366.2
13 Jan78.853.566.3
14 Jan78.753.166.2
15 Jan78.853.466.2
16 Jan78.853.266.1
17 Jan78.953.166.1
18 Jan78.852.866
19 Jan78.752.365.8
20 Jan78.552.265.8
21 Jan78.652.265.8
22 Jan78.55265.7
23 Jan78.551.865.7
24 Jan78.75265.9
25 Jan78.752.166
26 Jan78.752.165.9
27 Jan78.552.265.8
28 Jan78.452.165.8
29 Jan78.451.965.6
30 Jan78.85265.8
31 Jan7952.265.9
1 Feb79.55366.5
2 Feb8053.867.1
3 Feb80.354.367.5
4 Feb80.654.867.8
5 Feb80.855.368.1
6 Feb81.155.868.4
7 Feb81.356.368.7
8 Feb81.255.868.5
9 Feb80.153.767.1
10 Feb79.85366.7
11 Feb79.85366.7
12 Feb79.753.266.7
13 Feb79.953.567
14 Feb79.953.467
15 Feb79.753.166.8
16 Feb79.352.566.3
17 Feb78.952.265.9
18 Feb78.451.165.2
19 Feb78.150.264.8

The Staying Local Indicator is based on statistical analysis of anonymised, aggregated, mobile phone activity records. Data from Three Ireland is collated from anonymised data sets at a macro scale, aggregated at Electoral Division and provided to the Department of Health. The scope of the arrangement between Three Ireland and the Department of Health is limited to informing the Government response to the COVID-19 pandemic only. This data feeds into wider selection of data used as part of the COVID-19 response.

Only aggregated statistical data is provided to the Department of Health. No personal data is provided.

The CSO receives and manages this data on behalf of the Department of Health. Only aggregate data is provided by Three Ireland and at no time do either the Department of Health or the Central Statistics Office have access to personal data or individuals’ movements. The outputs from this analysis provide important insights for decision makers and the public in the midst of the global pandemic.

County Variations

Propensity to stay within 10km of residence tends to differ by county, as movement is impacted by local circumstances and conditions, such as access to services and levels of urbanisation. For example, Dublin, with a high level of urbanisation, consistently shows the highest percentage of persons staying local, while Kerry and Mayo, with low levels of urbanisation, are among the counties with the lowest percentage of persons staying within 10km of home. 

More information on distances to everyday services can be found in the CSO publication Measuring Distance to Everyday Services in Ireland.

Table 1.1 Staying Local Indicator Week on Week Change
CountyWeek EndingWeek EndingWeek on Week
12 Feb 202119 Feb 2021Change
%%% Points
CountyWeek on Week % Points Change

For further COVID-19 related information go to the CSO COVID-19 Information HubStay Local Indicator Methodology Notes, and Staying Local Indicator Frequently Asked Questions

For further information contact:

John Dunne (+353) 21 453 5499

or email

or email

Further Information

John Dunne
021 453 5499
Aidan Condron
086 108 7227