1.1 Ireland: Population by age group
1.3 Ireland: Migration by age group
1.5 Ireland: Age of women at birth of first child
1.6 EU: Age of women at birth of first child and total fertility rate
1.8 Ireland: Offence group of sentenced commitals to prison
1.9 EU: Victims of selected crimes
1.10 Ireland: Means of travel to work
1.11 Ireland: Time taken to travel to work
1.12 Ireland: Road fatalities by road user type
1.14 Ireland: Road casualties by age of victim
1.15 Ireland: Current driving licences by age of holder
2.1 Ireland and EU: Employment rate
2.3 Ireland: Employment rate for persons aged 55-64
2.4 Ireland: Labour Force participation rate by age group
2.5 Ireland: Labour force participation rate by age group
2.6 Ireland: Persons in employment by occupation
2.7 Ireland and EU: Employment by economic sector
2.8 Ireland: Employment by usual hours worked
2.9 Ireland: Employment by marital status and usual hours worked
2.10 Ireland: Employment rates of couples and lone parents aged 20-44 by age of youngest child
2.11 Ireland: Unemployment rates by age group
2.12 Ireland: Unemployment rates and long-term unemployment rates
2.13 Ireland and EU: Unemployment rates
2.15 Ireland: Persons in employment with a pension aged 20-69
3.1 Ireland: Principal economic status
3.3 EU: At risk of poverty rates
3.4 Ireland: At risk of poverty rates by most frequent economic activity
3.5 Ireland: At risk of poverty rates by age
3.8 Ireland: Lone parents by age of youngest child
3.9 Ireland: Recipients of one-parent family payment by age
3.10 EU: Representation in national parliaments
3.11 Ireland: Women and men in decision-making
3.12 Ireland: Civil Service general service grades
3.13 Ireland: Religion
3.14 Ireland: Religion by nationality
3.15 Ireland: Grants to high-performance athletes by age of athlete
3.16 Ireland: Grants to high-performance athletes by size of grant
3.17 Ireland: Arts Council grants to artists by artform
3.18 Ireland: Arts Council grants to artists by size of grant
3.19 Ireland: Income liable for social insurance
3.20 Ireland: Average income liable for social insurance by age
4.1 Ireland: Leaving Certificate candidates
4.2 Ireland: Third-level graduates by field of study
4.3 Ireland: Students as a proportion of population aged 18-24
4.4 Ireland: Persons aged 25-34 with third-level qualifications
4.5 Ireland: Persons aged 35-64 by highest level of education attained
4.6 Ireland: Classroom teachers
4.7 EU: Classroom teachers and academic staff
4.8 EU: School management personnel
5.1 Ireland: Life expectancy at birth and at 65 years
5.2 EU: Life expectancy at birth
5.3 Ireland: Age-sex specific death rates
5.4 Ireland: Death rates for persons aged 65-74
5.5 Ireland: Mortality by cause of death
5.6 Ireland: Persons with a medical card
5.7 Ireland: Acute hospital discharges by principal diagnosis
5.8 Ireland: Acute hospital discharges by patient type
5.9 Ireland: Persons with an intellectual disability by level of disability
5.10 Ireland: Admissions to psychiatric hospitals and units
5.11 Ireland: Recipients of Carer’s Allowance and Carer’s Benefit
5.12 Ireland: Recipients of Carer’s Allowance and Carer’s Benefit by age
5.13 Ireland: Number of carers by age group and hours of unpaid help provided per week
5.14 Ireland: Health services personnel by grade category
5.15 EU: Proportion of persons who currently smoke
5.16 EU: Proportion of persons who are overweight
5.17 EU: Persons with heavy episodic drinking at least once a week
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