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Deaths 2021


Number of deaths occurring increased by 6.6% to 34,844 when compared to 2020

Online ISSN: 2009-5538
CSO statistical release, , 11am

Deaths 2021

There were 34,844 deaths in Ireland in 2021, of which 18,296 were males and 16,548 were females. This is equivalent to a rate of 6.9 deaths per 1,000 total population, an increase of 0.3 from 2020. See Tables 2.1, 2.2, and Figures 2.1, 2.2.

The 2021 rates in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2 are based on estimated usual residence census of population figures. See Background Notes.

Figure 2.1 Crude death rates per 1,000 population 2011 - 2021
Table 2.1 Number of deaths 2021 classified by sex and age-group, state

Standardised death rates comparison between EU member states

For comparison purposes between the EU member states, the age effect can be taken into account by using a standard population. See Technical Notes.

For standardisation, the direct method is applied. Standardised death rates are calculated for the age group 0-64 ('premature death') and for the total of ages. As most causes of death vary significantly with people's age and sex, the use of standardised death rates improves comparability over time and between countries.

For European comparison on standardised death rates see Eurostat.

Total over 65Male over 65Female over 65
Table 2.2 Crude and standardised death rates by area of residence of deceased in 2021

Standardised death rates comparison between counties

Variations in the age distribution of the population from one area to another have an effect on the comparability of death rates between different areas. Comparisons over a period of years are also affected by changes in the age and sex structures of the population. If a particular county contains a large proportion of elderly persons, the crude death rate per 1,000 population will be relatively high even if the health conditions in that area are better than the general average. In an attempt to overcome this, standardised rates are prepared. At county level, this is done by calculating the death rate in each age group of the population in that county and multiplying the death rate in each age group by the population in the state in that age group, summing the resulting products and dividing by the overall population.

The crude death rate for Ireland per 1,000 population in 2021 was 6.9 and the corresponding rate for 2020 was 6.6. In certain areas the standardised death rates differ significantly from the crude rates, for example Fingal which had a crude death rate of 4.2 in 2021 and a standardised rate of 6.0 (reflecting the very young age structure in Fingal). The standardised death rates in 2021 were lowest in South Dublin and in Galway City (at 5.8 per 1,000 population) and highest in Cork City (at 9.0 per 1,000 population). See Table 2.2

Deaths classified by place of occurrence

There were 13,720 deaths (39%) that occurred in general and orthopaedic hospitals in 2021 while 6,066 deaths (17%) occurred in nursing homes and 2,188 deaths (6.3%) occurred in hospices. Domiciliary (home) deaths accounted for 9,719 (28%) deaths. See Table 2.3.

Of those aged 75 years and over, 38% died in general and orthopaedic hospitals, 25% died in nursing homes and 24% died at home. See Table 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Causes of Death 2021
Table 2.3 Deaths in 2021 listed by hospital/place of occurrence and age group of the deceased

Causes of Death

Of deaths occurring in 2021, 64% were attributed to three main chapters in the ICD-10 classification: II (C00-D48) neoplasms (including malignant neoplasms) (28%), IX (I00-I99) diseases of the circulatory system (27%) and X (J00-J99) diseases of the respiratory system (9.2%). A similar overall breakdown is evident for males and females. See Table 2.5 and Figure 2.3.

Within different age groups, the assigned underlying causes of death differ significantly. For those aged less than five years, the main cause of death was certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (47%). In this age group, 55% of male deaths and 39% of female deaths were attributed to these causes. Congenital malformations and chromosomal abnormalities also accounted for a large volume of deaths (31%) in this age group. The numbers of deaths in the 0-4 years age group are very much dominated by infant deaths (93% aged under 1 year). See Table 2.6 and Chapter “Infant Mortality, Stillbirths and Maternal Mortality 2020”.

In the age group 5-14 years, malignant neoplasms (19%) and congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (19%) were the main underlying cause of death. Of the deaths in this age category, 64% were male deaths and 36% were female deaths. See Table 2.6.

A large proportion of deaths in the age groups from ages 15 to 34 years were due to external causes of injury and poisoning (60%). 66% of males aged 15 to 34 years died due to external causes of injury and poisoning. The corresponding figure for females was 45%. Additionally, there were 2.3 male deaths to 1 female death in this age group for all causes of death. External causes of injury and poisoning were also the main causes of death for males aged 35-44 years (38%), while neoplasms were the main causes of female deaths in this age group (37%). See Table 2.6.

From 45 to 74 years of age, neoplasms were the main underlying cause of death (42%). Within the female age cohort of 45 to 64 years, 52% of deaths were due to neoplasms compared to 34% of males in the same age group. See Table 2.6.

In the older age groups (75 years and over), 30% of deaths were due to diseases of the circulatory system. See Table 2.6.

Table 2.4 Deaths in 2021 classified by area of residence and age group
Table 2.5 Top ten causes of death in 2021 classified by sex
Table 2.6 Deaths in 2021 classified by underlying cause of death, sex and age group


The term "cancer" implies malignancy, but neoplasms can be subclassified as either malignant, benign, in situ, or uncertain whether malignant or benign. Tables that classify neoplasms will contain malignant neoplasms but also these other classifications.

There were 9,871 deaths due to neoplasms in 2021, i.e., 1.9 per 1,000 population. 9,642 of these were due to malignant neoplasms, of which 5,189 occurred in males and 4,453 in females. See Tables 2.6, 2.7.

For a breakdown of the number of deaths from malignant neoplasms classified by area of residence. See Table 2.7.

For numbers of deaths from specific types of neoplasms, see VSA29.

Diseases of the circulatory system

9,301 deaths were attributed to diseases of the circulatory system in 2021, of which 4,899 were deaths of males and 4,402 were deaths of females. See Table 2.6.

Overall, diseases of the circulatory system were the second most common causes of death in 2021 (27%), with 1.8 deaths per 1,000 population. Almost three-quarters (73%) of deaths due to diseases of the circulatory system occurred where the person was aged 75 years and over. For deaths due to circulatory disease in those aged under 75 years, there were 2.4 male deaths to 1 female death. See Table 2.6.

For a breakdown of the number of deaths from diseases of the circulatory system classified by area of residence see Table 2.7.

For numbers of deaths from specific diseases of the circulatory system, see VSA29.

Respiratory Diseases

Deaths from diseases of the respiratory system in 2021 numbered 3,202, of which 1,672 were males and 1,530 were females. These figures excludes deaths from COVID-19 which are discussed separately in the next section. See Table 2.6.

Diseases of the respiratory system accounted for 9.2% of all deaths, affecting in particular the older age groups, with 76% of these occurring in persons aged 75 years and over. See Table 2.6.

For a breakdown of the number of deaths from diseases of the respiratory system classified by area of residence. See Table 2.7.

For numbers of deaths from specific diseases of the respiratory system, see VSA29.

Table 2.7 Deaths from selected diseases in 2021 classified by underlying cause of death, area of residence, and sex


The number of deaths from COVID-19 in 2021 was 3,178, of which 1,740 were males and 1,438 were females. See Table 2.6.

Overall, COVID-19 accounted for 9.1% of all deaths, affecting in particular the older age groups, with 71% of these occurring in persons aged 75 years and over. See Table 2.6.

For a breakdown of the number of deaths from COVID-19 classified by area of residence see Table 2.8 and Map 2.1.

Map 2.1 Deaths from COVID-19 in 2021
Table 2.8 Deaths from COVID-19 in 2021 classified by area of residence and sex

Dementia and Alzheimer's

In 2021, 1,812 deaths were due to dementia of which 1,160 (64%) were female, and 543 deaths were due to Alzheimer's of which 360 (66%) were female. See Table 2.9, including a breakdown of the number of deaths from dementia / Alzheimer by area of residence.

Table 2.9 Deaths from Dementia and Alzheimer disease in 2021 classified by area of residence and sex

External causes of injury and poisoning

The number of deaths from external causes of injury and poisoning occurring in 2021 was 1,584, of which 1,072 were males and 512 were females. There were 2 male deaths to 1 female death due to external causes in 2021. See Table 2.6.

There were 449 deaths from suicide in 2021, of which 359 were males and 90 were females. See Table 2.10, including a breakdown of the number of deaths from suicide by area of residence. For numbers of deaths from specific external causes of injury and poisoning, see VSA29 and Suicide Statistics 2019.

Deaths not registered within the year of occurrence or the subsequent two calendar years have been excluded from the main body of this report. Deaths classified as unnatural deaths must be referred to the Coroner for investigation. Investigations can take a protracted length of time to complete for various reasons (such as obtaining medical reports, health and safety reports, engineer’s reports, the involvement of the Director of Public Prosecutions, etc.) which delays the registration of such deaths in time for inclusion in this Annual Report. The exclusion of these cases may have a relatively more significant effect on the number of deaths classified to some external causes.

The CSO publishes tables of late registered deaths (see Appendix 2021) which form part of this report, to ascertain numbers of deaths registered late from intentional self-harm. The 2021 Appendix includes late registered deaths from intentional self-harm that were registered in 2021 but refer to the year that the death occurred i.e. 2019 and prior. See Tables 4.C and 4.D.

For example, there were 149 additional deaths from intentional self-harm that were registered in 2021 but occurred in 2019 and prior. 128 (86%) of these occurred in 2019 while 16 (11%) occurred in 2018. The remaining 3% occurred in earlier years. Of these 149 deaths, over three-quarters were male (114, or 77%). See Appendix Table 4.D. The late registered suicide deaths that occurred in 2021 will be included in the Appendix in the Vital Statistics Annual Report for 2022 and/or 2023. Due to the delay in registering such deaths, the number of deaths from suicide is a provisional figure and is updated annually following Coroner verdicts.


Deaths from intentional self-harm in 2019 published in the 2019 annual report: = 390
Males 300
Females 90
Additional deaths from intentional self-harm which occurred in 2019 and were registered in 2021 = 128
Bringing total to:  = 518
Subtotal: Males 300 + 102 = 402
Females 90 + 26 = 116

See Appendix Table 4.D

The 518 figure is a provisional figure as it can be added to as necessary when deaths that occurred in 2019 are published in subsequent Annual Reports. The late registered deaths 2021 will be included in that year’s Annual Report. These additional recorded deaths from intentional self-harm will be updated on the CSO databank tables VSD33 and VSD34 once an updates Suicide Statistics Report is published in late 2023.

Table 2.10 Suicides in 2021 classified by area of residence