Ukrainians in Ireland 2016
In Census 2016, there were 1,785 persons usually resident in Ireland who reported a nationality of Ukrainian.
The below sets out a broad overview of the Ukrainian population in Census 2016.
Number of Ukrainians resident by County
Of the Ukrainians present and usually resident in Ireland in Census 2016:
- One fifth reside in Dublin City (20%)
- This is followed by Fingal (10%), DĂșn Laoghaire-Rathdown, South Dublin and Cork County (7% in each)
Sex and Age Group
In Census 2016, there were slightly more females present in Ireland than males (54% were females versus 45% male).
- Three in five Ukrainians were between 25 - 44 years old (60%)
- One fifth of Ukrainians in Census 2016 were 45 years or older (20%)
- The remaining Ukrainians were 24 years or younger (19%)
Level of Education Completed
Of the Ukrainians present in Ireland in Census 2016 who have ceased their full time education:
- One fifth (20%) have a Postgraduate diploma/degree or Doctorate (Ph.D.)
- A further one quarter (25%) have an Ordinary/ Honours bachelor degree / professional qualification or both
- Another quarter (25%) declared they have a secondary school education (higher and lower)
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