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Ukrainians in Ireland 2016

In Census 2016, there were 1,785 persons usually resident in Ireland who reported a nationality of Ukrainian.

The below sets out a broad overview of the Ukrainian population in Census 2016.

Number of Ukrainians resident by County

Of the Ukrainians present and usually resident in Ireland in Census 2016:

  • One fifth reside in Dublin City (20%)
  • This is followed by Fingal (10%), DĂșn Laoghaire-Rathdown, South Dublin and Cork County (7% in each)
Ukrainians in Ireland in 2016 by County
Ukrainians Usually Resident and Present in the in 2016 State by County

Sex and Age Group

In Census 2016, there were slightly more females present in Ireland than males (54% were females versus 45% male).

  • Three in five Ukrainians were between 25 - 44 years old (60%)
  • One fifth of Ukrainians in Census 2016 were 45 years or older (20%)
  • The remaining Ukrainians were 24 years or younger (19%)


Ukrainians in Ireland in 2011 and 2016 by Sex and Age Group
Ukrainians in Ireland in 2011 and 2016 by Sex and Age Group

Level of Education Completed

Of the Ukrainians present in Ireland in Census 2016 who have ceased their full time education:

  • One fifth (20%) have a Postgraduate diploma/degree or Doctorate (Ph.D.)
  • A further one quarter (25%) have an Ordinary/ Honours bachelor degree / professional qualification or both
  • Another quarter (25%) declared they have a secondary school education (higher and lower)
Ukrainians in Ireland in 2016 whose Education has Ceased by Level of Education Completed
Ukrainians in Ireland in 2016 whose Education has ceased by Level of Education Completed

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