Ireland's Trade in Goods 2023
€1.8 billion was exported to the Africa.
€54 billion was exported to the US.
€22 billion was exported to Asia.
€108.7 billion was exported to Europe.
€900 million was exported to South America.
€8.6 billion was exported to the Rest of the World.
Ireland’s Total Exports were €196 billion for the year 2023.
€1 billion was imported from South America.
€1 billion was imported from Africa.
€27.8 billion was imported from Asia.
€23 billion was imported from the US.
€83.6 billion was imported from Europe.
€3.9 billion was imported from the Rest of the World.
Ireland’s Total Imports were €140.2 billion for the year 2023.
Top trading export partners on each continent
Europe - €22.4 billion to the UK.
Asia - €8.9 billion to China.
Oceania - €833 million to Australia.
South America - €392 million to Brazil.
Africa - €388 million to South Africa
Top trading import partners on each continent
Europe - €26.3 billion from the UK.
Asia - €10.8 billion from China.
South America - €393 million from Argentina.
Africa - €320 million from South Africa.
Oceania - €109 million from New Zealand.