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Public and Other Transport

Aviation numbers continue to rise

Online ISSN: 2811-6151
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Public Transport Volumes

Source: National Transport Authority

Bus transport volumes continue to exceed pre-COVID-19 volumes in April 2023.

The number of bus journeys in Dublin for week 17 (the week beginning 24 April 2023) was 31% higher compared with the number of journeys in the same week in 2019.

The number of bus journeys outside Dublin in week 17 of 2023 exceeded 2019 figures by 47%.

Luas journeys in April 2023 also rose above pre-COVID-19 levels, with an increase of 14% for week 17 in comparison with the same week in April 2019 (See Figure 3.2).

Rail journeys are reported in table THA24 under “Data”. Please note that there are no comparable 2019 data available for rail journeys.

(Data for rail journeys includes passenger journeys on Intercity and DART services.)

Please note that more detailed statistics can be found under “Data”.

Figure 3.1: Number of journeys by Dublin Bus per week, 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023
Figure 3.2: Number of journeys by Luas per week, 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023

Additional Data

More detailed statistics can be found under “Data”.

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