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Transport Bulletin June 2022

Use of public transport at highest level this year

CSO statistical publication, , 11am

This release has been compiled during the COVID-19 crisis. The results contained in this release reflect some of the economic impacts of the COVID-19 situation.

Key Findings

  • LUAS passenger journeys up 90% for the week beginning 23 May 2022 when compared with the week beginning 24 May 2021.

  • Public transport passenger journeys climbed to highest level since March 2020, for the week beginning 09 May 2022, an increase of 68% on the week beginning 10 May 2021.

  • Car traffic volumes highest of year to date. Data for the end of May 2022 show that car traffic volumes in Dublin increased by 16% compared with same week in 2021.

  • Monthly peak volume of bicycles at selected Dublin sites increased by 70% compared with May 2021.

  • In May 2022, Dublin airport passenger numbers were 87% of May 2019 data.

  • There were 13 fatalities on Irish roads in May 2022, the highest for the month of May since 2016.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (13 June 2022) published its latest Transport Bulletin. This bulletin captures changing traffic volumes and the number of journeys taken on public transport. This bulletin is compiled using data collected by Transport Infrastructure Ireland, the Road Safety Authority, the National Transport Authority, Dublin City Council, the Office of the Revenue Commissioners and the Department of Transport.

The bulletin shows that at the end of May, while public transport journeys and car traffic volumes increased, they remained below pre-COVID-19 levels.

Commenting on this latest bulletin, Nele van der Wielen, Statistician in the Transport Division, said: “Public transport fares have been reduced by an average of 20% across all Transport for Ireland services in week 19 (week beginning 09 May 2022). The number of LUAS passenger journeys increased by 8% from week 18 to week 19. This is the highest weekly rise since the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions in January. At the end of May, LUAS passenger journeys climbed to their highest levels since March 2020, but have not returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. The number of journeys in week 21 (week beginning 23 May 2022) was 18% lower than the same week in 2019.

Car traffic volume levels for the week beginning 23 May 2022 increased to the highest level of 2022 to date, but remained slightly below 2019 values. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) traffic volumes were in line with 2021 levels, but were higher than 2019.

Overall volume of bicycle traffic was up 30% on May 2021, with volume at peak times up 70%.”

Further commenting on the Transport Bulletin, Nele van der Wielen said: “Passenger numbers for Dublin airport have still not returned to pre-COVID-19 levels, with 2.6 million passengers in May 2022, below the 3.0 million in May 2019.”

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