Source: Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Traffic count data have increased since the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, but remained below 2019 figures (pre COVID-19 pandemic). For the week beginning 27 June 2022 (week 26), car traffic volumes in Dublin were 6% lower than the same week in 2019. For regional traffic, a similar pattern occurred, with the value for week 26 being 5% lower than the same week in 2019. See table 1.1, figure 1.1 and figure 1.2.
Please note that the timing of the summer holidays can impact on the yearly comparison of traffic count data.
HGV traffic count data was broadly in line with 2021 values, and is up on 2019, with Dublin showing a 4% increase for week 26 versus the same week in 2019. The regional data showed a 3% increase for the same period. See table 1.2, figure 1.3 and figure 1.4.
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