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The number of new cars licensed increased by 3,028 vehicles in July 2023 compared with July 2022

Online ISSN: 2811-6151
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Passenger numbers in July 2023 were up 13% when compared with July 2022 with no change recorded between July 2019 and July 2023 for Dublin, Cork and Kerry airports combined.

Source: Dublin, Cork, Shannon, Knock and Kerry airports.

The number of passengers at Dublin airport in July 2023 was 13% higher than July 2022, and there was 0% change recorded when compared with the same month in 2019 (before COVID-19). There were 3,425,253 passengers handled by Dublin airport in July 2023 compared with 3,038,292 passengers in July 2019. In the first seven months of 2023, there were 19,071,949 passengers handled by Dublin airport compared with 18,868,759 passengers in the same period in 2019.

Looking at July 2023, figures show that the number of passengers handled by Cork airport was 13% higher than July 2022 figures, with no change recorded when compared with numbers seen in the same month in 2019 (before COVID-19). There were 3,771,383 passengers handled by Dublin, Cork and Kerry airports in July 2023 compared with 3,768,415 for the same month in 2019.

(Note: Knock airport was closed from April to June 2020 and from February to May 2021. Cork Airport was closed in October 2021. Data for Knock and Shannon airports not available at time of publication.)

Percentage change in passenger numbers DublinPercentage change in passenger numbers CorkPercentage change in passenger numbers Kerry
Airport passengers131315
Table 4.1 Number of passengers handled by main airports, July 2019 to July 2023

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