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Household Finance and Consumption Survey

Assets and Liabilities

This section analyses some results from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey 2018 (HFCS) by tenure and dwelling type.  The HFCS uses an alternative categorisation of household composition, which is not comparable to family unit type as presented in this publication. Therefore, this chapter will focus on tenure type and dwelling type.  The HFCS was carried out between April 2018 and January 2019. 

'Owned outright' properties account for two-thirds of total net wealth among private households

In 2018 the median net wealth value of Irish households was €178,400. The median net wealth value, (defined as gross wealth less debt), is obtained by arranging all households in ascending order from the smallest to the largest value and then selecting the middle value. Therefore, half of all households have a net wealth value less than €178,400.

Households which are 'owned outright' had the highest median net wealth of €333,000 and accounted for two-thirds of the share of total net wealth in private households. The lowest median net wealth was €2,000 in households 'rented from a local authority', and these households accounted for just 0.4% of the share of total net wealth in private households.

Median net wealth was €269,700 in detached houses (59.4% of total net wealth) compared with just €8,300 in an 'apartment/flat/bedsit/other' (2.5%). See Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Net Wealth by tenure type and dwelling type, 2018
 Median net wealthShare of total net wealth
Tenure type  
Owned outright333.066.6
Own with a mortgage or a loan230.329.1
Rented from a local authority2.00.4
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)10.33.9
Dwelling type  
Detached house269.759.4
Semi-detached house147.724.2
Terraced house110.513.9
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other8.32.5
1Conditional on participation.
: Sample occurrence is too small for estimation because there are less than 25 observations

Detached houses had the highest median of real assests at €287,100 in 2018.

Almost every (95.8%) Irish household had a real asset in 2018 with a median value of €226,300 for those households with a real asset. The highest median by tenure type was €331,900 for households that 'own with a mortgage or a loan', while the lowest median was €3,300 for households 'rented from a local authority'. Looking at dwelling type, the highest median for total real assets was €287,100 for households in a 'detached house' while the lowest was €7,000 in an 'apartment/flat/bedsit/other'. See Figure 5.1.

While nearly all Irish households (95.8%) had any real asset, the lowest proportion by dwelling type was 81.5% for 'apartment, flat, bedsit, other' compared with 99.3% of households in a 'detached house'. The median value of any real asset varied from €7,000 for those in 'apartment, flat, bedsit, other' to €287,100 for households in a 'detached house'.

About seven in ten households had valuables (79.0%), vehicles (78.8%) or a household main residence (68.8%).

The median value for the household main residence was €250,000 in Ireland, with a higher median of €280,000 for households owned with a mortgage compared with €220,000 for households 'owned outright'. The highest median value of a household main residence by dwelling type was €290,000 for households in a 'terraced house' and lowest at €223,600 for those in a 'detached house'.

About seven in ten (68.8%) Irish households were an owned main residence.  This proportion varied from 89.6% for households in detached houses to just 14.4% for those in an 'apartment/flat/bedsit/other'.

Land was held by just 8.9% of households, with a median value of €319,400. Land was owned by 16.5% of households which were 'owned outright', with a median value of €350,200, compared with 5.5% of households that 'own with a mortgage or a loan', where the median value was €285,000.

Other real estate was held by 13.6% of households, with a median value of €240,600. A higher proportion of households that 'own with a mortgage or a loan' (19.0%) had other real estate compared with 14.9% of households 'owned outright'.

Self-employment business wealth was held by 17.7% of households with a median value of €19,300. Around one in four households which were 'owned outright' (23.8%) had self-employment business wealth. More than one in four (29.5%) households in detached houses had self-employment business wealth.

Looking at dwelling types by type of real asset (see Table 5.3), shows that 12.3% of terraced houses had 'Other Real Estate Property' with a median value of €383,200, the highest real asset median value by the dwelling types listed.

Table 5.2 Tenure type by Real Assets, 2018
 Households with assetMedian Value
Any Real Asset  
Owned outright100.0301.5
Own with a mortgage or a loan100.0331.9
Rented from a local authority77.33.3
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)91.37.0
Household Main Residence (HMR)  
Owned outright100.0220.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan100.0280.0
Rented from a local authorityn.a.n.a.
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)n.a.n.a.
Owned outright16.5350.2
Own with a mortgage or a loan5.5285.0
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)::
Other Real Estate Property  
Owned outright14.9253.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan19.0275.4
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)11.3152.0
Self Employment Business Wealth  
Owned outright23.827.7
Own with a mortgage or a loan20.78.6
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)9.09.3
Owned outright84.410.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan91.511.8
Rented from a local authority49.42.5
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)66.54.0
Owned outright80.25.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan86.07.3
Rented from a local authority63.51.9
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)75.82.2
1Conditional on participation.
: Sample occurrence is too small for estimation because there are less than 25 observations
Table 5.3 Dwelling type by Real Assets, 2018
 Households with assetMedian Value
Any Real Asset  
Detached house99.3287.1
Semi-detached house97.2213.3
Terraced house94.0168.0
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other81.57.0
Household Main Residence (HMR)  
Detached house89.6223.6
Semi-detached house65.9280.0
Terraced house58.3290.0
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other14.4250.0
Detached house19.1321.4
Semi-detached house2.2230.6
Terraced house::
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other::
Other Real Estate Property  
Detached house16.9252.6
Semi-detached house11.5213.4
Terraced house12.3383.2
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other9.3154.2
Self Employment Business Wealth  
Detached house29.529.9
Semi-detached house11.41.1
Terraced house8.62.6
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other4.57.8
Detached house90.010.0
Semi-detached house82.08.0
Terraced house66.76.3
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other46.53.9
Detached house80.75.0
Semi-detached house81.05.0
Terraced house75.94.7
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other71.62.0
1Conditional on participation.
: Sample occurrence is too small for estimation because there are less than 25 observations
Real Assets
All households226.3
Owned outright301.5
Owned with a mortgage or loan331.9
Rented from a local authority3.3
Rent from a landlord7
Detached house287.1
Semi-detached house213.3
Terraced house168
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other7

Just under 95% of households have financial assets

The median value for financial assets was €7,900 in Irish households in 2018, varying from €12,000 where the household was owned outright to just €800 where it was 'rented from a local authority'. Looking at dwelling type, the highest median for financial assets was €9,900 for households in a 'detached house' compared with €2,700 for households in an 'apartment, flat, bedsit, other'. See Figure 5.2.

More than nine in ten (94.9%) households had a financial asset in 2018.  The main financial asset held was savings (94.6% households), a voluntary pension (15.8%), shares (10.4%) and bonds (10.0%).

The median value of savings in households was €5,000, varying from €7,100 in households 'owned outright' to just €700 where the household was 'rented from a local authority'. More than nine in ten households which were owned (either outright or with a mortgage) or 'rent from a landlord' had savings. However only 77.4% of households rented from a local authority had savings.

The median value of a voluntary pension was €49,600. Nearly three in ten (27.8%) households that 'own with a mortgage or a loan' had a voluntary pension, where the median value was €46,800. The proportion of household tenures 'owned outright' which had a voluntary pension was 15.1% and the median value of this pension was €64,400. Only 8.6% of households that 'rent from a landlord' had a voluntary pension, with a median value of €24,000.

Looking at dwelling type 'Savings' was found to range from 96.7% ('Detached house') to 86.3% ('Apartment/Flat/Bedsit/Other'), with the median values for this particular asset at €5,700 and €2,500 respectively, see Table 5.5.

Table 5.4 Tenure type by Financial Assets, 2018
 Households with assetMedian Value
Any Financial Asset  
Owned outright96.212.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan99.710.8
Rented from a local authority77.90.8
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)94.93.6
Owned outright95.97.1
Own with a mortgage or a loan99.65.8
Rented from a local authority77.40.7
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)94.62.9
Bonds or Mutal Funds  
Owned outright14.320.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan10.52.4
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)5.61.4
Owned outright12.85.2
Own with a mortgage or a loan14.810.0
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)5.114.0
Voluntary Pension  
Owned outright15.164.4
Own with a mortgage or a loan27.846.8
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)8.624.0
Other Financial Asset  
Owned outright7.025.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan5.210.0
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)6.41.1
1Conditional on participation.
: Sample occurrence is too small for estimation because there are less than 25 observations
Table 5.5 Dwelling type by Financial Assets, 2018
 Households with assetMedian Value
Any Financial Asset  
Detached house96.89.9
Semi-detached house95.87.5
Terraced house93.27.4
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other87.42.7
Detached house96.75.7
Semi-detached house95.65.0
Terraced house93.05.3
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other86.32.5
Bonds or Mutual Funds  
Detached house12.09.5
Semi-detached house10.98.4
Terraced house7.610.0
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other::
Detached house10.411.8
Semi-detached house9.64.8
Terraced house15.210.0
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other5.115.0
Voluntary Pension  
Detached house18.659.0
Semi-detached house16.333.1
Terraced house13.830.6
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other7.230.5
Other Financial Asset  
Detached house6.321.2
Semi-detached house5.66.4
Terraced house5.45.0
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other6.01.0
1Conditional on participation.
: Sample occurrence is too small for estimation because there are less than 25 observations
Financial Assets
Owned outright12
Owned with a mortgage or loan10.8
Rented from a local authority0.8
Rent from a landlord3.6
Detached house9.9
Semi-detached house7.5
Terraced house7.4
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other2.7

One in two households in Ireland had debt in 2018

Over half (51.8%) of Irish households had any debt in 2018, with a median value of €45,900 for those who had any debt. The highest median debt was €136,500 for households that 'own with a mortgage or a loan' and all of these households had debt. The lowest median debt was €2,700 for households 'rented from a local authority' and 35.1% of these households had any debt.

Looking at dwelling type, the highest median debt was €60,700 for those in a 'detached house' compared with €4,100 for households in an 'apartment, flat, bedsit, other'.

The main types of debt held by households were a non-mortgage loan (30.4% of households), a mortgage on the HMR (26.1%), credit card (12.7%) or an overdraft (7.9%).

The highest median debt was €174,600 for a mortgage on another property which was held by 13.2% of households.

Table 5.6 Tenure type by Debt, 2018
 Households with debtMedian value 1
Any Debt  
Owned outright31.88.8
Own with a mortgage or a loan100.0136.5
Rented from a local authority35.12.7
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)41.24.4
Mortgage on Household Main Residence (HMR)  
Own with a mortgage or a loan100.0124.9
Rented from a local authorityn.a.n.a.
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)n.a.n.a.
Mortgage on Other Property  
Owned outright6.0108.2
Own with a mortgage or a loan13.2174.6
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)6.1161.4
Non-mortgage loans  
Owned outright20.99.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan45.97.6
Rented from a local authority33.32.1
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)28.84.8
Owned outright6.31.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan12.70.8
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)6.70.5
Credit Card  
Owned outright7.51.0
Own with a mortgage or a loan26.51.8
Rented from a local authority::
Rent from a landlord (including voluntary/co-operative body/occupied free of rent)10.70.8
1Conditional on participation.
: Sample occurrence is too small for estimation because there are less than 25 observations
Table 5.7 Dwelling type by Debt, 2018
 Households with debtMedian value 1
Any Debt  
Detached house50.760.7
Semi-detached house57.653.0
Terraced house51.334.0
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other40.94.1
Mortgage on Household Main Residence (HMR)  
Detached house27.1103.8
Semi-detached house31.3124.5
Terraced house25.3190.4
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other8.9135.0
Mortgage on Other Property  
Detached house9.4140.0
Semi-detached house5.3160.3
Terraced house7.3205.0
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other::
Non-mortgage loans  
Detached house26.98.5
Semi-detached house36.05.5
Terraced house32.06.5
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other25.32.3
Detached house8.51.0
Semi-detached house8.70.7
Terraced house7.60.6
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other::
Credit Card:  
Detached house11.91.2
Semi-detached house14.61.0
Terraced house13.81.9
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other8.41.3
1Conditional on participation.
: Sample occurrence is too small for estimation because there are less than 25 observations
All households45.9
Owned outright8.8
Owned with a mortgage or loan136.5
Rented from a local authority2.7
Rent from a landlord4.4
Detached house60.7
Semi-detached house53
Terraced house34
Apartment, flat, bedsit, other4.1