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This new CSO report, 'Tenure & Households in Ireland, 2016-2019', examines recent social and economic conditions in Ireland with a focus on households by tenure type, dwelling type and family unit composition. These statistics are based on a range of CSO surveys and pseudonymised administrative data sources including:

  • Census of Population 2006, 2011 and 2016
  • Labour Force Survey (LFS), Q2 2018 and Q2 2019
  • Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2017 and 2018
  • Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) 2018
  • Geographical Profiles of Income in Ireland, 2016
  • Persons Income Register, based on pseudonymised administrative data from sources such as Revenue and Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP)
  • Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection's Long and Short-Term Social Welfare Payments Data
  • Integrated Short Term Payment Systems Data (ISTS)
  • Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)

Census of Population Analysis (COPA)

The COPA is a pseudonymised copy of the Census of Population 2016 dataset held internally within the CSO for analysis purposes. It contains Census attribute information for individuals and households, excluding persons records registered as guests. Approximately 5% of Census records could not be assigned a PIK and were excluded from the analysis.

The Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2018 and 2019

Survey on Income and Living Conditions(SILC) in Ireland is a household survey covering a broad range of issues in relation to income and living conditions.  It is the official source of data on household and individual income and also provides a number of key national poverty indicators, such as the ‘at risk of poverty’ rate, the consistent poverty rate and rates of enforced deprivation.

Labour force survey (Quarter 2, 2018 and Quarter 2, 2019)

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) replaced the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) from Q3 2017. Similar to the QNHS, it is a large-scale, nationwide survey of households in Ireland. It is designed to produce quarterly labour force estimates that include the official measure of employment and unemployment in the state (International Labour Organisation classification).

Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS)

The HFCS is a household survey which collects data on household consumption and finances.  It covers areas such as demographics, real and financial assets, liabilities, consumption and saving, income and employment, future pension entitlements, intergenerational transfers, gifts and attitudes to risk.  The main aim of the survey is to gather micro-level, structural information on households’ assets and liabilities in the Euro area.  In addition, in order to adequately capture and analyse economic decisions of households, it is necessary that some additional information is also collected (e.g. on income, consumption, etc.).

Geographical Profiles of Income in Ireland 2016

The CSO publication Geographical Profiles of Income in Ireland 2016 examines income across the areas of housing, health, education, occupation and commuting.

Person Income Register (PIR)

The PIR is a pseudonymised income register held internally within the CSO. It contains information on income received by individuals relating to employment, self-employment and social transfers. It is derived from administrative holdings held by the Revenue Commissioners and Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Therefore, the PIR provides a near complete picture on income for individuals, for a calendar year.  All linkage is carried out by using a PIK assigned on each contributing data source. The PIK is then used to link the pseudonymised data sources together to create the PIR. The PIK protects a person’s identity but also enables linking across data sources and over time. The PIK enables high quality deterministic matching thus significantly reducing/eliminating linkage error.

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection's Long and Short-Term Social Welfare Payments Data

This dataset details extracts of payments from DEASP's Business Object Model System (BOMI) covering all long and short-term schemes. Each payment recorded in the the Integrated Short-Term Payments System (ISTS) is recorded here. The CSO has data from 2013, however data from 2015 only is used for this analysis (the ISTS dataset - see below - is used in some cases for earlier years).

This source includes details on Rent Supplement payments since 2015.

Integrated Short Term Payment Systems Data (ISTS)

The Integrated Short-Term Payments System (ISTS) is weekly containing all claims and payment that week. Additionally, this details those claims closed during that week. Since 2015 this data is fully incorporated into the DEASP payment file detailed above so this is only used in this analysis for earlier years and only for the purpose of tracking Rent Supplement.

Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)

The HAP data delivery relates to details of all tenancies, tenants, properties and landlords that have been involved in the HAP scheme since its introduction in 2014. More information on the HAP scheme can be found on the HAP website.