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Equality and Discrimination

The highest rate of perceived discrimination by persons identifying as LGBTI+

This year we include extracts from a CSO survey on Equality and Discrimination which was carried out in Quarter 1 2019. The survey focussed on discrimination (experienced in the previous two years) based on ten grounds. Questions on sexual identity and gender identity were also included.

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Nearly 18% (17.7%) of persons aged 18 years or over said that they experienced discrimination in the two years prior to interview.

In Quarter 1 2019, the highest rates of perceived discrimination were among the following groups:

  • Persons identifying as LGBTI+ (33.2%) compared with non-LGBTI+ persons (17.2%)
  • Persons from non-white ethnic backgrounds (33.1%)
  • Unemployed (30.2%)
  • Non-Irish nationals (26.7%)
  • People with a disability (24.1%) compared with those without a disability (16.7%)

LGBTI+ denotes persons who are non-heterosexual and/or their current gender identity differs from their biological sex at birth.

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Link to release: Equality and Discrimination

Table 6.1 All persons aged 18 years and over classified by their reported experience of discrimination in the past two years, Q1 2019

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Over one third (34.1%) of persons who experienced discrimination cited Age as a ground for this discrimination, while 21.9% gave Race/Skin colour/Ethnic group/Nationality as a reason for this discrimination and 18.6% cited Gender. While age, race and gender were the most common grounds identified at an overall level, there were other variations in the most common grounds identified according to each type of discrimination.

Gender (33.0%), Age (25.9%) and Race/Skin colour/Ethnic group/Nationality (22.6%) were the most common grounds identified by people who experienced discrimination In the workplace. Over one third (35.3%) of persons who experienced discrimination when Looking for work gave Age as a ground for this discrimination. Nearly three tenths (29.1%) of persons who experienced discrimination In pubs, shops, restaurants, etc. cited Race/Skin colour/Ethnic group/Nationality as a ground for discrimination, and the same discrimination ground was identified by 35.9% of persons aged 18 years or over in Using public transport services. More than one third (34.7%) of respondents cited Disability as a ground for discrimination that they experienced in Using public transport services.

Over one in ten (10.5%) of persons who experienced discrimination In contact with An Garda Síochána gave Race/Skin colour/Ethnic group/Nationality as a ground for discrimination, and nearly 7% (6.8%) felt that Membership of the traveller community was a ground for their perceived discrimination.

Link to release: Equality and Discrimination

Gender the most common ground identified by persons who experienced discrimination in the workplace
Table 6.2 Persons who experienced discrimination by social setting of discrimination and perceived grounds for discrimination, Q1 2019

X-axis labelExperienced any type of discrimination
Civil or marital status5
Family status11.7
Religious belief3
Sexual orientation9.1
Race/Skin colour/Ethnic group/Nationality21.9
Membership of the traveller community1.8
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For most types of discrimination, the most common experience was that the discrimination happened On a few occasions. As might be expected, discrimination occurred most frequently in areas where people usually have more frequent interaction. Therefore one of the highest incidences of 'more regular' discrimination was In the workplace (25.7%).

Link to release: Equality and Discrimination

Just onceOn a few occasionsMore regularly
In the workplace25.44925.7
Looking for work22.360.916.8
In shops, pubs or restaurants21.757.420.9
Banks, insurance companies or other financial institutions37.150.412.5
Obtaining housing or accommodation25.555.219.3
Accessing health services40.743.815.5
Using transport services30.951.317.8
Accessing public services29.746.424
In contact with on An Garda Siochana37.932.929.3
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Across each type of discrimination, the most commonly reported impact was that the discrimination had ‘some effect’ on the respondent’s life.  However, the type of discrimination experienced did influence the seriousness of the effect it had on people’s lives. Nearly one third (31.3%) of persons Accessing health services and 31.2% of persons in Looking for work who experienced discrimination, stated the discrimination had a 'serious effect' on their lives.

Of those who experienced discrimination Obtaining a house or accommodation, 17.9% stated that the discrimination had a 'very serious' effect on their lives.

Link to release: Equality and Discrimination


Table 6.3 Persons who experienced discrimination by type of discrimination and effect on individuals' lives, Q1 2019

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