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Dairy Farming

This chapter contains information on the number of dairy cows and domestic milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers. 

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In 2018, Co. Cork had the largest number of dairy cows at 378,200 head while Co. Leitrim had the smallest number of dairy cows at 2,000 head.

Interactive table: Statbank link

Link to release: Crops and Livestock

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X-axis labelDairy CowsDomestic Milk Intake

The number of dairy cows increased by over 27% in the period 2013 to 2018.

In the years leading up to and since the abolition of the milk quota in 2015, a steady year-on-year increase in the number of dairy cows on Irish farms has been observed.

The number of dairy cows in 2018 was 1,480,900, an increase of 3.4% on 2017.

The domestic milk intake increased by just under 40% in the period 2013 to 2018. 

In 2018, the estimated domestic milk intake in litres by creameries and pasteurisers in Ireland was 7,585 million litres, an increase of over 4% on 2017.

Interactive table: Statbank link

Link to release: Milk Statistics


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