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This chapter contains information on the industrial sector. The data is drawn from the annual Census of Industrial Production (CIP) and the various short-term industrial releases of the CSO. The information is broken down by sector using the standard EU-wide NACE classification NACE Rev. 2. Further information on classifications in the CSO website. Industrial statistics are compiled by the CSO using inquiries to industrial firms. The most detailed inquiry is the CIP, which is an annual census of such firms designed to provide information on the structure of industry. The CIP covers firms with three or more persons engaged and consists of two separate but closely related inquiries, one covering enterprises and the other covering local units.

11.1 Volume indices of production for industrial sectors
Base Year 2010=100
Industrial sectorcode20102011201220132014
Mining and quarrying5-910084.975.8109.9113.5
Food products and beverages10,11100112.8115.6116.7129.3
Textiles and wearing apparel13-1510089.178.680.282.4
Wood and wood products1610091.582.990.786.3
Paper and paper products:       
publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media17-1810089.787.685.391.8
Chemicals and pharmaceuticals20-2110095.888.984.9122.4
Rubber and plastic products2210098.794.097.190.1
Other non-metallic mineral products2310099.986.386.291.7
Basic metals and fabricated metal products24-25100112.598.9106.4117.6
Electrical and optical equipment26-2710082.
Computer, electronic and optical products2610079.988.377.675.1
Electrical equipment27100117.4118.1121.2113.1
Machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified28100113.4119.8121.1137.7
Transport equipment29-3010099.593.087.868.6
Manufacturing industries 10-33100100.198.996.4119.7
Transportable goods industries 5-3310099.998.596.6119.4
of which      
  Industries mainly or wholly producing      
  Capital goods 10099.0106.8107.3124.0
  Intermediate products 10099.999.698.791.7
  Consumer goods 100100.295.892.9123.2
  Durable consumer goods 100106.6107.694.7102.1
  Non-durable consumer goods 100100.195.592.9123.6
Energy producing industries 05,06,19,3510096.595.491.2110.5
Source: CSO

Interactive table: Statbank link


Industrial Production increased by 22.9% in 2014.  The Chemical and Pharmaceuticals sector had the largest increase of 44.2% in 2014 while Food products and beverages sector showed its largest increase, of 10.8%, in the last 3 years.

11.2 Census of Industrial Production (CIP) - industrial enterprises 2009-2012
      Percentage change
 2009201020112012 2009 - 20122011 - 2012
Turnover - total (€million)109,736105,754112,300112,327 2.40.0
Intermediate consumption (€million)68,78765,37667,70866,315 -3.6-2.1
Gross value added (€million)33,67034,74238,24238,083 13.1-0.4
Industrial enterprises (number)5,0294,7825,1334,580 -8.9-10.8
Persons engaged (number)195,542185,183188,684178,651 -8.6-5.3

Interactive table: StatBank link


The industry sector stabilised in 2012 in terms of turnover and gross value added. Turnover for industrial enterprises increased by a negligible amount to €112.3 billion. Intermediate consumption saw a 2.1% decrease to just over €66.3 billion. Gross value added decreased by 0.4% to just under €38.1 billion. This decrease was the first year-on-year fall in gross value added in a number of years. Since 2009, gross value added has increased by 13.1% from €33.7 billion to €38.1 billion. 


Intermediate consumption 68.78689365.37550367.70783966.315
Gross value added 33.67029834.74172438.24173238.083
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Mining and quarrying (05 - 09)1.280410953933260.858849295246725
Food and beverages (10 - 11)20.263216787432923.5001783764606
Chemicals and pharmaceuticals (20 - 21)36.183639261408737.4055023847731
Computer, electronic, optical and
electrical equipment (26 - 27)
Electricity, gas,water
and waste management (35 - 39)
Other manufacturing sectors
11.3 Main aggregates for enterprises in each industrial sector, 2012

Interactive table: StatBank link


The composition of industrial turnover in Irelands’ economy has changed significantly in recent years. In 2009, Computer, electronic, optical and electrical equipment accounted for 16.7% of all industrial turnover in Ireland, whereas by 2012, this figure had decreased to 9.9%. The Food and beverages sector had increased its share of turnover from 20.3% in 2009 to 23.5% in 2012. The Chemicals and pharmaceuticals sector had further increased its share of all industrial turnover from 36.2% in 2009 to 37.4% in 2012. 

The Chemicals and pharmaceutical sector combined with the Food and beverages sector accounted for approximately 61% of Irelands’ industrial turnover in 2012.


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Gross output
11.4 Main aggregates for industrial local units by county, 2012

Interactive table: StatBank link


Cork had the highest value of gross output per person engaged in Ireland at €1.18 million in 2012. Mayo and Roscommon combined was the next highest at €875,000 per person engaged, while Tipperary and Kilkenny combined were third with €662,000. The three counties with the lowest value of gross output per person engaged were Carlow at €147,000, Galway at €161,000 and Louth at €189,000. 


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