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Building & Construction

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This chapter contains information on the construction sector. Construction statistics are compiled by the CSO using inquiries to construction firms or, in the case of planning permissions data, to the planning authorities. Statistics for production in construction are compiled using the quarterly CSO survey, Production in Building and Construction. A measure of new orders in the sector is provided by the CSO inquiry on planning permissions.

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Interactive table: StatBank link

In 2016 there was an annual increase of 21.8% in the number of houses granted planning permissions while there was a 39.4% increase in the number of apartments granted permission.  

Over the period 2007 to 2016 the number of new houses granted permission decreased by 80.1% and apartments decreased by 81.9% over the same period.


13.2 Value and volume indices of production in all building and construction
Base: Year 2010 = 100
  Total production in all building and construction
  Value of production Volume of production
Year IndexAnnual % change IndexAnnual % change
2006 340.9  368.3 
2007 309.3-9.3 318.8-13.4
2008 226.4-26.8 225.6-29.2
2009 140.7-37.9 142.3-36.9
2010 100.0-28.9 100.0-29.7
2011 81.3-18.7 83.3-16.7
2012 79.9-1.7 81.3-2.4
2013 89.712.3 90.511.3
2014 98.09.3 97.98.2
2015 106.68.8 105.67.9
2016 127.019.1 124.918.3
Source: CSO

Interactive table: StatBank link 

Output in total building and construction increased by 18.3% in 2016 when compared with 2015. Between 2006 and 2016, the volume of output in building and construction decreased by 66.1%. 


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