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Statistics of Port Traffic Quarter 2 2024

Irish ports handled 12.1 million tonnes of goods in Q2 2024

Online ISSN: 2009-6380
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • There was a slight decrease in the total tonnes of goods handled by Irish ports in Quarter 2 (Q2) 2024 when compared with Q2 2023 (12,137 vs 12,188).

  • Goods forwarded from Irish ports amounted to 3.9 million tonnes in Q2 2024, down 6% on Q2 2023.

  • Goods received amounted to nearly 8.2 million tonnes in Q2 2024, up 3% on Q2 2023.

  • During Q2 2024, 2,958 vessels arrived in the seven main Irish ports compared with 3,036 in Q2 2023.

  • Dublin Port accounted for 61% of all vessel arrivals in Irish ports in Q2 2024.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (22 October 2024) published Statistics of Port Traffic results for Quarter 2 (Q2) 2024.

Commenting on the figures, Damien Lenihan, Statistician in the Transport Division, said:Irish ports handled 12.1 million tonnes of goods in April, May, and June (Q2) 2024. This represented a marginal decrease when compared with Q2 2023.

Goods forwarded from Irish ports amounted to 3.9 million tonnes in Q2 2024, while nearly 8.2 million tonnes of goods were received (See Table 1).

Vessel Analysis

The total number of vessels that arrived in the seven main Irish ports during Q2 2024 fell by 3% when compared with Q2 2023 (See Table 2).

Dublin Port accounted for 61% of all vessel arrivals in Irish ports and for 53% of the total tonnage of goods handled in Q2 2024 (see Tables 2 and 5 respectively).

Great Britain & Northern Ireland accounted for one-third (33%) of the total tonnage of goods handled in the main ports by region of trade in Q2 2024. EU countries made up almost half (48%) of the total tonnage of goods handled in the main ports (See Table 5).

Tonnage of goods handled by main Irish ports, Quarter 2 2022-2024
    '000 tonnes
Category of goodsQ2 2022Q2 2023Q2 2024% Change Q2 2023-2024
Liquid bulk2,8292,8402,320-18
Dry bulk3,7423,0213,35811
Break bulk & other goods2812492698

Tables and figures

Figure 1 shows the tonnage of goods handled by Irish ports. Total goods handled increased in the categories of Dry Bulk (+11%) and Lift-on/lift-off traffic (+9%) compared with Q2 2023, while Liquid Bulk fell by 18%.

Figure 1: Tonnage of goods handled by Irish ports, Q2 2022-2024
Table 1: Tonnage of goods handled classified by category of traffic, Q2 2022 - 2024

Table 2: Number of arrivals and gross tonnage of vessels, Quarter 2 2022 - 2024

Table 3: Details of roll-on/roll-off traffic handled by port, Quarter 2 2024

Table 4: Details of lift-on/lift-off traffic handled by port, Q2 2024

Table 5: Total tonnage of goods handled classified by port and region of trade, Q2 2024

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