SILC Module on Child Deprivation 2021
12% of single parent households*
1% of two parent households *
were unable to afford two pairs of properly fitting shoes for their children
10% of single parent households*
2% of two parent households*
were unable to afford school trips or school events (that cost money) for their children
21% of households* where nobody worked
5% of households* where one person worked
1% of households* where two people worked
were unable to afford regular leisure activities for their children (e.g. swimming, playing an instrument, youth organisations, etc.)
39% of rented households*
8% of owner occupied households*
were unable to afford a one-week holiday away from home for their children
*Households with at least one child under 16
Statistics on this infographic do not reflect revisions made to population benchmarks due to the availability of Census 2022. It will be updated at some point in 2024. 07/03/2024