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Expenditure by Functions of Health Care

Expenditure by Functions of Health Care

Online ISSN: 2009-8812
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

What is the purpose of the health care being consumed?

In 2021 more than half (55%) of all health expenditure related to curative and rehabilitative care; this mainly covers in-patient and out-patient care. The next largest category, 21% of all health expenditure, was long-term care. See Figure 6.1. Table 6.1 includes more details and shows that in-patient services were the largest component of both long-term care and curative/rehabilitative care.

Health expenditure increased by 35% between 2017 and 2021. The growth in spending in preventative care was higher due to the increased spending to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. There were increases across all areas of preventive care, in particular early disease detection and immunisation. There was a lower rate of growth in medical goods and pharmaceuticals (14%). See Figure 6.2.

Current Health Care Expenditure By Function, (% change 2017 to 2021)
Curative and Rehabilitative Care33.9326074280204
Long-Term Care (Health)31.1386043694534
Medical Goods (Non-Specified by Function)14.3181087507557
Ancillary Services24.5866762388045
Other Health Care Functions 107.149486133851
Table 6.1: Current Health Care Expenditure by Health Care function, 2017 to 2021

How are health care services funded?

Figure 6.3 below provides a breakdown of health care expenditure by health care function and financing source for 2021. As noted earlier in this release, 77% of health care expenditure was funded by Government in 2021, with 12% by health insurance and the remaining 11% by household out-of-pocket payments. The differences from the total financing scheme split show that there is very little spending on long term care by private health insurance companies. As expected, there is no spending on administration by households.

HF.1 - Government and CompulsoryHF.2 - Voluntary Health Care Payment SchemesHF.3 - Household Out-of-Pocket Payments
Curative and Rehabilitive Care77.071656237325214.89006848704928.03827527562559
Long-Term Care (Health)83.75510343060531.5359236241193814.7089729452753
Ancillary Services68.500302589025923.06852105588188.43117635509236
medical goods (Non-Specified by Function)77.4419255467897022.5580744532103
Preventative Care85.65908689697189.031757866310125.30915523671812
Governance and Health System administration and financing27.724709686965572.27529031303450
Health Care Services N.E.C81.580648200786818.41935179921320
Total Current Health Care Expenditure77.397105780324311.91461128269210.6882829369837
Table 6.2: Current Health Care Expenditure by Health Care Function and Health Care Financing Scheme, 2021

How are the health care services distributed across provider type?

Figure 6.4 contains details of health care services by health care providers. Most of the information is as expected: the majority of medical goods are provided by pharmacies and retailers; and nearly all administration functions are provided by the providers of the service. About one-third of curative/rehabilitative care is provided by providers of out-patient care. Almost two-thirds (63%) of long-term care is provided within long-term residential facilities. The rest is provided by out-patient care (12%) or the rest of the economy or home based care (23%).

HP. 1 - HospitalsHP.2 - Long Term Residential FacilitiesHP.3 - Ambulatory Health Care ProvidersHP.4 - Ancillary Health Care ProvidersHP.5 - Retailers of Medical GoodsHP.6 - Providers of Preventative CareHP.7 - Providers of Health Care Administration and FinancingHP.8 - Rest of EconomyHP.9 - Rest of WorldHP.0 - Providers N.E.C
Curative and Rehabilitive Care63.48006674423615.118857575145530.714190798050700.0800641762881630.029641556954402200.1666107907119940.4101945521621350.000373806451047294
Long-Term Care (Health)2.1022626729927265.499902502751412.6410742000636000019.756760624192300
Ancillary Services50.03947746089090.003527722535410980.60106672011529349.207016033235900000.1489120632224850
medical goods (Non-Specified by Function)1.625065844853900098.0053974181324000.36953673701372400
Preventative Care0.00697448086112027020.6700954735160.03955267337228030.039199284461279869.442606023143709.801506299690226.57649554054813E-050
Governance and Health System administration and financing000000.79469924436472799.2053007556353000
Health Care Services N.E.C14.264379367529500.6979056669801680.004788063983610790000.4678061326905240.0087411528959334384.5563796159203
Total Current Health Care Expenditure36.989710575704616.574268818698820.79772300087211.2836707912886111.52807894238024.130796896609592.898563355115594.865867919722740.2297033018792370.701616397728626
Table 6.3: Current Health Care Expenditure by Health Care Function and Health Care Provider, 2021