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SDG 1.4.1 Proportion of the Population Living in Households with Access to Basic Services is measured by the Census of Population 2016.

According to the Census of Population only 1.4% of people had no central heating in 2016.  See Table 2.1.

There was no central heating for 1.9% of people in the South-West compared to just 1% in the Border and in the Mid-East.

One in a 1,000 people lived in a household without a piped water supply.

There was no sewerage facility available for one in every 1,000 people in 2016.

Three out of every 1,000 people lived in a mobile home or temporary structure.

2.1 - SDG 1.4.1 Proportion of Population Living in Households with No Access to Basic Services, 2016

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SDG 1.4.2 Proportion of Total Adult Population with Secure Tenure Rights to Land is measured by the Census of Population 2016.

Census of Population 2016 results show that nearly seven out of ten people (69%) had secure tenure rights to land in 2016.  In this context secure tenure rights to land is defined as owner-occupiers in the Census 2016 data.  A link to this Census 2016 information is in 2016 Census Results Housing in Ireland

The highest rate of secure tenure rights to land was 74% in the Border and Mid-East regions, while the lowest rate was 61% in Dublin.  See Table 2.2.

2.2 - SDG 1.4.2 Proportion of Total Adult Population with Secure Tenure Rights to Land

There were 6,309 homeless adults and 3,422 homeless dependants in December 2019 according to the Department of Housing Planning and Local Government regional classifications.  Dublin had the highest number of homeless persons with 4,268 adults and 2,553 dependants.  The North-West had the lowest number of homeless persons with 58 adults and 18 dependants.  See Table 2.3 and Figure 2.1. 

Dublin had the highest number of homeless adults at 4,268 while Leitrim had the lowest at 2 homeless adults.  See Map 2.1.

2.3 - SDG 1.4.2 Number of Homeless Persons in December 2019

Percentage of Homeless Persons by Region in December 2019

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