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SDG 1.5.1 Number of Deaths, Missing Persons and Directly Affected Persons Attributed to Disasters, has currently no available national source.

These data are regarded as Tier 2 in the UNSDG Indicators Tier Classification (See Background Notes). Data in Tier 2 indicate data not regularly produced by countries.

The CSO Environment and Climate Division began working with Met Eireann in 2018 on a historical data rescue project of daily meteorological data for Ireland.  The CSO has keyed daily data for around 1880-1959 for seven stations.  The extended daily time series will have many uses including an analysis of exceptional weather events in Ireland e.g. droughts, storms, very wet periods.  In conjunction with this work, CSO Environment and Climate Division has compiled an initial inventory of exceptional events using internet searches and media sources.  This work has been informed through participation in a UNECE Task Force on Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters.  When the inventory has been checked and completed, the next stage will be to attempt to calculate the costs of each event by analysing media and insurance reports.  This bottom-up approach will result in nationally compiled estimates of the financial impact of events caused by exceptional weather patterns. 

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SDG 1.5.2 Direct Economic Loss Attributed to Disasters is currently not reported at national level.

These data are regarded as Tier 2 in the UNSDG Indicators Tier Classification (See Background Notes).  Data in Tier 2 indicate data not regularly produced by countries.

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SDG 1.5.3 Countries that Adopt and Implement National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

Ireland: National Adaptation Framework - Planning for a climate resilient Ireland

The National Adaptation Framework (NAF) sets out the national strategy to reduce the vulnerability of the country to the negative effects of climate change and to avail of positive impacts.

Ireland: Sendai Framework data readiness review report (Preliminary Report)

This report reviews the availability of data in Ireland to report against the indicators recommended to measure the global targets of the Sendai Framework, and identify current gaps.

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On the 19th of January 2018 The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten T.D. published Ireland’s first statutory National Adaptation Framework and announced funding of €10m to establish Local Authority Regional Climate Action Offices, see press release.

Go to next chapter: Financial Support