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Social Security Funds

Social Security Funds

Online ISSN: 2811-6186
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

The social security funds sector (S.1314) comprises central institutional units whose principal activity is to provide social benefits and which fulfil the following two criteria:

(a) by law or by regulation certain groups of the population are obliged to participate in the scheme or to pay contributions; and

(b) general government is responsible for the management of the institution in respect of the settlement or approval of the contributions and benefits independently from its role as a supervisory body or employer.

See Background Notes for more information.

A complete list of the Register is available on the Register of Public Sector Bodies 2023 - Provisional Table 1.1 (XLS 65KB) . Figure 1.1 in the Public Sector chapter displays a breakdown of the Register by subsector.

A CSV file is also available on the Register of Public Sector Bodies 2023 - Provisional Table 1.1 csv file.

Table 5.1 Social Security Funds
Sub SectorType of Funding Entity NameVote Number DepartmentNace Code
S.1314Extra Budgetary Fund Social Insurance Fund  Department of Social ProtectionO8430
S.1314Pension Fund Coillte Pension Fund No. 2  Department of Public Expenditure and ReformO8430
S.1314Pension Fund Eircom Pension Fund No. 2  Department of Public Expenditure and ReformO8430